Top 398 Kicks Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Kicks quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Please, sit down," Sharon said with another hair toss. I made a mental note to practice doing that in a mirror the next time I saw one. it seemed a useful skill, right up there with roundhouse kicks.
I know I can fight. I know I have kicks that can destroy people. Just because I haven't gotten in the ring in my career, that doesn't mean I'm not capable of crushing people.
I would never disrespect any man, woman, chick or child out there. We're all the same. What goes around comes around, and karma kicks us all in the butt in the end of the day.
Love it when a compelling new character kicks open your mental door, tracks mud across your brain, and props their feet up on your cerebrum. — © Don Roff
Love it when a compelling new character kicks open your mental door, tracks mud across your brain, and props their feet up on your cerebrum.
While the invisible hand looks after the private sector, the invisible foot kicks the public sector to pieces.
I was interested in the kicks and the punches. I felt like I could utilize that in my real life, and not just in fake land. I've always done yoga for my breathing, and hiking for my mind, but I was also exercising, at the same time.
Fear shuts off possibilities. The first thing that kicks in when you're reacting with fear... This is what I love about Roosevelt's quote, "There's nothing to fear but fear itself."
Deadpool exploded for the youth around 2010 with 'Marvel vs. Capcom.' He was the most popular character. He does kicks, then mocks you as he hits you and dances around you when you hit the ground.
Cursing is highly effective in person - someone kicks his car in rage, forgetting he's wearing flip-flops, flames pour from his mouth, and it's impressive. But you see it in print, and it's just ugly.
It's not like Mexicans have an illegal immigration organ in their body and at 14 kicks off a hormone and shows them how to come to the United States illegally. It's a question of desperation for a vast majority of them.
I've talked to a lot of artists - painters, writers, musicians - many of whom have had great ideas on trains. The only explanation I have is all that stuff is coming at you while you're relaxed, so somehow it kicks you into hyperspace in terms of brain function.
One of my coaches encouraged me to try it. In the beginning, I didn't want to take any free-kicks but he pushed me to do it. Then I started scoring a few goals and everything changed.
Deals are my art form. Other people paint beautifully on canvas or write wonderful poetry. I like making deals, preferably big deals. That's how I get my kicks.
I never aspired to be in a band, but being onstage is a very cool feeling. It's like you're the lord of the room. It's hard to croon and run around doing big scissor kicks while also trying to play, though. I'm still mastering that.
My training in martial arts was kind of a crash course in how to look like a black belt. I know the moves of a black belt - my kicks, and my stretches, and my punches and all that.
More and more couples are having this negotiation or discussion, but I'm still amazed at the number who aren't and where the cultural norm sort of kicks in and they just assume that mom's got to be the one who stays home, not dad.
Once, I started cheering for the wrong team. I was hot, and I heard 'Touchdown!' and I started doing high kicks, and I looked around and nobody else was cheering. — © Sarah Shahi
Once, I started cheering for the wrong team. I was hot, and I heard 'Touchdown!' and I started doing high kicks, and I looked around and nobody else was cheering.
Ronaldinho and David Beckham, they took free kicks and took them very well, so there are some players I always try to follow and to learn important things from so that I am able to score goals.
'Pumped Up Kicks' is written from the perspective like Truman Capote wrote 'In Cold Blood' or Dostoevsky wrote 'Crime & Punishment.' It's psychologically breaking down someone's state of mind and diving in and walking in their shoes.
I've always been a fan of the Club C sneaker because it's super clean and timeless. It's one of those kicks that's been in the street scene forever - more than 30 years.
I started coming to L.A. as often as I could, for three months on and three months off, because immigration kicks you out after 90 days.
You use to drive me wild, but lately you get your kicks from just knocking me down, down, down.
Aaron Cruden and Beauden Barrett have both been decent, but Dan Carter takes it on to a different level, and he kicks his goals better than both of them.
I've always been a defensive wrestler, but when I go in there in the fights, I get so caught up in trying to knock people's heads off that wrestling goes out the window when you're throwing punches and kicks and stuff.
There are a lot of kicks out there in taekwondo that are flashy, so I like all of those. My favourite is probably chop because I'm better at it than the others. But I like a good back kick if I can nail it well.
Something I have learnt from my past trips is, however tired you are, make sure you make the most of the moment and the place you are in. The regret of missing out on things kicks in later on.
So, yes, 'Codename Baboushka' is all-action and over-the-top, at least by my standards. But it also has a complex, multifaceted protagonist, a deep mystery at its core, and a kind of humanity that, through all the bullets and high-kicks, is really the soul of the book.
When a totally offensive tax hits a few million people, Washington is prepared to look the other way. But when everyone is harmed, self preservation kicks in, and Washington gets going.
I'll watch a highlight tape of my kicks and I'll play a song that I like the night before the game and then I'll sing that song in my head to visually get myself ready and have positive thoughts.
Emotion only lasts in our bodies for about 90 seconds. After that, the physical reaction dissipates, UNLESS our cognitive brain kicks in and starts connecting our anger with past events.
I can't go on flying apart just for those who want the benefit of a few verbal kicks. My God, do you know what poems like that cost? They're not written vicariously: they come out of actual suffering, real madness.
There are people who seem to be on the verge of going either way, and something kicks in to support either the visual or the auditory. Maybe if you are in a rush for success you follow the one that is the most successful, and the other falls to the wayside.
I wrote 'Don't Stop' just like I wrote 'Pumped Up Kicks' - I didn't try to make either a hit. I just wanted to write a song I liked.
I read a lot, and I think it's important to stay current on the new health kicks. Some are out there just to make money, but some are really worth investigating and incorporating into our diets.
As a matter of fact student riots of one sort or another, protests against the order that is, kicks against college and university management indicate a healthy growth and a normal functioning of the academic mind.
Kicking is a weird thing. You can go stretches and stretches of just doing really good, then you could have one or two kicks that can derail you. You've just got to learn to ride the wave.
There's a lot of rage in my head. I like the friction that means there is nothing relaxing about writing a poem. I can't afford to relax in any area of life. You have to keep your senses awake to all the complacency that kicks in - particularly for the English.
Often in Spain you're winning 2-0, there are 15 minutes left, and it's as good as over. You control it, and the tempo drops. In England, that doesn't happen. They put another striker on, long balls into the area, free-kicks, corners. They push you back.
I always back myself as a finisher, but I always practise it as well. Every type of finish: left foot, right foot, headers, penalties, free kicks. — © Harry Kane
I always back myself as a finisher, but I always practise it as well. Every type of finish: left foot, right foot, headers, penalties, free kicks.
I find it quite funny to see players rolling over trying to win free-kicks or get opponents booked. I've never done that, even at an early age. My friends would have just laughed at me.
Part of the problem is that many directors treat female characters too often as precious. Or they want to live in a fantasy world where they just do spinning hook kicks and knock out guys who are six foot four, and that doesn't work either.
You can hit your legs really hard, you can get very, very sore from training and I love that, but, the one I'd feel most on stage is legs. But, the thing that happens is once the adrenalin kicks in, that's the trigger.
If I leave my computer, I'm probably not going to get back for hours. If I take a few minutes to answer questions and go web surfing, then guilt kicks in and I get back to work.
We already know what Leo is capable of and it's a pleasure to see him on a daily basis. The level of effectiveness he has in training and matches is tremendous. He is fundamental in free-kicks, in open play, that's why he's the best player in the world.
Trump is a doer. He is not somebody who pushes paper or kicks the can down the road. He's an accountable - he's a businessman. He's used to accountability, results, delivery, and performance. And I think in this case, he will go ahead and look at alternatives.
Just reflecting on the fact that when the Universe punches you in the teeth, it never just lets you fall down. It kicks you in the ribs a couple of times and dumps mud on your head.
There are a lot of reasons why guys can miss - it isn't always just black and white - but you just have to learn to move on from it. That's just the approach I take. I've missed plenty of kicks before.
You end up taking your sugar with your salt and your kicks with your kisses.
I still get a few dirty looks over the racks in the supermarket, but nobody kicks me in the shins on Water Street. I've made sort of a point, apart from being a social dud, not to fraternize with the people I write about.
They drafted me in the third round to come play receiver, return some kicks and that's my job. The Olympics are behind me and I'm just looking forward to helping the Bills.
We decide on something, leave it lying around, and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don't understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back.
You'll go down a dark road if you just dwell on every time you screw up. We play a very fickle position. If I make nine kicks out of 10, people are going to talk about the one I missed.
Playing chess is more athletic than artistic. Champions are more concerned with victory than beauty: it's war with occasionally graceful kicks. — © Jennifer Shahade
Playing chess is more athletic than artistic. Champions are more concerned with victory than beauty: it's war with occasionally graceful kicks.
[On performing in action movies] I've spent all those years learning how to do certain skills, and then that competitive spirit kicks in and you want to do the stunts. Basically, it's the the male competitive ego at work.
With John Wick we wanted to do something like that. So rather than punching, kicks - and for the kind of way we wanted to shoot it, which is longer takes - our initial instinct was let's go with a throwing or grappling arm.
I'd be lying if I said I never had any issues with players but at some point you have to stamp your authority because if you're good at taking free-kicks, for example, they should let you take them.
I think whenever I've thought something might go well, it hasn't, and when I've thought, 'Oh yeah, just chuck it out there,' that's when it kicks off, so now, I don't claim to understand anything.
I'd like to think that when I sing a song, I can let you know all about the heartbreak, struggle, lies and kicks in the ass I've gotten over the years for being black and everything else, without actually saying a word about it.
Every thought sounds like a footfall, Till a thought like a boot kicks down the wall.
I will be the focal point for however long I decide to play. Half of me likes that idea and half of me doesn't, but once the adrenaline kicks in, I'll probably really enjoy it.
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