Top 1200 Kissing A Girl Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Kissing A Girl quotes.
Last updated on December 21, 2024.
As an audience member, if I go to a film, and I am watching two actors, and they're kissing, and it looks like they don't even want to be kissing, it just takes me out of the film.
He [Stuart Immonen] and I have known each other over email for 18, 19 years or something, so to finally work with him is like kissing the girl that you always wanted to kiss.
Kissing Macaulay Culkin was like kissing a brother. It was really no big deal. — © Anna Chlumsky
Kissing Macaulay Culkin was like kissing a brother. It was really no big deal.
Kissing is not just kissing. It is a major escalation or de-escalation point in a powerful process of mate choice.
Kissing was something I did a lot of. Kissing in a wheat field as the sun begins to set on a summer's evening, with the haze of that light.
I love kissing. If I could kiss all day, I would. I can’t stop thinking about kissing. I like kissing more than sex because there’s no end to it. You can kiss forever. You can kiss yourself into oblivion. You can kiss all over the body. You can kiss yourself to sleep. And when you wake up, you can’t stop thinking about kissing. Dammit, I can’t get anything done because I’m so busy thinking about kissing. Kissing is madness! But it’s absolute paradise, if you can find a good kisser.
The future of our relationship hinged on advice from a fifteen-year old girl, a probably untrue story from a one-eyed Chihuahua trainer, and me unromantically – yet skillfully – kissing you on top of silverware and china?
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.
I hated kissing Zoe Saldana too! I was like, "Take your tongue out of my mouth, please. Your boyfriend is standing right there." Most people think kissing beautiful costars must be great. But it's always awkward, man.
But the two of them together, broke my heart. Olympia and Peter, those scenes... When they're kissing in their 20s and then kissing in their 70s, that's what it is. And they had never met five minutes before they shot those scenes.
Having day dreams, tonguing you down with, uh, vanilla ice cream. Kissing on your thigh in the moon light, searching your body with my tongue girl all night.
Kissing scenes with a boy or a girl, they're awkward. There's nothing sexy about it. There's a lot of people standing around.
Without stopping kissing her, he swept her up into his arms. They stood in the motel lobby kissing until someone called, "Get a room." Donia pulled back and laughed. "That was the plan. They said no.
Someone said to me, "Hey, what's it like kissing Marilyn Monroe?" I said, "It's like kissing Hitler. What are you doing asking me such a stupid question?"
Talking about an X-Men Kissing scene I had to lay down there and think of England as one by one they bring out the girls. It was a very tough morning... After each girl had finished, the crew would hold up scorecards.
Bad girl, drunk by six, kissing someone else's lips. Smoked to many cigarettes today, I'm not happy when I act this way.
There's one thing you're [John Cena] better at than I am, and that's kissing Vince McMahon's ass. You're as good as kissing Vince's ass as Hulk Hogan was.
I'd had a relationship with a French girl, a Japanese girl, an American girl, a Filippina and she was there all the time - a Lancashire girl. I thought: 'It's a Lancashire girl I was looking for. Why didn't I realize it?'
One day, you're talking with Tom Hardy; the next day, you have Nicole Kidman kissing your feet. I never thought I'd be able to say that in my lifetime, Nicole Kidman kissing my feet. It's mad.
Kissing onscreen is the worst thing in the world. I'm OK with lovemaking scenes, but I hate kissing. — © Bipasha Basu
Kissing onscreen is the worst thing in the world. I'm OK with lovemaking scenes, but I hate kissing.
I never said I didn't like kissing you. The problem is too many guys have like kissing you." - Erik Night to Zoey Redbird (Ch 26)
All my life I've been lonely. I've been lonely at crowded parties. I've been lonely in the middle of kissing a girl and I've been lonely at camp with hundreds of fellows around. But now I'm not lonely any more.
You can’t blame a fella for kissing the prettiest girl in New York, can you, sister?” Sam’s grin was anything but apologetic. Evie brought up her knee quickly and decisively, and he dropped to the floor like a grain sack. “You can’t blame a girl for her quick reflexes now, can you, pal?
My girl mates are my minders. They stop people kissing me in clubs.
...'Goose girl, may I kiss you?' She answered by... kissing him first.
I had kissed a girl in the second season of 'Community,' but that was my first time kissing a girl ever, and I was so nervous, I almost knocked Brit Marling's teeth out.
There are two things that are more difficult than making an after-dinner speech: climbing a wall which is leaning toward you and kissing a girl who is leaning away from you.
On kissing Marilyn Monroe: It's like kissing Hitler.
You will not! It's wrong." "What, kissing you, or kissing you in Pies and Stuff?
In life,there are only four kinds of girls: The girl who played with fire. The girl who opened Pandora's Box. The girl who gave Adam the apple. And the girl whose best friend stole her boyfriend.
I don't like kissing on camera. It's bad enough to be caught kissing by your parents. But when you have a whole crew watching you, it's a little weird.
I really don't care if Stephanie enjoys kissing Kurt Angle. Or if Kurt Angle enjoys kissing Stephanie. Or hell, if Kurt Angle enjoys kissing Triple H! Cause as far as I'm concerned all three of you can kiss my ass!
I want a girl who lets me do my own thing, but who is going to be by my side the whole time, because I know I'd be supportive of her. And kissing is a big thing for me! You have to be a good kisser.
I've never been that comfortable with the acting thing. It's difficult for me to separate what's really going on. If there's kissing, that's kissing. I'm not acting; I don't know how.
They say a tie is like kissing your sister. I guess that is better than kissing your brother.
I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.
There was French kissing, and then there was Cajun French kissing. Spicier, harder, wilder.
Just once, I'd like to find a boy. And I like him and he likes me. And we have a laugh and the kissing's really good and there's no-one getting in the way of the laughing and the kissing. Is that too much to ask?
I once threw a water balloon on a girl because I caught her cheating on me. She was kissing my friend and I thought, 'Oh, this can't be happening.' It was bad and I was much older than you think throwing a water balloon. I was 14.
The only thing about kissing anyone on screen is that forced intimacy is never pleasant. If you don't want to be kissing someone, it's hard to get over that barrier, and so there's a reluctance to be that close to someone.
There was such an incredible logic to kissing, such a metal-to-magnet pull between two people that it was a wonder that they found the strength to prevent themselves from succumbing every second. Rightfully, the world should be a whirlpool of kissing into which we sank and never found the strength to rise up again.
When you're kissing on camera, it becomes an issue visually. It looks like a skinny dinosaur creature is trying to kiss someone. It doesn't look good. It does not look like the classic romance kisses. If an actress is 5'3" and I don't bend down to kiss her, she would probably be kissing my lower sternum.
Guys ask me, don't I get burned out? How can you get burned out doing something you love? I ask you, have you ever got tired of kissing a pretty girl? — © Tommy Lasorda
Guys ask me, don't I get burned out? How can you get burned out doing something you love? I ask you, have you ever got tired of kissing a pretty girl?
I have kissed in almost all the films except in 'Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai.' I'm not sure if my kissing on screen has anything to do with the success of a film, but producers make sure to put a kissing scene or two. They feel my kissing scenes are my lucky streak.
Alec licked his spoon, then set it on the table and popped his drink open. "Okay, I may be breaking some kind of girl bonding rule or something, but can I offer you a guy's perspective on this?" I frowned, my spoon halfway to my mouth. "Is this gonna make me want to hit you?" He shrugged. "Maybe. But it's the truth. Here goes: kissing back is an instinct. Unless the girl smells like a sewer or has tentacles feeling you up independently, a guy's first instinct is to kiss back. That's how it works. What's important is how long that kissing back lasted. long?
Never delay kissing a pretty girl or opening a bottle of whiskey
Okay, this was kissing. Serious kissing. Not just a kiss before moving out, not a good-bye, this was Hello, sexy, and wow, she’d never even suspected that it could feel this way.
I'd had a relationship with a French girl, a Japanese girl, an American girl, a Filippina and she was there all the time - a Lancashire girl. I thought: 'It's a Lancashire girl I was looking for. Why didn't I realize it?
I've always been down to try out new things, but I was more of a jeans girl at age 17. I didn't want to show my legs. Now, I'm a dress-shirt girl, a shorts girl, a jeans girl, an overalls girl - I'll wear anything!
Is French kissing in France just called kissing?
My grandma has never been impressed with the TV show [Desperate Housewives]. She was so angry because I was on television kissing a boy naked; she's very traditional. She said: "If I ever see you kissing that boy again...".
Kissing - and I mean like, yummy, smacking kissing - is the most delicious, most beautiful and passionate thing that two people can do, bar none. Better than sex, hands down.
I believe in kissing, kissing a lot.
If a tie is like kissing your sister, losing is like kissing you grandmother with her teeth out.
For a moment this good time would never end You and me Just wasting time I was kissing you You were kissing me love From good day into a moonlight
I woke up this morning,” Gabriel said, “thinking of nothing more than rolling over and pulling you into my arms and kissing you again. Kissing: only kissing. As if I were a green boy of fourteen. In case you don’t realize it, Kate, kissing is not a man’s usual inclination in the morning.
Sometimes kissing is better than sex. Especially kissing someone for the first time — © Bert McCracken
Sometimes kissing is better than sex. Especially kissing someone for the first time
I was making love to a man, a man I hardly even know. He was kissing the face off me and I was kissing the face off him. And I found it highly satisfactory.
I feel much safer with girls, so I felt more comfortable kissing her in the movie than kissing any of the other people that I had to kiss.
No, the last thing she cared about was whether people were staring at the boy and girl kissing by the river, as London, it's cities and towers and churches and bridges and streets, circled all about them like the memory of a dream. And if the Thames that ran beside them, sure and silver in the afternoon light, recalled a night long ago when the moon shone as brightly as a shilling on this same boy and girl, or if the stones of Blackfriars knew the tread of their feet and thought to themselves: At last, the wheel comes to a full circle, they kept their silence.
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