Top 1200 Large Things Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Large Things quotes.
Last updated on October 12, 2024.
Perhaps it's my natural pessimism, but it seems that an awfully large part of travel these days is to see things while you still can.
To my knowledge, the Department of Homeland Security has focused on detection devices that are large, expensive, use a large amount of energy, and cannot easily be placed in or on a shipping container.
Neglecting small things under the pretext of wanting to accomplish large ones is the excuse of a coward. — © Alexandra David-Neel
Neglecting small things under the pretext of wanting to accomplish large ones is the excuse of a coward.
Large corporate entities are more untrusted than trusted. And they've earned that by the way they've done things.
My wife and I are living large in our beloved Miami and I'm working on the things that are important to me.
The cost of building large airships can be prohibitive. The entry barrier is considerable and could be a show-stopper for large-scale projects.
What we're going to see is the emergence of the lone wolf rather than the planning of large numbers of people to carry out large attacks...Explosives are getting more sophisticated.
I was looking in the mirror today and my waist is still 28 inches. I think it's all because I have a large bosom and a large ass. I have a large ass and it always just looks like I'm bigger than the rest of the girls. I could lose 20 pounds and I'm still going to have these knockers and I'm going to have this ass, and that's just the way it is.
One problem with people is that as soon as they fill a space it's them you see and not the space. Large, desolate landscapes stop being large, desolate landscapes once they have people in them. They define what the eye sees. And the human eye is almost always directed at other humans. In this way an illusion is created that humans are more important than those things on earth which are not human. It's a sick illusion.
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have sparked a booming industry of so-called influencers - people with large-scale followings who are paid considerable sums by large companies to tout their products or ideas.
I feel these days like a very large flamingo. No matter what way I turn, there is always a very large bill.
A great advantage of a large corporation is supposed to be the large pool of talent in which its leaders can find and groom high achievers and successors.
A large retinue upon a small income, like a large cascade upon a small stream, tends to discover its tenuity. — © William Shenstone
A large retinue upon a small income, like a large cascade upon a small stream, tends to discover its tenuity.
Anybody who's ever been in a large organization realizes that 'optimizing' is not a word that would often be used to describe any large organization. The reason is that it's full of people, who are complicated.
I would love Giuliana small, medium, large or extra large and I will love her no matter how much weight she gained.
I don't have lots of things in the background. I do like large faces, I find them strong and contemporary.
It would take an extremely large spacecraft to deflect a large asteroid that would be headed directly for the Earth.
The major studios are by and large banks, and they give you what is by and large a loan to make a movie. Like banks, they want their money back plus.
Anything large enough for a wish to light upon, is large enough to hang a prayer upon.
I loved doing 'Rock of Ages' in N.Y. and that, but its such a large scale, and so many things go into it.
The close relationship between politics and economics is neither neutral nor coincidental. Large governments evolve through history in order to protect large accumulations of property and wealth.
Large organizations cannot be versatile. A large organization is effective through its mass rather than through its agility. Fleas can jump many times their own height, but not an elephant.
If you have a large number of unrelated ideas, you have to get quite a distance away from them to get a view of all of them, and this is the role of abstraction. If you look at each too closely you see too many details. If you get far away things may appear simpler because you can only see the large, broad outlines; you do not get lost in petty details.
Ours is a world which feels so unsettled and dangerous in large ways, whether it's terrorism or global financial meltdown or climate change - huge things that affect us deeply, and yet things about which we can do, individually, very little.
I cant look at things in the simple, large way that great poets do.
We need to confront honestly the issue of scale... You may need a large corporation to run an airline or to manufacture cars, but you don't need a large corporation to raise a chicken or a hog. You don't need a large corporation to process local food or local timber and market it locally.
The superfluous blossoms on a fruit tree are meant to symbolize the large way God loves to do pleasant things.
It seems unwise to allocate a large portion of investable capital to any one deep value opportunity, even if the latter promises a large expected return.
The very large units of production and exchange have access to credit on a large scale, sometimes without any cover at all, merely upon the prospect of their success, and always upon terms far easier than are open to their smaller rivals. It is perhaps on this line of easier credit that large capital today does most harm to small capital, drives it out and ruins it.
I do not understand modern physics at all, but my colleagues who know a lot about the physics of very small things, like the particles in atoms, or very large things, like the universe, seem to be running into one queerness after another, from puzzle to puzzle.
We can offer up much in the large, but to make sacrifices in little things is what we are seldom equal to.
My main argument is that environmental destruction comes when people externalise their costs and pass them on to future generations. That is obviously something that large enterprises do and they become large by doing it.
Farmers in America ... are pretty large in general. Their farms are also large. But farmers in the rest of the world are quite skinny, and that's because they're starving.
We're allowed to explore the world at large on these things; the urban-legend aspect of it is just kind of an excuse.
People, like large groups of people are stupid. Individuals are smart and can deal with things and can make things last and work, but when people get together in big crowds they're stupid. They turn into sheep, then you have major situations.
I travel the garden of music, thru inspiration. It's a large, very large garden, seen?
The trick is, a market has to be nonexistent when you start. If the market is large early on, you will have too many competitors. You have to make it large.
When you make such a large withdrawal of happiness, somewhere you'll have to make an equally large deposit. It all goes back to the universal law of equilibrium. — © Gayle Forman
When you make such a large withdrawal of happiness, somewhere you'll have to make an equally large deposit. It all goes back to the universal law of equilibrium.
I was less successful in my attempts to effect preventive vaccination against typhus by using the virus and in trying to produce large quantities of serum using large animals.
Usually when painters use photographs, they enlarge and copy them and simply make a large, boring painting of a large, boring photograph.
One cannot have too large a party. A large party secures its own amusement.
I have had this view of the optimization of the electrode design for a long time. Historically we went through various phases in the work and eventually worked on large sheets - very large sheets - of palladium.
Obstacles will look large or small to you according to whether you are large or small.
Watch out, I have a large, very large fur, with which I could cover you up entirely, and I have a mind to catch you in it as in a net.
Ours is a world which feels so unsettled and dangerous in large ways, whether its terrorism or global financial meltdown or climate change - huge things that affect us deeply, and yet things about which we can do, individually, very little.
If you do not look at things on a large scale, it will be difficult to master strategy.
If you want to be a person with a large vision, you must cultivate the habit of doing the little things well.
My mother had a slender, small body, but a large heart-a heart so large that everybody's joys found welcome in it, and hospitable accommodation. — © Mark Twain
My mother had a slender, small body, but a large heart-a heart so large that everybody's joys found welcome in it, and hospitable accommodation.
I was less successful in my attempts to effect preventive vaccination against typhus by using the virus and in trying to produce large quantities of serum using large animals
I see my large nose, like half an avocado. I broke it falling downstairs when I was six, and it now resembles a large blob of play-dough.
It should be remembered that the president cannot, by executive order, do things that affects the public at large unless there is some Congressional basis for it.
New York is large, glamorous, easy-going, kindly and incurious, but above all it is a crucible - because it is large enough to be incurious.
Small things done consistently, though undramatic, yield more than the large and sporadic.
I draw the line at some things. Some things I won't do for any amount of money. Like for instance, there's a couple of CEOs of very large corporations that offered me lots of money to do special pictures for them. And I just refused to do that. Even if it was a million dollars I wouldn't do it.
Not that I dislike McDonalds, but things must be pretty bad in Moscow if people are willing to wait three hours for large fries.
I do like large entrances, but this was a little too large.
The sober comfort, all the peace which springs from the large aggregate of little things.
I have a surprisingly large appetite anyway and I don't drive, I walk everywhere, I don't sit down at the moment and I pace the hallway when I'm on the phone. I think that if I didn't eat large amounts of carbs and cheese I would wither away into a husk.
Opera happens because a large number of things amazingly fail to go wrong.
In a word, literature is my Utopia. Here I am not disfranchised. No barrier of the senses shuts me out from the sweet, gracious discourse of my book-friends. They talk to me without embarrassment or awkwardness. The things I have learned and the things I have been taught seem of ridiculously little importance compared with their "large loves and heavenly charities.
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