Top 1200 Last Year Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Last Year quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I am impressed by the progress the RNC has made in the last year to engage Latino communities across the country. I look forward to continue working alongside Chairman Priebus and Co-Chair Day to ensure that the party's year-round engagement effort continues to grow and reach new Latino neighborhoods.
A one-year budget doesn't mean the government won't last, and a two-year budget doesn't mean it will.
You don't have the game you played last year or last week. You only have today's game. It may be far from your best, but that's all you've got. Harden your heart and make the best of it.
Last year I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. — © Sally Field
Last year I was diagnosed with osteoporosis.
I don't look at my old work. I mean, they made nice books; the books were made without me, the one from last year and the one from this year. I - personally, I'm not interested in my own past. I'm only interested in today - perhaps tomorrow.
It's kind of like a revenge thing. Yeah, we beat them twice in a row, but they beat us last. We want to get that back. It worked out perfectly with this being the last game of the year. I think it will be a great game.
I think it's important to say typing in the computer is like the last, last phase of my writing process. That's kind of the fun part. Well, it's all somewhat fun, I suppose. But usually what happens is I think about a movie for at least a year - maybe a couple more - and I don't put anything down.
Hey. Pain can last a moment, it can last a day, it can last a week, it can last a long..long time, but it can't last forever and the only thing that can last forever is if you quit.
I had the experience last year of directing my first feature while I had a 1-year-old son and while I was also pregnant, so I am now well aware of the difficulties women who are rearing children face when they're also trying to make headway in mainstream of film.
I'm gonna make sure everybody get their justice. This the year for business, this the year for my book, this the year for the movie and this the year for getting even. I'm on my way.
The first outbreak of America's 11-year skyjacking epidemic occurred in the summer of 1961, when four planes were seized in the nation's airspace. The last of these incidents, involving 16-year-old Cody Bearden and his father, Leon, is the one that finally forced the federal government to pay attention to the escalating crisis.
Other than that one year, Salon has been very cautious about the way it spends money. For instance, since last year, we've had virtually no marketing budget. It's just word of mouth. And our circulation continues to grow that way by breaking news stories.
I went to UCF in Florida in Orlando. I went for advertising and public relations. I moved out to California my senior year because I knew I wanted to be an actor, but I also wanted to finish school and get my degree. I took mainly a bunch of criminal justice courses online for the last year because that's all that they offered.
This will be my last year, Lord. I have gotten what I can. Thank You.
Since you control a federal budget that has just been increased from $17.8 billion last year to $19.2 billion this year, is asking people like you if we should continue with our nation's current drug policy like a person asking a barber if one needs a haircut?
You kind of look at the timeline of what has happened to me and with having a pretty good rookie year and the second year getting the injury and Kurt Warner played himself into the Hall of Fame in the last 3 years. There's not a lot I can do about that. I battled with a Hall of Famer two training camps in a row.
And if I fight, then for what?""For nothing easy or sweet, and I told you that last year and the year before that. For your own challenge, for your own mistakes and the punishment for them, for your own definition of love and of sanity - a good strong self with which to begin to live.
After three League games, we have the same number of points as last year even if we have played two away games this time round, ... As we got back on the right track last season, including making up an eight-point gap in a few games, we just need to stay calm.
Ray Rice was beat up last year — © Phil Simms
Ray Rice was beat up last year
When I was 18 it was my last season in Milan. I was 18 turning 19 and it was my last season in Milan and I knew that that year was very important for me. A lot of scouts were coming to every game.
When I went into the computer shop to change my last laptop, the 19-year-old kid behind the counter looked at my six-year-old model and described it as 'vintage.' 'Vintage?' I wanted to scream. 'Son, I've got shirts older than you! I own underpants that have seen more of the world!'
Everything that happened last year stays in the past.
The last man to try to run for president advocating a tax increase was Walter Mondale. He lost 49 states in 1984, and the "I'll raise your taxes" reputation haunted him all the way to Minnesota last year, where he lost his 50th state in the Senate election.
I wanted to just come out and continue to improve my game, continue to improve my mental capacity to play well in tournaments. I've had a slow year compared to last year, but I've been pleased because I felt like I was getting better.
I turned 65 last year, and each year I get more and more interested in human health. For most people it happens around age 50, but I've always been a slow learner. It's critical in terms of the cost of health care.
I hope that people like us next year like they liked us last year.
I got wrecked by a dirty driver. There's no other way of putting it. He's cool with that. I have raced him really cool over the last year to be respectful to him and try to repair our relationship. It is not going to last, I can tell you that. Now we’ve got war.
I have to take the positives from 2012 and the negatives as well because you learn more than you do from the positives. It has been a great season last year, a lot of learning, and now it's another approach. The way I will approach this year is totally different, so we are ready to fight for it.
The Chinese tell time by 'The Year of the Horse' or 'The Year of the Dragon.' I tell time by 'The Year of the Back' and 'The Year of the Elbow.' This year it's 'The Year of the Ulnar Nerve.' Someone once asked me if I had any physical incapacities of my own. 'Sure I do,' I said. 'One big one - Jim Palmer.'
It's but little good you'll do a-watering the last year's crops
At last I saw Christ as my Saviour. I believed in Him and gave myself to Him. The burden rolled from off me, and a great love for Christ filled my soul. That was more than fifty years ago. I loved Jesus Christ then, but I loved Him more the year after, and more the year after that, and more every year since.
I shall last a year, and but little longer: we must think to do good work in that year. Four things are laid upon me: to drive out the English; to bring you to be crowned and anointed at Reims; to rescue the Duke of Orléans from the hands of the English; and to raise the siege of Orléans.
It started last year, during the summer. I went to the doctor and they found out it was kidney stones, so they had surgery done to help get those out and to pass them... More just kept coming in. So I had all together before the last show... I had like five surgeries.
Last year, I was proud to be an original co-sponsor of legislation that would increase federal judges' salaries by more than 40 percent. It also built in a cost of living adjustment, so the Judicial Branch would not be dependent on the Legislative Branch for increases each year.
It will be my birthday on Tuesday. Last year, I reached the painful conclusion that there wasn't enough time left to read every book ever written. This year, my gloomy realisation is even more painful - I will not be able to correct everyone's mistakes before I depart.
My last year with the Spurs, I was late to practice one time.
It meant a lot because it was my first time to compete as a senior at that meet, which was kind of weird because I've done senior all year, but I didn't get to compete last year because of my elbow.
Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile.
It's enough for you to do it once for a few men to remember you. But if you do it year after year, then many people remember you and they tell it to their children, and their children and grandchildren remember and, if it concerns books, they can read them. And if it's good enough, it will last as long as there are human beings.
And clay-caked clothes are so last year. — © Maria V. Snyder
And clay-caked clothes are so last year.
It's not as bad as it was last year. It feels good today.
You always want to do better than last year.
It is folly to shiver over last year's snow.
You need to know that a member of Congress who refuses to allow the minimum wage to come up for a vote made more money during last year's one-month government shutdown than a minimum wage worker makes in an entire year.
At Boston University, I motivated negatively, and I found that although it can work at first, by the end of the year everyone is dying for the year to end and you have lost them. The last two years at BU, I motivated positively and got much better results.
The kingdoms represented by the second and third Beasts, or the Bear and Leopard, are again described by Daniel in his last Prophecy written in the third year of Cyrus over Babylon , the year in which he conquered Persia. For this Prophecy is a commentary upon the Vision of the Ram and He-Goat.
Larry Moffett is 6' 3". Last year he was 6" 6".
If you take away the last few years, from my last year in Washington, and you think about my career, there was nothing but hard work. I was in the gym three or four times a day, working on my skills. If we lost a game, and I thought I played bad, I'm staying in the gym to keep shooting. That's what I did. That's what I was known for: I was a gym rat.
Unlike last year, we're not just happy to be here in the Finals
As we get older we do not get any younger. Seasons return, and today I am fifty-five, And this time last year I was fifty-four, And this time next year I shall be sixty-two.
Last year my wife got a Rolls-Royce.
I read 'Y: The Last Man' once a year.
I did my last year of high school as an exchange student. I lived south of the Atlanta, in a quite strange place - real southern. I formed my first band that year and we just started playing my songs live. It was way in for me to get to know people and to really feel at home there - through music.
In the last 15 years, only 500,000 jobs have been created per year. So from a long time ago, every year 700,000 Mexicans have only three routes to take: migration, the informal economy and the path to antisocial behavior.
For the last year, I had to get out of my bubble. — © Tony Sunshine
For the last year, I had to get out of my bubble.
I was asked this morning if it was frustrating to be 13-1 last year and not have more recognition and I said, "Hey man, I'd take that every year. I'd take that kind of frustration and not worry about it one bit. It wasn't frustration, it was one of those great runs and I enjoyed it."
I'm trying to get the record that I made at my birthday party last year, trying to get that out, and the lawyers are diddling around with it and it probably won't be out until next year. I don't know.
We wouldn't last a year on the road playing music that we didn't love.
President Bush earned $400,000 for his job as president last year. That's not really that much for being president when you think about it. But President Bush, he doesn't do it for the money, he does it for the eight months of vacation every year.
At last, after completing year 12, I failed the great final examination, repeated the following year and failed again even more dismally than before. This was not an easy thing to do. My mates did the simple thing in the first place and mainly passed with honours and went on to have remarkably successful lives.
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