Top 1200 Late Twenties Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Late Twenties quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I finally made friends with my father when I entered my twenties. We had so little in common when I was a boy, and I am certain I had been a disappointment to him. He did not ask for a child with a book, off in its own world. He wanted a son who did what he had done; swam and boxed and played rugby, and drove cars at speed with abandon and joy, but that was not what he wound up with.
The older you get, the fewer things it seems too late to do.
Everybody, soon or late, sits down to a banquet of consequences. — © Robert Louis Stevenson
Everybody, soon or late, sits down to a banquet of consequences.
Sorry we’re late,” Jason said. “Is this the guy who needs killing?
I left school, and I went to work in a computer company. I was in my late teens.
Let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.
Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.
Mexico has experimented with political change since the late 1980s.
My parents came over from Barbados in the late 1950s and early '60s.
It's a principle of mine to come into the story as late as possible, and to tell it as fast as you can.
Having spent all of my teens and my twenties partying hard (very hard) then working the next day, I can assure you that losing bit of sleep to feed the thing you love most in the world is not a chore at all. Since having a baby I am better rested than ever. Sure, I can't party any more but I don't need to. Because I am happy.
You know it's never too late to shoot for the stars regardless of who you are
It is never too late, no matter how old you get because anytime or any point in your life you can always have a chance to make a difference. You can always make a change for the better no matter what background you derived from. You can always do your best and be all that you can be because you will always be uniquely you. It is why it is always wise to listen to your eternal heart, your eternal instincts, and what it had always strove for and/or to do because really anybody can make a difference not only in their own lives but in the lives of others. It is never too late to shine; never.
I'm kind of new to Twitter. I'm about one year in, so I'm a little late to the party. — © Josh Charles
I'm kind of new to Twitter. I'm about one year in, so I'm a little late to the party.
It is very unhappy, but too late to be helped, the discovery we have made, that we exist
It's never too late for those whose time has come.
When I was in my early twenties, parts would be written for women in their fifties, and I would get them. And now I'm in my early thirties, and I'm like, 'Why did that 24-year-old get that part?' I was that 24-year-old once. I can't be upset about it; it's the way things are.
We have learnt, rather too late, that action comes, not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.
I usually go to bed pretty late but sleep a full cycle (8 hours).
You shall learn, though late, the lesson of how to be discreet.
As a teenager and into my early twenties I lived in a geodesic dome on a mountain. No running water, no phone, real rustic. I loved it. One night, there by myself, I was terrified. I was up in the loft trying to sleep but I couldn't because I was so scared to be that alone. I knew I'd never lose my fear if I didn't address it so I went outside in my undies and waited for the darkness to come and kill me. But it didn't. It was beautiful and calm and even kind. I went back to bed eventually.
Our goal is to play into late June and don't take the process for granted.
Success is becoming in middle adulthood what you dreamed to be in late childhood.
I can not cook and come back at late hours after work.
In the late 1950s, the woman's place in society was second-class.
It was still quite late when I got married, 30s, I don't know.
Late have I loved Thee, O Lord; and behold, Thou wast within and I without, and there I sought Thee. Thou was with me when I was not with Thee. Thou didst call, and cry, and burst my deafness. Thou didst gleam, and glow, and dispell my blindness. Thou didst touch me, and I burned for Thy peace. For Thyself Thou hast made us, and restless our hearts until in Thee they find their ease. Late have I loved Thee, Thou Beauty ever old and ever new. Thou hast burst my bonds asunder; unto Thee will I offer up an offering of praise.
You can't cure your own cancer, obviously, especially if it's late stage.
I realized late in life that my twin passions are music and people.
I would like to work with Jack Nicholson, before it's too late.
I grew up in Indiana. I'm a late bloomer, very naive.
Whether I retire to bed early or late, I rise with the sun.
During childbearing years, changing jobs - even for a fundamentally better gig - can be a very bad idea. Those prime childbearing years - mid-twenties to early forties - overlap precisely with prime professional years. This is when employees are most attractive to new employers, when they should be able to zip up ladders with the most alacrity.
The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
I kind of feel stuck in the late-Sixties and early-Seventies.
If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late.
Historians differ on when the consumer culture came to dominate American culture. Some say it was in the twenties, when advertising became a major industry and the middle class bought radios to hear the ads and cars to get to the stores. ... But there is no question that the consumer culture had begun to crowd out all other cultural possibilities by the years following World War II.
I love the U.S. We came the first time in 2003, and it seems like we haven't left since. James Iha from The Smashing Pumpkins came to Stockholm to see one of our shows, and he really fell in love with the band. He said, "I'm going to take you to America, I'm going to release you on my label." When you're in your early twenties and you get that kind of opportunity, you just gotta roll with it.
Players who are late say that their time is more important than the team. — © Don Meyer
Players who are late say that their time is more important than the team.
We carry adolescence around in our bodies all our lives. We get through the Car Crash Age alive and cruise through our early twenties as cool dudes, wily, dashing, winsome . . . shooting baskets, the breeze, the moon, and then we try to become caring men, good husbands, great fathers, good citizens.
I can never be on time for anything. I'm always 10 or 15 minutes late.
Those glories come too late That on our ashes wait.
I am an avid reader of comics, though I came to them late.
Preferred three hours quicker over one moment late.
Wherever I travel I'm too late. The orgy has moved elsewhere.
I know I'm probably much too late to try and apologize for my mistakes.
Happy is what you realize you are a fraction of a second before it's too late.
Michael Bohn provides a rare opportunity to experience the American sporting scene in the Roaring Twenties. A constant stream of legendary characters marches across these pages. You’ll meet them all: The Babe, The Four Horsemen, The Manassa Manassas Mauler, The Wheaton Iceman, Bill Tilden, Gertrude Ederle, and Grantland Rice, the sportswriter whose purple prose made them all come alive.
I have of late--but wherefore I know not--lost all my mirth,
forgone all custom of exercise. — © William Shakespeare
I have of late--but wherefore I know not--lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercise.
I didn't own a cell phone for a long time. I was late in the game on that.
Measure me while I live - after it will be too late.
I am haunted by what my life would have been had I not had the courage in my early twenties to leave Pittsburgh for New York City and really commit to being a writer. Pittsburgh is both post-industrial and provincial, and the opportunities there are limited. It would have been quite easy to simply drift through life.
It wasn't until the late '70s that a lot of people knew me.
Live every second, Here and now . Don't let go, Before it's to late
Death is fortunate for the child, bitter to the youth, too late to the old.
I was actually late to the punk movement because I was too young.
What we do have is nothin' but time. Welcome to the Shawshank Redemption of late night!
I was definitely a late bloomer and didn't really come into my own until I was probably in my 20s.
When Peyton played, he was a grinder. I mean he was up early and late.
It is too late to start For destinations not of the heart . I must stay here with my hurt.
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