Top 1200 Latina Women Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Latina Women quotes.
Last updated on December 11, 2024.
We won with everything! We won with women! I love the women! We won with evangelicals. Like, unbelievable.
The bottom line on the Hyde Amendment is that it is directly, in effect, targeting poor women and women who don't have money.
I feel sorry for men. They have more problems than women, because they now have to compete with women. — © Francoise Sagan
I feel sorry for men. They have more problems than women, because they now have to compete with women.
Part of being an adult is treating women like women.
I just think we tear down women in this country for all these superficial reasons, and women are so great and strong.
It's mainly a few elite women who benefit greatly from standing with the forces that keep women down.
It has always been important for women to empower other women.
I looked around and couldn't believe no one has written a show about women and eating. It's the biggest issue women have.
It's so important for women to create images of women - or any group, at that.
The women's movement. . . has proved women's own worst enemy.
Most women do not want to be liberated from their essential natures as women.
I go out with white women. This makes a lot of people unhappy, mostly black women.
Women earn less than men because they are women. — © David J
Women earn less than men because they are women.
If women had power, what would men be but women who can't bear children? And what would women be but men who can?" "Hah!" went Tenar; and presently, with some cunning, she said, "Haven't there been queens? Weren't they women of power?" "A queen's only a she-king," said Ged. She snorted. "I mean, men give her power. They let her use their power. But it isn't hers, is it? It isn't because she's a woman that she's powerful, but despite it.
Women are happy to possess a man whom all women covet.
Acts perpetrated by women, particularly attractive women, get far more media attention.
More women have to be in charge of studios, so that they can greenlight films with women.
I love women, I always liked women - no secret about that.
More women are becoming the men they wanted to marry, but too few men are becoming the women they wanted to marry. That leaves most women with two jobs, one outside the home and one in it.
People want to put women in one box, and Im interested in how women can be everything at once.
I am passionate about women's empowerment and women's ways.
The worst way of oppression involve exploitation of children, preying on vulnerability, denying others the right to live safely, and denying people of their right to education. Two-thirds of the world's illiterate are women. Sixty-six percent of countries have no laws to protect women from domestic abuse, and battery is the largest cause of injury to women in America.
Women have face-lifts in a society in which women without them appear to vanish from sight.
It is the plain women who know about love; the beautiful women are too busy being fascinating.
I do think women can have it all - but not all women. If you take daring steps and are smart about it, you can probably have it all. But you might have to wait a while.
Women are still not reaching the most senior levels of corporations. This is not the shortcoming of women. We're talented and smart.
Women have no sympathy and my experience of women is almost as large as Europe.
There's a lot of pressure on women to look in a certain way. It's not easy to live in a world that objectifies women.
As it has turned out, the whole relationship between men, women and children has tilted, to the disadvantage of women.
My nana was always a widow as long as I was alive; my grandfather died before I was born. All the women on my street - there were four houses in a row with all old women who lived alone who were widowed. They all had kids, but they were all widowed. My mom didn't put me in preschool; I didn't know that was a thing. I just hung out with these women all day.
We think it is in our nation's interest that Afghan women - or any women around the world - not suffer.
I remember being in Japan when Destiny's Child put out 'Independent Women,' and women there were saying how proud they were to have their own jobs, their own independent thinking, their own goals. It made me feel so good, and I realized that one of my responsibilities was to inspire women in a deeper way.
Women have to be the biggest champions in the world of other women's choices.
Women who love only women may have a good point.
Both men and women are fallible. The difference is, women know it.
Because of the men in charge of this system, they've created this caste system for women that gives some of the women in higher places a false sense of authority. You have women who are able to just look at other women and from the color of the clothes they are wearing and they can know how they're supposed to interact with each other. It's a really horrible thing but genius in a way to pit them against each other because once you are, there is no community anymore. There is just people trying to keep each other down.
There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women.
I've often observed that women can be the weakest link in women's rights. — © Jean Sasson
I've often observed that women can be the weakest link in women's rights.
Like so many women, especially military women, I waited to have children.
Wealthy women have rights in every country. And poor women don't.
My husband has an outstanding record in promoting opportunity for women and the women that he surrounds himself in his staff and the women that he has promoted throughout his career. He's the father of three daughters. He's obviously a husband who's been very supportive of a very active wife with her own career.
Women have traditionally been either put on pedestals or damned as the source of all sexual temptation and sin. These are two sides of the same coin, since both place women in a nonhuman role. Playboy has opposed these warped sexual values and, in so doing, helped women step down from their pedestals and enjoy their natural sexuality as much as men.
Most of the network television audience now is primarily women, but I think that's because the shows are developed to appeal to women. I don't know that there are too many shows that appeal to guys anymore. I'm not sure why that is, but I think that it may have something to do with the fact that most development staffs are women.
Women who are stunningly beautiful are women who... love truly and honestly without demanding that they be loved in return.
Speak no evil of women; I tell thee the meanest of them deserves respect; for of women do we not all come?
I wish that Bollywood weren't so youth and beauty obsessed when it comes to women. I think it is very 'under representative' of women in their 30s.
Don't let the myths make you believe that women don't support other women.
Women have more rights, and women do have their own power in the world. — © Patricia Arquette
Women have more rights, and women do have their own power in the world.
We've demonstrated in modern countries or industrialized countries that women can do what men can do, but we have not demonstrated that men can do what women can do therefore children are still mostly raised, hugely mostly raised by women and women in industrialized modern countries end up having two jobs one outside the home and one inside the home.
Men realize that they have work to do, to pull up women and take ownership on where we are as a society, and that they have work to do to help their female relatives and friends - to give a voice to women, not in a patriarchal way, but in a supportive way. It is all of our jobs to make sure that women's rights are human rights, and that they do have a place at the table, and we all push toward equality.
Women and girls can do whatever they want. There is no limit to what we as women can accomplish.
Crying is for plain women. Pretty women go shopping.
The best thing women in tech can do is to invest in other women. is not only the general principles of justice that are infringed, or at least set aside, by the exclusion of women, merely as women, from any share in the representation; that exclusion is also repugnant to the particular principles of the British Constitution. It violates one of the oldest of our constitutional maxims...that taxation and representation should be co-extensive. Do not women pay taxes?
I grew up with all mothers, all women. I come from a long line of matriarchs, very strong women.
When we talk about women's economic empowerment, we should be careful that we're not just giving women more to do.
... the socialization of boys regarding masculinity is often at the expense of women. I came to realize that we don't raise boys to be men, we raise them not be women (or gay men). We teach boys that girls and women are "less than" and that leads to violence by some and silence by many. It's important for men to stand up to not only stop men's violence against women but, to teach young men a broader definition of masculinity that includes being empathetic, loving and non-violent.
We need to celebrate stories by women, for women, as just one more way to redress gender injustice.
All the older men are going for younger women, leaving the women with no one.
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