Top 1200 Leaders Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Leaders quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
We need to be clear when we venerate entrepreneurs what we are venerating. They are not moral leaders. If they were moral leaders, they wouldn't be great businessmen.
Scientists and religious leaders, activists and first nation leaders, CEOs of corporations and actors, all of us need to come together right now, because the planet is in a lot of pain.
Talented performers flock to the best and brightest leaders, and these leaders in turn lift the lids off their people and uncork the latent talent inside of them. — © John C. Maxwell
Talented performers flock to the best and brightest leaders, and these leaders in turn lift the lids off their people and uncork the latent talent inside of them.
Leaders are like gardeners ... As leaders we are not only responsible for harvesting our own success but for cultivating the success of the next generation.
When things are not going right, where are the leaders to pull this team together? That leadership sometimes, you just can’t find it. If one of your leaders is the guy who throws five interceptions [in one game], you have an issue.
Most political leaders acquire their position by causing large numbers of people to believe that these leaders are actuated by altruistic desires
Growing, for leaders, is like oxygen to a deep sea diver. Without learning and growing, leaders die in terms of their effectiveness.
Why do leaders fail? Isolation and inability to learn. They are afraid to express doubt, admit vulnerability or seek advice from subordinates. Leaders must actively work to seek feedback and a reality check. They must be open to asking questions and framing issues. As the world becomes more complex and global, the risk of isolation becomes greater. The need for leaders to be open to learning becomes greater. Great leaders will need to ask the right questions and balance inquiry with advocacy.
And I think the American people look to the leaders to lead. They look to the leaders to take on the big problems. And the president deserves a lot of credit for doing that.
Leaders teach. They motivate. They care. Leaders make sure that the way to success is always broad enough and straight enough for others to follow.
Poor leaders push us towards the goal. Great leaders guide us through the journey.
It takes leaders to grow other leaders.
Smart leaders believe only half of what they 
 hear. Discerning leaders know which have 
 to believe. — © John C. Maxwell
Smart leaders believe only half of what they hear. Discerning leaders know which have to believe.
People follow those who act like leaders, not those who proclaim themselves to be leaders.
Leaders create and inspire new leaders by instilling faith in their leadership abilities and helping them develop and hone leadership skills they don't know they possess.
In the earlier days of history, kings and leaders went to the battlefield with their men; but today, those who determine that a nation will go to war remain safely behind. The next time leaders talk of warring, all the people should get together and send those leaders to the front lines. Give them a big arena with wonderfully effective ammunition, and the war will be finished in a day
A friend of mine characterizes leaders simply like this: Leaders don't inflict pain. They bear pain.
Leaders don't convince people to follow them. Leaders walk forward alone and those who want to go down their path decide to follow.
General [Michael] Flynn has been in touch with diplomatic leaders, security leaders in some 30 countries. That's exactly what the incoming national security advisor should do.
Weak leaders of churches blame people and circumstances. Breakout church leaders accept responsibility and see God's possibilities in even difficult situations.
There are leaders vocally, and there are leaders by example. I think I'm starting to become better at being a leader vocally, just talking on the court.
The leader is one who mobilizes others toward a goal shared by leaders and followers. ... Leaders, followers and goals make up the three equally necessary supports for leadership.
..leaders should be looked upon as being 'in front', 'sharing' rather than 'showing' the way... it is the followers who save leaders and therefore make them.
People say, 'Oh, you don't like China?' No, I love them. But their leaders are much smarter than our leaders, and we can't sustain ourself with that.
It is vital that government leaders and financial leaders take heed and broaden their horizons, working to ensure that all citizens have dignified work, education, and healthcare.
All leaders make mistakes. They are a part of life. Successful leaders recognize their errors, learn from them, and work to correct their faults.
Average leaders inspire people to punch a time clock. Great leaders inspire industry and passion.
For years when we went into companies to discuss how we could help their leaders be most effective, we heard people say, "Our leaders need to develop executive presence."
The Islamic world is obsessed with the notion of strong leaders. This is a mistake. We don't need powerful leaders, but rather unconventional, progressive thinkers with the courage to open our minds.
In most cases, it's slight and often unintentional gaps in integrity that hold leaders, their employees, and their companies back. Despite their potential, these leaders harm their employees and themselves.
Leaders who carry unresolved guilt are forced to hide a part of themselves from those to whom they are closest. They have a secret. They are forced to expend time and energy to ensure that no one finds them out. They know they are not completely trustworthy. Often they assume no one else is either. Guilty leaders have a difficult time trusting. Consequently, guilty leaders have a difficult time building teams.
Leaders need to provide strategy and direction and to give employees tools that enable them to gather information and insight from around the world. Leaders shouldn't try to make every decision.
Everyone needs to get more comfortable with female leaders-including female leaders themselves.
Most leaders are trying to figure out the right strategy. The best leaders are obsessed with empowering the right people.
One knows, of course, that Donald Trump behaves differently from the leaders of other countries, especially the leaders of other Western democracies.
You can offer the ability to citizens to choose from one of the two parties and elect their leaders as much as you want. But "democracy" is an illusion - a sham - if the most significant acts taken by those leaders are kept concealed from the citizenry.
We need to be clear when we venerate entrepreneurs what we are venerating.They are not moral leaders. If they were moral leaders, they wouldn't be great businessmen.
There are good leaders who actively guide and bad leaders who actively misguide. Hence, leadership is about persuasion, presentation and people skills. — © Shiv Khera
There are good leaders who actively guide and bad leaders who actively misguide. Hence, leadership is about persuasion, presentation and people skills.
My message to Washington is the United States has gone through incredible crises, and our leaders have been able to find common ground. And that's what our leaders have to do.
Most experts and great leaders agree that leaders are made, not born, and that they are made through their own drive for learning and self-improvement.
Britain, like other European states, is not and never will again be in the top-world-power league, so its male leaders can afford to play subtler, more variegated roles. Leaders of the U.S. don't have that option.
The leader is one who mobilizes others toward a goal shared by leaders and followers... Leaders, followers and goals make up the three equally necessary supports for leadership.
The time is long overdue to stop looking for progress through racial or ethnic leaders. Such leaders have too many incentives to promote polarizing attitudes and actions that are counterproductive for minorities and disastrous for the country.
Kids raised to be pampered and spoiled don't really end up being good leaders. Leaders need to be independent minded and confident.
Leaders who led their organizations quietly and humbly, were much more effective than flashy, charismatic high profile leaders.
Authorities act with themselves in mind. Leaders act with others in mind. Authorities take. Leaders give. Authorities die. Leaders live on.
You know, there's a difference between politicians and leaders. Politicians read poll numbers and compromise. Leaders do what's morally right.
Leaders attract potential leaders. — © John C. Maxwell
Leaders attract potential leaders.
A lot of our so-called Latino leaders are gutless. I talk to these cry-baby Latino leaders, and they say they can't win elections until Latinos are a majority.
It is always great to see technology leaders like Ginni Rometty, Marissa Mayer, and Meg Whitman breaking through as a new generation of leaders.
When leaders betray their people and the people don't overthrow them, it's not just the leaders who should be blamed.
No institutions in modern society are better equipped to catalyze the necessary transition to a sustainable world than colleges and universities. They have access to the leaders of tomorrow and the leaders of today. What they do matters to the wider public.
Our nation's leaders are fallible. It is therefore time for us to be our own heroes. We can and must be the leaders that are so desperately needed.
I separate the world of startup communities into two constituencies - leaders and feeders. The leaders are entrepreneurs and the feeders everyone else.
We don’t recruit volunteers; we release leaders. Volunteers do good things but leaders change the world.
Negro leaders sought to negotiate with the city fathers. But the political leaders consistently refused to engage in good-faith negotiation.
Business leaders should provide expertise in service of our country. My predecessors at GE have done so, as have leaders of many other great American companies.
Great leaders don't blame the tools they are given. Great leaders work to sharpen them.
Average leaders raise the bar on themselves; good leaders raise the bar for others; great leaders inspire others to raise their own bar.
I think we have some amazing leaders. But then we have some leaders who turn a blind eye to things that contribute negatively to a really difficult culture for women.
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