Top 1200 Leadership And Management Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Leadership And Management quotes.
Last updated on September 28, 2024.
The cornerstone of effective leadership is self-mastery.
Leadership is more doing than dash.
Earn your leadership every day. — © Michael Jordan
Earn your leadership every day.
Leadership is about good and sound judgment.
Almost everything in leadership comes back to relationships.
The practice of leadership is not the same as the exercise of power.
Leadership is all about raising the aspirations of people.
It's not as if our party has a leadership campaign underway.
The executive moves we are announcing today will strengthen American for the long-term future and reflect well on the depth of the Company's management team.
Numerous studies, and my own experience as a serial entrepreneur, have proven that companies with a diverse management team provide greater financial returns to investors.
A president has to provide leadership to gain support.
You can't do anything successfully in life without leadership.
If we call ourselves the preeminent wealth management firm globally, then it would be impossible not to be a strong player in the biggest market in the world, the Americas. — © Sergio Ermotti
If we call ourselves the preeminent wealth management firm globally, then it would be impossible not to be a strong player in the biggest market in the world, the Americas.
My father was in real estate, banking, and land management. As family life, it was very conventional, happy, and comfortable. We weren't wealthy, but we were well-off.
There is no vice or folly that requires so much nicety and skill to manage as vanity; nor any which by ill management makes so contemptible a figure.
Leadership is about creating new realities.
I'm a great believer in the Arsene Wenger school of management - which is, you don't worry about the opposition, you just get your own act together.
When I took admission in a medical college, I found that apart from the lack of education, what stopped girls from menstrual management was a limited access to sanitary pads.
There's something to be said for CEOs' entering politics: In theory, they have management expertise and financial savvy. Then again, it didn't work so well with Dick Cheney.
There is no greater leadership challenge than parenting.
She has all the qualities of leadership, except followers.
Filmmaking in general is my second career. I thought that writing wasn't practical, so I went to business school and got an MBA, and I worked three years in grant management.
Leadership is obliged to justify itself daily.
You have to choose to manifest your leadership nature.
You cannot have strong leadership without passion.
Leadership is the readiness to stand out in a crowd.
Compassion doesn't weaken leadership, it makes it stronger.
Leaders inspire. They aren't assigned leadership. They command it.
Our leadership in D.C. should be bold and determined.
Peering succeeds because it leverages self-organization—a style of production that works more effectively than hierarchical management for certain tasks.
The only safe ship in a storm is leadership.
Leadership is getting people to do things that they don't want to do.
When I moved into management, it was all about managing people and keeping them motivated - I didn't use sales metrics to drive my business. Now, everything comes from the numbers.
Serious times require strong leadership.
In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still.
In Canada, there's a surprising worship of managerialism versus ownership and wealth creation. There's a real problem in this country with believing that management is the answer to our problems.
The first key to leadership is self-control.
Men of great parts are often unfortunate in the management of public business, because they are apt to go out of the common road by the quickness of their imagination. — © Jonathan Swift
Men of great parts are often unfortunate in the management of public business, because they are apt to go out of the common road by the quickness of their imagination.
If your body can take it, you can play forever if management wants you. But if you start missing field goals and losing games, then you are not long for the world.
One death is too many - and with careful management and a lot of luck, the coronavirus sweeping the globe will be curbed, in terms of illness and loss of life.
The real key is time management and being able to focus on what you need to, on using every available minute to accomplish something that needs to be done.
One of the responsibilities faced by the Environmental Genome Project is to provide the science base upon which society can make better informed risk management decisions.
Especially with the predators, one of the things that gets these programs going on a local level is for our land management agencies to build partnerships with surrounding communities and landowners.
The only test of leadership is that somebody follows.
Leadership does not depend on being right.
Leadership means setting a moral tone.
Leadership - mobilization toward a common goal.
From my perspective, it's really risk management to ensure that humans have the ability to go somewhere else in case there were to be some huge disaster on Earth. — © Gwynne Shotwell
From my perspective, it's really risk management to ensure that humans have the ability to go somewhere else in case there were to be some huge disaster on Earth.
During my work there I came across some very significant issues that I started reporting in December of 2001 to the mid-level management within the FBI.
The very exercise of leadership fosters capacity for it.
You can see now with all the assurance that people have about the overall general management of the economy, they then ask more specific questions that we are able to answer.
Too often, companies focus on systems and structures that facilitate cultural change at the mid-management level, overlooking problems closer to the top.
Leadership must be established from the top down.
Every time you have to speak, you are auditioning for leadership.
This legislation confronts the human truth that the need for clean water knows no borders, and proper management and intervention can be a currency for peace and international cooperation.
The only real payoff for leadership is eternal.
Leadership is critical for any organization to succeed.
Fish and Wildlife has a significant amount of federal funds for land acquisition, yet it is skimping on management of the lands it already possesses and shortchanging local tax bases.
Leadership is knowing what you want and making it happen.
Management is a seven-days-a-week job. The Intensity of it takes it toll on your health. Some people want to go on for ever, and I obviously don't.
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