Top 154 Leak Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Leak quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
It was as if Hannah had sprung a leak and her character, usually so meticulous and contained, was spilling all over the place.
Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship.
Obviously I'm not prone to leak secrets left, right and centre. — © Katharine Gun
Obviously I'm not prone to leak secrets left, right and centre.
Lie down and listen to the crabgrass grow The faucet leak, and learn to leave them so.
As fleeting emotions stalk it, a face can leak fear or the guilt of a forming lie.
The ship is sinking The ship is sinking There's leak, there's a leak,in the boiler room The poor, the lame, the blind Who ore the ones that we kept in charge Killers, thieves, and lawyers God's Away, God's away God's away on Business
despite all our desperate, eternal attempts to separate, contain and mend, categories always leak.
Jesus don't walk on water no more; his feet leak.
When a broken tank is filled with water, It certainly will leak on every side. Weak men who grow rich Seldom leave an inheritance.
In Washington, the accepted method for passing along information about how the government fails to meet real-world needs is to leak it.
You can't control it once you turn it into the label, so there's the expectation that it'll leak a week before the album comes out. That's the world we live in.
When comedy fails, seriousness begins to leak back in.
Of course we wish that more people involved in the leak of my true CIA identity had been prosecuted, but the system worked. — © Valerie Plame
Of course we wish that more people involved in the leak of my true CIA identity had been prosecuted, but the system worked.
If there is a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is. If the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of.
We must have infinite faith in each other. If we have not, we must never let it leak out that we have not.
You want me to become a leaker? I'm not. I do not leak any news from the Cabinet sessions.
I had a drug problem. I'd go to parties, take a leak, and there was cocaine right there. I was 25 when it started, rich, famous, and retired.
Strict laws should be made and implemented against people who leak pirated versions of films online. This is completely anti-national.
We had a kettle; we let it leak: Our not repairing made it worse. We haven't had any tea for a week... The bottom is out of the Universe.
The New York Times is the official leak of the State Department.
Genius is fine for the ignition spark, but to get there someone has to see that the radiator doesn't leak and no tire is flat.
In order to protect the market value of a proprietary database, the owner must prohibit redistribution of the contents - otherwise, the information would quickly leak out and be widely known.
When it don’t rain, the roof don’t leak; when it rains, I can’t fix it nohow.
Every aquarium will eventually leak.
The faucet leak, and learn to leave them so.
ISS leak is just like on a ship, there are bulkheads that, if there's an emergency, can separate an area that's no longer airtight from the undamaged portion of the station. The former Russian space station Mir actually did once develop a leak, after colliding with an unmanned cargo ship. Everyone survived.
I love that Cuties is sustainable. They use good ingredients. They're a really thoughtful brand. And I like that they don't leak.
It's a day-one expectation that when you buy a processor, it's not going to leak your data.
There should be at least one leak like the Pentagon Papers every year.
When your spirit is alive, when somebody has got a strong spirit, they could be on the verge of death physically, and they'll leak out more life.
Reince Priebus - if you want to leak something - he'll be asked to resign very shortly.
A leak is an unauthorized disclosure of classified or sensitive information that is improper under any circumstance.
Whether we have a leak or roof that needs to be replaced, we can always count on Premier Roofing Services to get the job done the right way.
After weeks of watching the roof leak I fixed it tonight by moving a single board
We know there are lots of leaks everywhere. There's nothing we can do about that, except not leak ourselves.
This morning of the small snow I count the blessings, the leak in the faucet which makes of the sink time, the drop of the water on water.
The public should always be notified as soon as possible in the event of a leak or other emergency at a nuclear facility.
A melancholy-looking man, he had the appearance of one who has searched for the leak in life's gas-pipe with a lighted candle. — © P. G. Wodehouse
A melancholy-looking man, he had the appearance of one who has searched for the leak in life's gas-pipe with a lighted candle.
I've asked people not to leak things for a period of time and give me a honeymoon period.
...the fact [is] that our borders leak like a sieve: those things cannot be permitted to continue in good conscience.
When you're told to go brief a United States senator on a covert operation, you go do it. And you trust the information isn't going to leak.
I never know what all of these guys are thinking, but Marco Rubio sounded desperate, like, We've got a leak in the dike, we got to stop this thing.
There was a rule, back when I was an education lawyer in Alabama, about visiting public schools: always go on a rainy day so you can see how badly the roofs leak.
The stories circulating that Kanye West's laptop has been stolen are completely false. His laptop has never been out of his possession. Hence, the laptop has not been hacked, and there has been no leak of personal data such as unreleased music, photographs, designs, videos or any other personal files. The leak today of the unreleased track 'Awesome' was unrelated and completely coincidental.
There hasn't been a leak from one of the associates of the king saying, "This guy Trump, he already insulted us wanting ketchup with his steak, and then he wanted two scoops of ice cream on the falafel. It's not done. This guy's an absolute barbarian." And there hasn't been a leak from an associate of King Salman telling somebody in the Drive-By Media that Donald Trump looked at his son, the prince, and said, "Man, I hope you live a long time 'cause your son's a nut job." We haven't had leaks like this about the Trump foreign trip.
If there's a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is.
How would it be if we discovered that aliens only stopped by earth to let their kids take a leak?
Accidents at power plants are bad enough. But a leak from a bioreactor could be worse, since bacteria can learn new tricks when you're not looking. — © Nancy Gibbs
Accidents at power plants are bad enough. But a leak from a bioreactor could be worse, since bacteria can learn new tricks when you're not looking.
It is the small things in life which count; it is the inconsequential leak which empties the biggest reservoir.
One little leak becomes a lake, Says the tiny voice in my earpiece
If you have no joy in your religion, there's a leak in your Christianity somewhere.
You can smoke or drink on a golf course without interrupting the game, and you can take a leak - something you can't do on a squash court and shouldn't do in a swimming pool.
Women are like wine: I can only afford the really cheap ones that have the big, ugly boxes that leak.
I can't think why mothers love them. All babies do is leak at both ends.
Confused, I asked, "The coven's what?" "Plumber," Ivy said, looking pale as she leaned on Glenn. "You know. Stops leaks?" Oh goodie. I'm a leak.
When do we ask the Sierra Club to pick up the tab for this leak?
I expect VA's inspector general and the FBI to work closely together so that we can identify and eliminate the flaws that allowed this leak and prosecute any criminal acts.
I can't stand family secrets. I think they're such a toxic thing and they always leak out.
One leak will sink a ship: and one sin will destroy a sinner.
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