Top 1200 Learn To Laugh At Yourself Quotes & Sayings - Page 14

Explore popular Learn To Laugh At Yourself quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
You had to come back to learn how to lose yourself, to be pilot and stray-witch, Hansel and Gretel in one.
What I am is how I came out. No one's perfect and you just have to accept your flaws and learn to love yourself.
I'm a funny guy. I want people to laugh. I laugh at myself, I make fun of myself. But at the end of the day everything that I say has a message in it. — © Lil B
I'm a funny guy. I want people to laugh. I laugh at myself, I make fun of myself. But at the end of the day everything that I say has a message in it.
Stop wasting time in playing a role or a concept. Instead, learn to ACTUALIZE YOURSELF, your potential.
Do not take yourself too seriously. You have to learn not to be dismayed at making mistakes. No human being can avoid failures.
What's funny is funny. The same thing that made you laugh a hundred years ago makes you laugh now.
Prejudices and preferences exist and will continue to. When you learn how to market yourself, you become less of a victim.
I'm making the statement that we should all live life and have a laugh. Nakedness is a thing where people take notice. If you do it in the right way, people laugh.
I learn teaching from teachers. I learn golf from golfers. I learn winning from coaches.
I laugh a lot and laugh loudly!
It's very difficult to liberate yourself from what you've learned. You know it's almost impossible because you learn in order to survive.
Anytime you make someone laugh or satirize something, it's the best way to change someone's opinion because they're defenseless - they laugh, they listen.
You have to be great friends and make each other laugh. We laugh a lot and neither is jealous of the other.
My theater professor once said to me 'Leslie, you are capable of genuine artistry but you're the laziest actor I know. And yes, you can make people laugh, but you're going to become a parody of yourself and end up in Hollywood if you're not careful.' And he's right, I did all of that.
Learn the league, learn the pitchers, learn how they're going to go after you. — © Christian Yelich
Learn the league, learn the pitchers, learn how they're going to go after you.
Read everything you can on writing. Join online forums and critique groups, go to conferences, get feedback, and learn, learn, learn!
If you can help it, don't be rude to people. When you're rude about someone and the audience laugh you can't deny that it's a bullying laugh.
Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails.
A father must lead his children; but first he must learn to follow. He must laugh with them but remember the ache of childhood tears. He must hold the past with one hand and reach to the future with the other so there can be no generation gap in family love.
People who are mean or unkind or rigid - think about it - cannot laugh at themselves. If we can't laugh at ourselves and the human condition, we're going to be mean.
People who love literature have at least part of their minds immune from indoctrination. If you read, you can learn to think for yourself.
Music is such an incredible tool for kids in general. They learn discipline; they learn how to express themselves. You learn math. You learn language. It's the ideal teaching tool, and that's why it's mind-boggling when any school superintendent decides that music is something we can kind of do without.
I've found out why people laugh. They laugh because it hurts so much . . . because it's the only thing that'll make it stop hurting.
You have to tailor yourself to everybody. Sometimes people need a firmer hand; some people you can have a laugh with, and they concentrate more. What they needed was more certainty about the future of the company.
I have a really crazy cackle laugh, and I think sometimes people don't realize that they're not laughing at my jokes, they're actually just laughing because of my laugh.
I laugh when I hear that the fish in the water is thirsty. I laugh when I hear that people go on pilgrimage to find God.
You can either feel sorry for yourself and lay down and cry, or you can actually learn from it and move on and find all the positives in it.
Then you learn about composition, you learn about old masters, you form certain ideas about structure. But the inhuman activity of trying to make some kind of jump or leap, where , the painting is always saying, 'What do you want from me? I can only be a painting.' You have to go from part to part, but you shouldn't see yourself go from part to part, that's the whole point.
I was afraid no one would laugh, and I wanted to pretend I wasn't noticing the audience. I didn't want the audience to get the idea I was telling a joke and waiting for a laugh.
But when you're in front of an audience and you make them laugh at a new idea, you're guiding the whole being for the moment. No one is ever more him/herself than when they really laugh. Their defenses are down. It's very Zen-like, that moment. They are completely open, completely themselves when that message hits the brain and the laugh begins. That's when new ideas can be implanted. If a new idea slips in at that moment, it has a chance to grow.
You don't learn to hold your own in the world by standing on guard, but by attacking, and getting well hammered yourself.
It is very important to have deep friendships of the opposite sex to learn so much about yourself and what you need as a human.
Ten years from now you'll laugh at whatever's stressing you out today. So why not laugh now?
It's good to have a bad season because you learn a lot about yourself; you become stronger, and you see where you have to improve.
As an actor, you’ve got to live and learn, and you gotta just kind of form a hard shell and be confident in yourself.
I laugh at weird times - at good and bad things alike. I laugh simply when things are incongruous. It's not necessarily a judgment - as it is noticing the oddity of something.
You really had to learn to protect yourself from all Gooks in Vietnam, or else you would end up dead.
I was constantly trying to make my family laugh and my parents laugh. It's just something that always felt natural to me. And then I learned how to use my powers for good in high school.
The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The 
willingness to learn is a choice. — © Brian Herbert
The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The willingness to learn is a choice.
Whatever we learn has a purpose and whatever we do affects everything and everyone else, if even in the tiniest way. Why, when a housefly flaps his wings, a breeze goes round the world; when a speck of dust falls to the ground, the entire planet weighs a little more; and when you stamp your foot, the earth moves slightly off its course. Whenever you laugh, gladness spreads like the ripples in the pond; and whenever you're sad, no one anywhere can be really happy. And it's much the same thing with knowledge, for whenever you learn something new, the whole world becomes that much richer.
I laugh like a fool when I watch a movie that I've done several years down the road when it's on cable, i'll just watch and sadly laugh along.
[Malipiero's advice to Casanova.] If you wish your audience to cry, you must shed tears yourself, but if you wish to make them laugh you must contrive to look as serious as a judge.
Obviously the audience has veto power signified by whether they laugh or not, but you-not them-retain the ultimate power to decide what they're going to get the opportunity to laugh at.
You have to laugh at yourself. I do a lot of humor about all ethnicities that are at the show - Latinos, Asians, Indians... What I say is, 'We're laughing together. I'm laughing with you, not at you.' Never say, 'Oh, I'm better than you.'
When I finish a first draft, I often look back at first chapters I wrote and laugh at them. They're like pictures of yourself in middle school. You're embarrassed to see them.
Sometimes I loved the disruptive student in class who livened up lectures with wisecracks - it put a spin on things, added flavor, made me laugh. Other times, I wished the heckler would just shut up so I could learn something.
The only way to learn to write is to force yourself to produce a certain number of words on a regular basis.
I shall laugh my bitter laugh.
If we truly want to learn, we never learn when we are talking. We only learn when we are listening.
A poet or a comedian can say what's on the mind of people. They should be funny. They should make you laugh. It may be so truthful that it hurts, but it makes you laugh. — © Russell Simmons
A poet or a comedian can say what's on the mind of people. They should be funny. They should make you laugh. It may be so truthful that it hurts, but it makes you laugh.
I never really thought of myself as a physical comedian. But when I was a kid, I used to, you know, pretend to trip over things to make girls laugh in school and stuff like that. So I kind of learned how to fall without hurting yourself.
I've always thought something that makes you laugh, it makes you laugh because there's a little bit of truth to it.
The hardest part sometimes is when you don't get the reps and you continue to push yourself to learn and understand what's really going on.
We learn early on that, in order to be a winner, you have to believe in yourself. You have to have the confidence to make things happen. And you have to have personal pride.
I'm not saying that putting on makeup will change the world or even your life, but it can be a first step in learning things about yourself you may never have discovered otherwise. At worst, you could make a big mess and have a good laugh.
Of course, people will laugh at you, but people laugh at a great many things so there is no need to take it personally.
Mama learned to laugh with them, before they could laugh at her, and to do it so well no one could be sure what she really thought or felt.
The stranger might laugh and seem to enjoy the writing, but you hug to yourself the thought that they didn't quite understand its force and quality the way you do - just as your friends (thank heavens) don't also fall in love with the person you are going on and on about to them.
Learn to see yourself as Heavenly Father sees you - as His precious daughter or son with divine potential.
It's easier to learn many other things, if you first learn how to learn.
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