Top 91 Learners Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Learners quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.
If learners do not have a roof under which they can learn we are already setting them up for failure.
Fast learners win. — © Eric Schmidt
Fast learners win.
I hire talented, creative, passionate learners who have a history of turning intention into reality.
We are by nature observers, and thereby learners. That is our permanent state.
Students become good learners when they are in the classes of teachers who are good learners.
I think we can be competitive on and off the field and create a model where our athletes are scholars and learners, too.
Learners are doers, not recipients.
The alphabet will create forgetfulness in the learners' souls. They will trust the written characters and not remember themselves.
Inviting children as gospel learners to act and not merely be acted upon builds on reading and talking about the Book of Mormon and bearing testimony spontaneously in the home.
Let the main object... to seek and to find a method of instruction, by which teachers may teach less, but learners learn more.
All leaders are permanent learners.
All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners. Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they're not learning, they're not growing and not moving toward excellence.
Public television works hard to engage young learners and build the skills needed for a jump-start on life. We need our youngest to be curious, resilient and empathetic, and prepared for the jobs of the future.
I don't think there's any such thing as teaching people photography, other than influencing them a little. People have to be their own learners. They have to have a certain talent.
In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. — © Eric Hoffer
In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future.
The danger of lectures is that they create the illusion of teaching for teachers, and the illusion of learning for learners.
Each day, we're sharpening Iowa's competitive edge in education and expanding our workplace partnerships with job-ready, STEM savvy, lifelong learners.
... for this discovery of yours will create forgetfulness in the learners' souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves.
People are visual and hands on learners.
Life is a classroom -- only those who are willing to be lifelong learners will move to the head of the class.
. . . learning never ends, and as we enter the next century, it will be more and more important for all Americans to be lifelong learners. . . . every one of us can contribute in some way to a better-educated America.
... there are moments in which the teacher, as the authority talks to the learners, says what must be done, establishes limits without which the very freedom of learners is lost in lawlessness, but these moments, in accordance with the political options of the educator, are alternated with others in which the educator speaks with the learner.
I don't divide the world into the weak and the strong, or the successes and failures...I divide the world into the learners and non-learners.
Working as a correspondent for 'Business Week,' I felt that I was simply informing people, not empowering them. I saw a parallel problem in the world of education. In too many educational settings, teachers simply 'inform' or 'instruct' learners, rather than providing learners with opportunities to explore, experiment, and express themselves.
I divide the world into learners and non-learners.
Here in Arkansas, we are preparing a generation of learners to meet the needs of businesses by equipping students with workforce training opportunities statewide.
Learners are encouraged to discover facts and relationships for themselves.
In times of change, learners inherit the earth
The teachers who have had the most impact on me and on most learners I know are teachers whose "selfhoods" have been deeply invested in what they are doing.
From infancy onward, children are the most fantastic learners in the world.
Teachers and learners are correlates, one of which was never intended to be without the other.
We have to do everything we can to help students and adult learners to prepare for the careers of today as well as the careers of tomorrow.
What kinds of things and people might learners want to be in contact with in order to learn?
Teens are by nature, experimental learners. There is no real understanding of biology without the lab.
A sympathetic parent might see the spark of consciousness in a baby's large eyes and eagerly accept the popular claim that babies are wonderful learners, but it is hard to avoid the impression that they begin as ignorant as bread loaves.
By allowing many adult learners to retrain and upskill throughout their careers, colleges provide expertise for key sectors.
Sometimes educators suffer from the "I already do that" syndrome. In those cases, we feel inadequate if we admit we have a distance to go as learners of our craft. — © Carol Ann Tomlinson
Sometimes educators suffer from the "I already do that" syndrome. In those cases, we feel inadequate if we admit we have a distance to go as learners of our craft.
It is also the fate of leadership to be misunderstood. It is a grave error for any leader to be oversensitive in the face of criticism, to conduct discussions as if he or she is a schoolmaster talking to less informed and inexperienced learners.
In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.
What our world most requires now is the kind of education that foster love for humankind, that develops character-that provides an intellectual basis for realization of peace and empowers learners to contribute to and improve society.
Have you ever studied Jesus's approach to talking with people? He didn't always fill the space with answers for them. Let's learn to do that with our fellow learners. Let's give them room to think and answer for themselves.
Children, in a way, are constant learners. Certainly sponge-like. Absorbing everything without careful analysis, even though, at the same time, they are certainly capable of incredible insights.
I believe that teaching is a creative art in which evidence based knowledge is applied toward meeting the learning goals of learners. I believe that effective teaching is often the spark that ignites the imagination, possibility, and promise for learners, including the teacher.
As educators, our challenge is to match the needs of our learners to a world that is changing with great rapidity. To meet this challenge, we need to become strategic learners ourselves by deliberately expanding our perspectives and updating our approaches.
I am always telling students that a story is not just words. You can tell a story with dance or paint or music. Kids and adults are visual learners, auditory learners. There are those of us who need to touch it. Storytelling encompasses so much more than words on paper.
The best leaders are the most dedicated learners. Read great books daily.
All leaders are learners. The moment you stop learning, you stop leading. I learn as much as I can, from as many as I can, as often as I can.
Rather than pushing children to think like adults, we might do better to remember that they are great learners and to try harder to be more like them.
We want to hire people who are self-learners.
Sometimes the last thing learners need is for their preferred learning style to be affirmed. Agreeing to let people learn only in a way that feels comfortable and familiar can restrict seriously their chance for development.
The brainy class is made up of individuals who think for themselves and beyond formal education are continuous learners who tend to be self-taught. — © Maximillian Degenerez
The brainy class is made up of individuals who think for themselves and beyond formal education are continuous learners who tend to be self-taught.
Young people are often ignored and disregarded, but they are acute observers and learners of everything we say and do.
Both teachers and learners go to sleep at their post as soon as there is no enemy in the field.
Learning is finding out what you already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers, teachers.
Most of us are visual learners. Some of us are auditor learners – we learn by hearing. Many of us are kinesthetic learners. We learn by doing, touching, feeling. I have found … that we need an educational model that is current, that meets the need of our students. America must understand that she needs Muslims.
The future belongs to the learners-not the knowers.
I have seen schools across the country working long and hard to embed a commitment to the unlimited development of every student into their cultures. The result, in terms of motivated learners and test scores, often is spectacular.
To learn is not to know; there are the learners and the learned. Memory makes the one, philosophy the others.
The best learners... often make the worst teachers. They are, in a very real sense, perceptually challenged. They cannot imagine what it must be like to struggle to learn something that comes so naturally to them.
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