Top 999 Learning Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Learning quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I think a part of me thought that I might be interested in academia because I really do love school. I mean that on all levels - I like educational environments; I like being part of that community of learning and exploration. And I like to talk.
As I enter a new phase of life and my circle broadens, I start learning new things.
I am a huge consumer of social networks, and I utilize Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. I'm interested and am learning more about Tumblr and other visually dominant sites.
It was a great learning experience to work with James Stewart. — © Julie Adams
It was a great learning experience to work with James Stewart.
Learning to love in the way someone wants to be loved is far more the definition of love than just loving in any way.
I started writing when I was around 6. I say 'writing,' but it was really just making up stuff! I started writing and doing my own thing. I didn't really know what a demo was or anything like that, so I started getting interested in studio gear and started learning about one instrument at a time. My first instrument was an accordion.
As I was coming up, it always seemed like I was learning. If it wasn't from school, it was the 'hood. The influences of the 'hood are very powerful.
When it comes to choreography practice, the rest of the five members learn from the dance instructor while Rap Monster and I are excluded from the group and end up learning the moves in the corner.
As a guitar player, you never stop learning, never stop honing your skills.
You make mistakes, but I don't have any regrets. I'm the kind of person who takes responsibility for it and deals with it. I learn from everything I do. I work very hard, I have so many things going on in my life. Get to know me and see who I am.
My style is an extension of acting and an outcome of some serious lessons I picked up learning when I did theatre in my early days.
We're working out, watching Netflix and learning to play instruments. I think we're doing a lot of self-development, and also just trying to stay active.
You can learn as much about the history from reading about the present as you can vice versa, that is learning about the present through history, which is what I do for a living.
Learn as much by writing as by reading.
My daughter, the one who lives nearby, is raising her children to be very much aware. We went on a nature walk on Monday; I'm learning so much from her. — © Joanne Woodward
My daughter, the one who lives nearby, is raising her children to be very much aware. We went on a nature walk on Monday; I'm learning so much from her.
The main thing that gives me hope is the media. We have radio, TV, magazines, and books, so we have the possibility of learning from societies that are remote from us, like Somalia. We turn on the TV and see what blew up in Iraq or we see conditions in Afghanistan.
Learning happens in the minds and souls, not in the databases of multiple-choice tests.
You cannot go wrong by learning classical music because it trains the ear.
When I started learning the cello, I fell in love with the instrument because it seemed like a voice - my voice.
The only way you're going to improve is playing games and learning, being a regular week on week.
I like learning more about people; I like to talk to people.
Defense is a definite part of the game, and a great part of defense is learning to play it without fouling.
As long as I keep it real, I learn something from everyone. And when you view yourself as a student and not as somebody who's bigger, there is still learning that can be done every day, and that keeps you open-minded and more ready to learn about life and love.
For me, 'Rent' was all about coming out of myself, finding out who I was, learning the power I could have as a performer.
Just because you are CEO, don't think you have landed. You must continually increase your learning, the way you think, and the way you approach the organization. I've never forgotten that.
I didn't get trained by the school system like other kids, and when I did concentrate on learning, my mind was cluttered and locked by the programming of the system.
I have spent an awful lot of time listening to Canadians, learning from them, working with them.
I miss the early days; I do. I was so lucky. I basically had it to myself, learning about these chimpanzees. Nobody knew anything about them. Discovering their different personalities, different life histories. I was lucky.
The battle was first waged over the right of the Negro to be classed as a human being with a soul; later, as to whether he had sufficient intellect to master even the rudiments of learning; and today it is being fought out over his social recognition.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.
New ideas for innovation grow out of the minds of each new generation. Having an institution of higher learning that can help young people put those ideas into action is critical.
One of the main focuses of my training sessions is to help individuals find their unique voices in the learning process. We all have our strengths, our weaknesses, our styles of learning, our personalities. Developing introspective sensitivity to these issues is critical to long-term success.
Rejection is a common occurrence. Learning that early and often will help you build up the tolerance and resistance to keep going and keep trying.
Today, there's no excuse for not learning how to get our financial houses in order. Some of us close our eyes, take a deep breath and say a prayer when it comes to managing our finances.
People desire to separate their worlds into polarities of dark and light, ugly and beautiful, good and evil, right and wrong, inside and outside. Polarities serve us in our learning and growth, but as souls we are all.
I've figured out my learning curve. I can look at something and somehow know exactly how long it will take for me to learn it.
In spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times, becoming stronger, wiser and happier as a result.
I hope I'm always learning something.
Without Metallica, I wouldn't be doing what I am doing. I have every Metallica record, of course, and I would spend hours on drums in my parents' basement with the stereo behind me, cranking those records and learning Lars' drum beats, beat by beat.
I'm always interested in learning something new. — © Katherine Johnson
I'm always interested in learning something new.
The process of learning requires not only hearing and applying but also forgetting and then remembering again.
If I am through learning, I am through.
With every book, you go back to school. You become a student. You become an investigative reporter. You spend a little time learning what it's like to live in someone else's shoes.
As long as I'm learning something, I figure I'm OK - it's a decent day.
Always just remember that you can never know all; you're always going to be learning; there's always going to be something new. I don't think you'll ever have it all figured out.
Every student has something to offer, and every student deserves a nurturing learning environment.
I thought I was learning about show business. The more painful it was, the more important I thought the experience must be. Hating it, I convinced myself it must be invaluable.
I remember reading 'The Grapes of Wrath' in high school in 1983. My family had immigrated to the U.S. three years before, and I had spent the better part of the first two years learning English. John Steinbeck's book was the first book I read in English where I had an 'Aha!' moment, namely in the famed turtle chapter.
The unsuccessful person is burdened by learning, and prefers to walk down familiar paths. Their distaste for learning stunts their growth and limits their influence.
What spectacle can be more edifying or more seasonable, than that of Liberty and Learning, each leaning on the other for their mutual and surest support? — © James Madison
What spectacle can be more edifying or more seasonable, than that of Liberty and Learning, each leaning on the other for their mutual and surest support?
I have two different categories of favorite films. One is the emotional favorites, which means these are generally films that I saw when I was a kid; anything you see in your formative years is more powerful, because it really stays with you forever. The second category is films that I saw while I was learning the craft of motion pictures.
I'm going to get better and better. You never stop learning in this game.
The new normal is continuous learning, and we look for people who demonstrate lots of different interests and really demonstrate curiosity.
Many people feel so pressured by the expectations of others that it causes them to be frustrated, miserable and confused about what they should do. But there is a way to live a simple, joy-filled, peaceful life, and the key is learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit, not the traditions or expectations of man.
I graduated from college with a degree in ex-phys and kinesiology, because it was learning to work out, and I already knew how to work out. So, I just wanted an easy degree. I'm sorry but that's just the way it was.
You never finish learning.
When you interview at Google, they don't tell you what the job is. You get hired for a pool and the reason they do it that way is they don't want outsiders learning their secrets in the interview process.
And we are never too old to study the Bible. Each time the lessons are studied comes some new meaning, some new thought which will make us better.
If we could choose, we'd always want to be in flow and thriving, but that's not realistic. Growth has levels, and learning how to navigate them is important.
I'm constantly learning with each new job, especially about people, which is important for playing characters.
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