Top 157 Leftist Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Leftist quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
For me, being leftist means fighting against injustice and inequality but, most of all, we want to live well.
Leaders of organizations with leftist ideologies should not be allowed to enter Panjab University.
I do not consider a liberal necessarily to be a leftist. — © Walter Cronkite
I do not consider a liberal necessarily to be a leftist.
The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.
A leftist government doesn't exist because being on the left has nothing to do with governments.
When I say corrupting, I mean taking over and politicizing them for the express purpose of advancing the leftist agenda. And the advancement of the leftist agenda in large part consists of destroying institutions, traditions, people, policies, what have you, that the left considers to be obstacles to their efforts to blow everything up.
(A)nything not acting as a propaganda arm for the Democrats or the Leftist agenda is considered conservative these days.
The leftist drive for control is insatiable.
I also dreamt about finally meeting the leftist Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek. He is a great role model for me.
The Democratic lawmakers are still trying to figure out how to capitalize on this new wave of leftist anger, if you want to call it that.
I no longer believe that every leftist simply has a different means of achieving a successful route for America as I did formerly.
There can be leftist groups that have not matured politically.
I don't know everybody's political opinions, but I think the majority of people in the arts are pretty leftist, and we're disappointed in the Trump administration. — © Paul Sparks
I don't know everybody's political opinions, but I think the majority of people in the arts are pretty leftist, and we're disappointed in the Trump administration.
In the United States, it is unmistakable that young people have broken away from the political right and have gravitated to more leftist-populist figures like Bernie Sanders.
This is certainly a very tricky point: How to ally yourself to other leftist forces without losing your feminist specificity.
For many Americans, Trump is the antithesis of the leftist elite.
I despise all adjectives that try to describe people as liberal or conservative, rightist or leftist, as long as they stay in the useful part of the road.
I'm a raging leftist political activist. I've never had a spiritual thought in my life related to God. I'm clear that that's a human invention.
When Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders first brought up the Green New Deal, it sounded like a leftist pipe dream.
Google has long been a leftist company.
[Radical leftist] are never been a majority. We just fell for one of the greatest illusions in modern politics.
George Bush made a mistake when he referred to the Saddam Hussein regime as 'evil.' Every liberal and leftist knows how to titter at such black-and-white moral absolutism.
You have never suffered-how can you be a leftist?
I think it is inevitable that leftist forces in the US would be divided, if not balkanized, to some extent. Among the full range of people who are committed to social and economic equality and ecological justice - i.e. to some variant of a leftist vision of a decent society - it will always be the case that some will be more focused on egalitarian economic issues, others around the environment and climate change, others on US imperialism, militarism and foreign policy, others on race and gender equality, and still others on sexual identity.
I'm not a leftist; I'm where the righteous ought to be.
What we consider is that the Venezuelan government is not a leftist government, has nothing of a leftist government. It is an oppressor, an oppressive government, it is a murderer - he murders them - the peasant fights in the region of Falcon, for example, where there are military advisers of the U.S.
Those indoctrinated by leftist thinking become largely incapable of making accurate moral judgments.
I am a person with leftist convictions, and always have been.
I was never a cardholder. But I was leftist in the sense that I voted communist.
I don't think Obama's a socialist or evil, I just think he's wrong and I disagree with him, he's a leftist, that's what they are in France and in Great Britain and in Canada.
Even though I'm a leftist. I think the left eats its own.
Screaming racism is the last refuge of leftist intellectuals who've completely lost their mojo.
Frankly, Barack Obama is a standard issue leftist that you would expect of somebody with his particular experience, and he doesn't exactly hide it.
Leftist organizations are aggressively attempting to redefine America in their own Godless image.
Leftist ideas are a part of the very atmosphere which American youth breathes.
Leftist, anti-fascist activists known as Antifa, whose stated goals are to stamp out racism, white supremacy and authoritarianism, sometimes do use violence.
Cleansed of its leftist residues, anarchy - anarchism minus Marxism - will be free to get better at being what it is.
We say it all the time: the leftist media is inciting violence and hate by calling everybody a racist and a white supremacist. — © Candace Owens
We say it all the time: the leftist media is inciting violence and hate by calling everybody a racist and a white supremacist.
The most frequent complaint I hear from college students is that professors inject their leftist political comments into their courses even when they have nothing to do with the subject.
I was an extreme leftist-anarchist. Now, I guess I'm a European socialist who's locked into American citizenship, without complaint.
The terms 'progressive' and 'liberal' have virtually nothing to do with each other anymore. And if you are a classical liberal, you certainly aren't a leftist.
Therefore the vast majority of the people who affirm leftist beliefs think of their views as the only way to properly think about life.
Leftist law breaking, rule breaking, violence, and disruption have already marred the public Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.
If it is correct to say that there will always be rightist temperaments and leftist temperaments, it is nevertheless also correct to say that political philosophy is neither rightist nor leftist; it must simply be true .
What does it really mean to be a leftist in the early part of the 21st century? What are we really talking about? And I can just be very candid with you. It means to have a certain kind of temperament, to make certain kinds of political and ethical choices, and to exercise certain analytical focuses in targeting on the catastrophic and the monstrous, the scandalous, the traumatic, that are often hidden and concealed in the deodorized and manicured discourses of the mainstream. That's what it means to be a leftist. So let's just be clear about it.
I was a leftist for a long time.
I always thought there was some romance to that '30s leftist stuff, even though I'm a Republican.
But I know that the vote of 9 out of 10 black Americans for the Democratic Party or for leftist kinds of policies just is not reflective of their opinions. — © Clarence Thomas
But I know that the vote of 9 out of 10 black Americans for the Democratic Party or for leftist kinds of policies just is not reflective of their opinions.
The message bombarding young adults from the leftist cultural elite is clear; you should think for yourself... by adopting my beliefs as your own.
Political correctness is a thing of leftist radicals.
I won't stand idly by watching Janet Yellen radically transform the IRS into a leftist, Praetorian Guard that spies on Americans' private financial transactions.
Open Society Foundations is essentially another name for George Soros, who is a committed leftist, one-world-government ideologue.
Conservatives are either stupid or brilliant. Pick a narrative, leftist MSM. You can't have it both ways.
The leftist vision of politics as a matter of rights begets an attitude of grievance and entitlement.
It is a leftist myth that European conquerors and settlers encountered only peaceful, virtuous tribes and subdued them murderously in the name of Christianity and Capitalism.
You may have Leftist ideologies, southern Punjab always had a leftist ideology.
Leftist reactions are always histrionic.
It was a culture that business is something bad - it was a leftist-oriented psychology. We have to break this. We are pro-business.
Leftist ideas are a part of the very atmosphere which American youth breathes
Conspiracy nut, leftist, madman. These are terms of dismissal so you don't have to listen to the argument. It would be healthier and more fun to hear what someone has to say.
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