Top 241 Legislators Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Legislators quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Judges are required by our democratic system not to overstep their positions to become policy makers or super-legislators.
We're going to march on Washington with a host of Republicans, Democrats, business leaders, legislators.
For years, comprehensive tax reform has eluded legislators. — © John Delaney
For years, comprehensive tax reform has eluded legislators.
When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.
Legislators are interested in their pet projects, getting re-elected, and popularity contests.
We need to put limits on how much an individual, group or business can spend on influencing an individual legislator or a whole set of legislators. Look at the vast sums that the NRA spends on getting all legislators to be soft on gun control. Legislators find it hard to refuse the NRA's largess when they need contributions to their political campaign wherever they can get them.
When legislators do something that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, there's always the suspicion that they're in somebody's pocket.
We are way overstepping bounds as federal legislators.
Legislators, priests, philosophers, writers, ans scientists have striven to show that the subordinate position of woman is willed in heaven and advantageous on earth.
But do not understand me as saying, or for one moment suggesting, that women legislators should confine themselves to doing only social service work. Not at all.
Sometimes, government officials and legislators disagree on policies or issues. Yet, we invariably want the best for Hong Kong people.
Legislators could certainly do with a school of morals.
I'm not a prejudice person, and I've worked with many male legislators and some have been excellent for us, so I'm not speaking against a class of people. — © Eleanor Smeal
I'm not a prejudice person, and I've worked with many male legislators and some have been excellent for us, so I'm not speaking against a class of people.
Mayors, city council members, and legislators come and go, but neighborhoods don't go anywhere.
It is unthinkable to allow complete strangers, whether individually or collectively as state legislators or others in government, to make such personal decisions for someone else.
Public officials, including state legislators, have a duty to act impartially.
You can see the absence of women in governing bodies from Congress to state legislators, on corporate boards, in tenured positions in academia, and as forepeople in factories.
The objects of this primary education . . . would be . . . to form the statesmen, legislators and judges, on whom public prosperity and individual happiness are so much to depend.
In the formation of our constitution the wisdom of all ages is collected-the legislators of antiquity are consulted, as well as the opinions and interests of the millions who are concerned. It short, it is an empire of reason.
Legislators have a formal set of responsibilities to work together, but there's no hierarchy.
The permanent institutional expertise class is now no longer the legislators, it's the lobbyists who don't have term limits and are there forever.
I'm wary when legislators say the solution to school shootings is mental health care, because it suggests that people who are mentally ill are violent, and that's just not true.
Legislators aren't known for being rocket scientists.
Older, younger, anyone can help. We've learned that our legislators listen, and people with passionate and thoughtful concerns make a difference every day. We've had constituents initiate legislation, lobby for it, organize meetings and events, and, of course, call, mail, e-mail and visit legislators to express their views. It's really great to see how much difference that individuals can make.
Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
If you force legislators to balance, at the end of the day, if it has to be balanced, then they step up and they become legislators and can find out where to cut.
It is fascinating to watch legislators turn away from their usual corporate grips when they hear the growing thunder of the people.
Legislators and revolutionaries who promise both equality and liberty are visionaries and charlatans.
Legislators consistently put the political imperative before the national interest.
William Andrews Clark was caught in a bribery scandal during a campaign for the U.S. Senate - he was said to describe the Montana legislators this way: 'I never bought a man who wasn't for sale.'
Representative government demands an ongoing conversation between legislators and constituents.
Legislators know much more about elections than the Court does.
Around the nation, lawmakers have drawn up their districts with such perverse precision and aversion to competition, that legislators rarely face competitive challenges.
People have a deep need to be legislators, and the idea of autonomy has become very precious.
Its hardly a radical idea to suggest that regulators and legislators understand the law now, is it?
Why are we mute? Where are our leaders, our legislators? Where is the church?
The important thing to understand about legislators is that there are dozens of competing interests and issues that occupy them. They are stretched thin.
The most effective executive branch officials try to help legislators develop explanations for the votes they are being asked to take. — © Robert Zoellick
The most effective executive branch officials try to help legislators develop explanations for the votes they are being asked to take.
Like most other states, Illinois has little regulation of the economic interests of legislators and relies on public disclosure to keep the lawmaking honest.
I believe Congress has a duty to do so as well; not simply as a body of legislators, but more importantly as a community of friends, neighbors, parents and Americans.
It is our duty as legislators to protect the success of our students as they pursue higher education.
It is profoundly troubling when you have Supreme Court justices not following their judicial oath. And taking the role of policy makers and legislators, rather than being judges.
Artists to my mind are the real architects of change, and not the political legislators who implement change after the fact.
There's a lot of insincerity about the actions of our legislators; they create distractions - like this anti-gay law you alluded to - and try to mobilise, to exacerbate people's emotions. Until the legislators started making laws, people minded, generally, their own business.
The acknowledged legislators of the world take the world as given. They dislike mysteries, for mysteries cannot be coded, or legislated, and wonder cannot be made into law. And so these legislators police the accepted frontiers of things.
Ideal legislators do not vote their interests.
It's hardly a radical idea to suggest that regulators and legislators understand the law now, is it?
As bad as the Obama administration is at trying to legislate without legislators, all too often, Congress is responsible for handing them the 'pen and phone.' — © Todd Young
As bad as the Obama administration is at trying to legislate without legislators, all too often, Congress is responsible for handing them the 'pen and phone.'
This source of corruption, alas, is inherent in the democratic system itself, and it can only be controlled, if at all, by finding ways to encourage legislators to subordinate ambition to principle.
Legislators need to support privacy to establish consumer confidence.
It has now become a very common sentiment, that there is some deep and radical wrong somewhere, and that legislators have proved themselves incapable of discovering, or, of remedying it.
We live in a stage of politics, where legislators seem to regard the passage of laws as much more important than the results of their enforcement.
I think even pro-China legislators would not believe I'm really a CIA agent.
In the Illinois State Capitol, in Springfield, farmer-legislators write the agriculture laws.
Our legislators have become a set of "whores" open to the highest bidders. The problem is that if we try to limit lobbying, we are in effect limiting free speech.
Legislators represent people, not trees or acres. Legislators are elected by voters, not farms or cities or economic interests.
I was one of the founding members of State Legislators for Legal Immigration.
As a district judge, I view my role quite differently than the role of legislators.
There are a lot of legislators who are afraid that kids will learn science and lose their faith.
If legislators come to believe that police power is an ever-present constitutional trump card they can play whenever it suits them, overreaching is inexorable.
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