Top 1200 Leisure Activities Quotes & Sayings - Page 14

Explore popular Leisure Activities quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Men's activities are occupied into ways -- in grappling with external circumstances and in striving to set things at one in their own topsy-turvy mind.
Through e-commerce, women have found a means to jump over cultural and traditional lack of available time for remunerated activities.
What the people want the most is to keep a balance between preventing further infections of the novel coronavirus and promoting economic activities. — © Yoshihide Suga
What the people want the most is to keep a balance between preventing further infections of the novel coronavirus and promoting economic activities.
The highest activities of consciousness have their origins in physical occurrences of the brain, just as the loveliest melodies are not too sublime to be expressed by notes.
If the chi is being wasted by useless activities, emotions and associations that drain us, then we don't have enough power when it comes time to perform.
Detest it [a certain difficult mathematics problem] just as much as lewd intercourse; it can deprive you of all your leisure, your health, your rest, and the whole happiness of your life.
I loved performing every week, but all of the activities and amazing people we met when we were not filming stick out to me the most.
Sabbath is that uncluttered time and space in which we can distance ourselves from our own activities enough to see what God is doing.
No man has a right to be idle. Where is it that in such a world as this, that health, and leisure, and affluence may not find some ignorance to instruct, some wrong to redress, some want to supply, some misery to alleviate?
The only true retirement is that of the heart; the only true leisure is the repose of the passions. To such persons it makes little difference whether they are young or old; and they die as they have lived, with graceful resignation.
If you are not personally free to be yourself in that most important of all human activities... the expression of love... then life itself loses its meaning.
WrestleMania is a week of activities and family-oriented fun, and then there is the special night at the end of it where you can see history being made.
Now that practical skills have developed enough to provide adequately for material needs, one of these sciences which are not devoted to utilitarian ends [mathematics] has been able to arise in Egypt, the priestly caste there having the leisure necessary for disinterested research.
To see Good Tennis! What divine joy Can fill our leisure, or our minds employ? Let other people play at other things; The King of Games is still the Game of Kings. — © James Kenneth Stephen
To see Good Tennis! What divine joy Can fill our leisure, or our minds employ? Let other people play at other things; The King of Games is still the Game of Kings.
Anyone can see that to write Uncle Tom's Cabin on the knee in the kitchen, with constant calls to cooking and other details of housework to punctuate the paragraphs, was a more difficult achievement than to write it at leisure in a quiet room.
We must make clear that the United States will not tolerate hostile Russian activities against us or our allies.
For a privileged minority, Western democracy provides the leisure, the facilities, and the training to seek the truth lying hidden behind the veil of distortion and misrepresentation, ideology and class interest, through which the events of current history are presented to us.
When I started with music, all I was looking for was to ensure I never had to live the life I grew up with. I wanted a foolproof exemption from pain and boredom. I wanted a life of constant amusement and leisure.
There is one and only one responsibility of business: to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game.
An office occupation is another example as not only douse it disrupt the activities of the organization it also can raise the media profile of the campaign.
Yes, thanks to God... my life has a goal, much more important than my artistic activities, that is the struggle against Leukemia.
There are countless space activities that would be no less exciting than the moon missions were, I have no doubt. The search for life on Mars, for example.
If you are losing your leisure, look out; you may be losing your soul.
Rules for Self Discovery: 1. What we want most; 2. What we think about most; 3. How we use our money; 4. What we do with our leisure time; 5. The company we enjoy; 6. Who and what we admire; 7. What we laugh at.
I think this dichotomy or opposition between work and play, between leisure and serious stuff, is definitely a bad way of thinking about the useful insights that play provides.
I never yet knew the sun to be knocked down and rolled through a mud-puddle; he comes out honor-bright from behind every storm. Let us then take sides with the sun, seeing we have so much leisure.
My quiltmaking is sandwiched, moved about, displaced between other activities and the crosscurrents of people's movements inside the place I live.
Fun has to do with habitual activities but then also terrifically novel or unusual ones. It works as a sort of strange milkshake of those concepts.
If someone else of the opposite sex joins either of you in your favorite recreational activities, you are at risk of falling in love with that person.
In all my activities as Armament Minister I never once visited a labor camp, and cannot, therefore, give any information about them.
I hated high school. I was not the greatest student, participated in no activities, and spent most of my time hanging out in my parking lot.
The activities of drawing, eating and drinking, all involve assimilations by the self of desirable elements from the world, a transfer of goodness from without to within.
We are more thoroughly an enlightened people, with respect to our political interests, than perhaps any other under heaven. Every man among us reads, and is so easy in his circumstances as to have leisure for conversations of improvement and for acquiring information.
I do social media largely for work because I want to be a part of different activities. In India, that's how you make money, so I do it as my job.
I feel a man, when married, becomes more balanced. All the extra-curricular activities are done away with. The focus is on work and family.
The activities that went on at Camp King between 1946 and the late 1950s have never been fully accounted for by either the Department of Defense or the CIA.
When my time on earth is done and my activities here are past, I want them to bury me upside down, so my critics can kiss my ass.
Sexual pleasure, wisely used and not abused, may prove the stimulus and liberator of our finest and most exalted activities. — © Havelock Ellis
Sexual pleasure, wisely used and not abused, may prove the stimulus and liberator of our finest and most exalted activities.
The aspirations of most people--security, pleasure, leisure, meaningful work, creative and intellectual pursuits--are to be supported. These desires and dreams are not shameful. In supporting them, we are showing solidarity with working people, for whom these are luxuries and not givens.
The importance of the Beats is twofold: first, they act out a critique of the organized system that everybody in some sense agrees with. But second-and more important in the long run-they are a kind of major pilot study of the use of leisure in an economy of abundance.
Not that the moderns are born with more wit than their predecessors, but, finding the world better furnished at their coming into it, they have more leisure for new thoughts, more light to direct them, and more hints to work upon.
The only sin is ugliness, and if we believed this with all our being, all other activities of the human spirit could be left to take care of themselves.
you can go to the Devil and not at your leisure. You can go now, for all I care.' 'My pet, I've been to the Devil and he's a very dull fellow. I won't go there again, not even for you.
Unless we regain the art of silence and insight, the ability for nonactivity, unless we substitute true leisure for our hectic amusements, we will destroy our culture and ourselves.
God has infinite attention, infinite leisure to spare for each one of us. He doesn't have to take us in the line. You're as much alone with Him as if you were the only thing He'd ever created.
I have no leisure to think of style or of polish, or to select the best language, the best English - no time to shine as an authoress. I must just think aloud, so as not to keep the public waiting.
All of [the] activities here have a surreptitious end-of-the-world feel to them:... these joggers sleepwalking in the mist like shadow's who have escaped from Plato's cave
We all wake up at our leisure; the kids know not to wake me up. Then we make breakfast or go out to eat with family. There is usually a sporting event or two to watch!
All men's instincts, all their impulses in life, are efforts to increase their freedom. Wealth and poverty, health and disease, culture and ignorance, labor and leisure, repletion and hunger, virtue and vice, are all terms for greater or less degree of freedom.
If the Internet exists at all in the future, it will be on a much-reduced scale from what we enjoy today, and all the activities of everyday life are not going to reside on it.
Money is catching up to the technological trends transforming all aspects of society and business; entertainment, insurance, health-care, gaming, leisure, retail - all commercial and social verticals are going digital - including money itself.
The influences that have lifted the race to a higher moral level are education, freedom, leisure, the humanizing tendency of a better-supplied and more interesting life. In a word, science and liberalism . . . have accomplished the very things for which religion claims the credit.
In companies, there are three activities that should be labeled better. First there is the "CORE" which is the thing the company does that its customers pay it to do. — © Lewis Schiff
In companies, there are three activities that should be labeled better. First there is the "CORE" which is the thing the company does that its customers pay it to do.
I used to represent Mount Carmel College in cultural activities, and a friend in the team told me to try my hand at acting.
I am Retired Leisure. I am to be met with in trim gardens. I am already come to be known by my vacant face and careless gesture, perambulating at no fixed pace nor with any settled purpose. I walk about; not to and from.
Schoolchildren make up their own rules and enforce their own conformities. They feel safest when leisure time is rationed and dosed. They like to wear uniforms, and they frown on personal idiosyncrasies. Deviance is the mark of an outsider.
Spending time with the child or adolescent in mutually enjoyable activities on a regular basis will help to build warmth and trust.
War should be the only study of a prince. He should consider peace only as a breathing-time, which gives him leisure to contrive, and furnishes as ability to execute, military plans.
My mother seemed to undermine so much of what I did, subtly belittling my choices and my activities in light of her greater, more important ones.
Frequent worshippers are also significantly more active citizens. They are more likely to belong to community organizations, especially those concerned with young people, health, arts and leisure, neighborhood and civic groups and professional associations.
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