Top 1200 Leisure Activities Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Leisure Activities quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Leisure time is that five or six hours when you sleep at night.
In New York, the principal leisure activity is internal bleeding.
Reading is my favourite occupation, when I have leisure for it and books to read. — © Anne Bronte
Reading is my favourite occupation, when I have leisure for it and books to read.
Do not mistake a crowd of big wage earners for the leisure class.
Economics is a slave-driver. No one has free time; no one has any leisure.
The trouble with the Internet is that it's replacing masturbation as a leisure activity.
No blessed leisure for love or hope, But only time for grief.
leisure is an attitude of mind, not simply remission of work.
He enjoys true leisure who has time to improve his soul's estate.
Do not love leisure. Waste not a minute. Be bold. Realize the Truth, here and now!
A broad margin of leisure is as beautiful in a man's life as in a book.
Destroy our leisure and you break love's bow.
Of all the joint ventures in which we might engage, the most productive, in my view, is educational exchange. I have always had great difficulty-since the initiation of the Fulbright scholarships in 1946-in trying to find the words that would persuasively explain that educational exchange is not merely one of those nice but marginal activities in which we engage in international affairs, but rather, from the standpoint of future world peace and order, probably the most important and potentially rewarding of our foreign-policy activities.
The artist is a member of the leisured classes who cannot pay for his leisure. — © Cyril Connolly
The artist is a member of the leisured classes who cannot pay for his leisure.
We must beat the iron while it is hot, but we may polish it at leisure.
Anytime you exhaust yourself trying to relax, that's active leisure.
There cannot be any true leisure until all the world possesses it equally.
Leisure only means a chance to do other jobs that demand attention.
What being at leisure means is more easily felt than defined.
I came to the flowers; I slept beneath them; this was my leisure.
At either end of the social spectrum there lies a leisure class.
The idea that the poor should have leisure has always been shocking to the rich.
Mend when thou canst; be better at thy leisure.
Leisure is the most challenging responsibility a man can be offered.
All good verses are like impromptus made at leisure.
Leisure and the cultivation of human capacities are inextricably interdependent.
To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization.
Do you know that conversation is one of the greatest pleasures in life? But it wants leisure.
In all of my universe I have seen no law of nature, unchanging and inexorable. This universe presents only changing relationships which are sometimes seen as laws by short-lived awareness. These fleshy sensoria which we call self are ephemera withering in the blaze of infinity, fleeting aware of temporary conditions which confine our activities and change as our activities change. If you must label the absolute, use its proper name: Temporary.
Grief walks upon the heels of pleasure; married in haste, we repent at leisure.
I think that was probably one of the biggest revelations, is leisure is really in the eyes of the beholder...
To hurry through one's leisure is the most unbusiness-like of actions.
The difference between film and TV is the pace. You don't have the leisure of time in television.
Leisure: A fancy word for people who don't want to admit they're bored.
Friendship is a very taxing and arduous form of leisure activity.
Perhaps it is while drinking tea that I most of all enjoy the sense of leisure.
Do not mistake a crowd of big wage-earners for the leisure class.
Sexuality is not a leisure or part-time activity. It is a way of being. — © Alexander Lowen
Sexuality is not a leisure or part-time activity. It is a way of being.
Nothing is as certain as that the vices of leisure are gotten rid of by being busy.
As you get drawn more and more into other activities, like political activities, very demanding, you have to find different rhythms of writing; I think that's the word I'm looking for, rhythms of creativity which then, of course, become very intense. I think your writing then tends to be very intensified simply because there are other demands which seem equally important.
Both business and leisure travellers are enjoying unprecedented levels of choice.
Employ thy time well, if thou meanest to gain leisure.
Only those who have earned leisure know how to use it profitably.
Unemployment diminishes people. Leisure enlarges them.
I would not exchange my leisure hours for all the wealth in the world.
Oxford lends sweetness to labour and dignity to leisure.
The only place where people in Manhattan walk for leisure is in the park.
We mistook violence for passion, indolence for leisure, and thought recklessness was freedom.
Remove but the temptations of leisure, and the bow of Cupid will lose its effect. — © Ovid
Remove but the temptations of leisure, and the bow of Cupid will lose its effect.
It is my belief that exciting things happen when a variety of overlapping activities designed for all people-the old and the young, the blue and white collar, the local inhabitant and the visitor, different activities for different occasions-meet in a flexible environment, opening up the possibility of interaction outside the confines of institutional limits. When this takes place, deprived areas welcome dynamic places for those who live, work and visit; places where all can participate, rather than less or more beautiful ghettos.
The thing that I should wish to obtain from money would be leisure with security.
Many concerns now make part or the whole of their dividends from by-products that formerly went to waste. How do we, as individuals, utilize our principal by-product? Our principal by-product is, of course, our leisure time. Many years of observation forces the conclusion that a man's success or failure in life is determined as much by how he acts during his leisure as by how he acts during his work hours. Tell me how a young man spends his evenings and I will tell you how he is likely to spend the latter part of his life.
One needs both leisure and money to make a successful book.
Leisure without study is death, and the grave of a living man.
What the banker sighs for, the meanest clown may have-leisure and a quiet mind.
I travel quite a bit for both bobsled and leisure.
Take away leisure and Cupid's bow is broken
And add to these retired Leisure, That in trim gardens take his pleasure.
There's so much competition for leisure time, more than ever.
No president who performs his duties faithfully and conscientiously can have any leisure.
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