Top 1200 Leisure Activities Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Leisure Activities quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Nothing adds to a person's leisure time like doing things when they are supposed to be done.
Temptation rarely comes in working hours. It is in their leisure time that men are made or marred.
There is a leisure about walking, no matter what pace you set, that lets down the tension. — © Hal Borland
There is a leisure about walking, no matter what pace you set, that lets down the tension.
Summer is meant to be for travel, for exploration, for leisure, but sometimes budgets and schedules dictate otherwise.
The real problem of leisure time is how to keep others from using yours.
Leisure, some degree of it, is necessary to the health of every man's spirit.
God is a foreman with certain definite views Who orders life in shifts of work and leisure.
In itself and in its consequences the life of leisure is beautiful and ennobling in all civilised men's eyes.
Breakfast cereals that come in the same colors as polyester leisure suits make oversleeping a virtue.
A faith in culture is as bad as a faith in religion; both expressions imply a turning away from those very things which culture and religion are about. Culture as a collective name for certain very valuable activities is a permissible word; but culture hypostatized, set up on its own, made into a faith, a cause, a banner, a platform, is unendurable. For none of the activities in question cares a straw for that faith or cause. It is like a return to early Semitic religion where names themselves were regarded as powers.
Now hatred is by far the longest pleasure; men love in haste but they detest at leisure.
To describe my scarce leisure time in today's terms, I always default to reading.
We are closer to the ants than to the butterflies. Very few people can endure much leisure. — © Gerald Brenan
We are closer to the ants than to the butterflies. Very few people can endure much leisure.
I used to go to the gym regularly and swim an awful lot, but that was when I was unemployed and knew leisure intimately.
If the soul has food for study and learning, nothing is more delightful than an old age of leisure.
Work is toil: what one does only to earn a living. If it gives pleasure, it is leisure.
The present letter is a very long one, simply because I had no leisure to make it shorter.
The activities and effects of the Fire and Air elements in the astral sphere call forth the astral-electric fluid, and the activities and effects of the Water and Earth elements call forth the astral-magnetic fluid. The spirit-beings use these fluids to create the effects or rather the causes in our physical world. The Akasha Principle of the astral sphere maintains the harmonious equilibrium of the elements in the entire astral sphere.
The primary purpose of a liberal education is to make one's mind a pleasant place in which to spend one's leisure.
I pant for retirement and leisure, but am doomed to inexpressible and almost unsupportable hurry.
Leisure, the highest happiness on earth, is seldom enjoyed with perfect satisfaction, except in solitude.
There is less leisure now than in the Middle Ages, when one third of the year consisted of holidays and festivals.
I had a very happy childhood, but I still used my imagination as a leisure resort.
The wise use of leisure, it must be conceded, is a product of civilization and education.
A thousand kisses buys my heart from me; And pay them at thy leisure, one by one.
Everybody was saying we must have more leisure. Now they are complaining they are unemployed.
The most desirable thing in life after health and modest means is leisure with dignity.
Leisure time is just one of the many benefits Americans are enjoying in the Trump economy.
I always have this imagination, something I want to use. I don't understand the idea of leisure time.
However one reaches the parks, the main thing is to slow down and absorb the natural wonders at leisure.
Convent - a place of retirement for women who wish for leisure to meditate upon the sin of idleness.
What will be the good of the conquest of leisure and health, if no one remembers how to use them?
One attraction in coming to the woods to live was that I should have leisure and opportunity to see the spring come in.
After visiting several of America's most fashionable playgrounds, I have reached the conclusion that men who work hard enjoy life most. The men at such places can be divided into two classes, first, busy men of affairs ... and, second, rich loafers. I was impressed by the obvious enjoyment corporation heads and other important executives were deriving from their vacation activities.... The idle rich fellows, on the other hand, although indulging in exactly the same activities, palpably were bored.
What is difficult? To keep a secret, to employ leisure well, to be able to bear an injury.
Thus grief still treads upon the heels of pleasure; Married in haste, we may repent at leisure.
Letters form a by-path of literature, a charming, but occasional, retreat for people of cultivated leisure.
My religion would be a gentle faith that believed in the sacredness of leisure. Napping as a form of prayer. — © Garrison Keillor
My religion would be a gentle faith that believed in the sacredness of leisure. Napping as a form of prayer.
That the Devil finds work for idle hands to do is probably true. But there is a profound difference between leisure and idleness.
The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not.
Becoming a parent changed my life drastically and left me little time for leisure reading.
I don't think many people have a very good understanding of leisure and the importance it plays in our lives.
The purely emotional form of Pietism is, as Ritschl has pointed out, a religious dilettantism for the leisure class.
Conspicuous consumption of valuable goods is a means of reputability to the gentleman of leisure.
How to use your leisure time is the biggest problem of a ballplayer.
Leisure for reverie, gay or somber, does much to enrich life.
Watching TV is the most popular leisure activity in Britain. I find that very depressing.
How many inner resources one needs to tolerate a life of leisure without fatigue. — © Natalie Clifford Barney
How many inner resources one needs to tolerate a life of leisure without fatigue.
If only I had thought of a Kodak! I could have flashed that glimpse of the Under-world in a second, and examined it at leisure.
The best in business spend far more time on learning than in leisure.
At the root of our civilization, there is the freedom of each person of thought, of belief, of opinion, of work, of leisure.
The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. The cure for it is occupation.
I would love to enjoy leisure, but I find it very difficult to sit down and do nothing.
I am in musical theatre, but it isn't necessarily what I listen to in my leisure time, do you know what I mean?
Some by experience find those words mis-placed: At leisure married, they repent in haste.
No country can reach a high stage of civilization without a leisure class.
There are moments when all anxiety and stated toil are becalmed in the infinite leisure and repose of nature.
There is no place in the world, I imagine, for a philosopher with a sense of humor, a new leisure, and an inquiring turn of mind!
It's not a man's working hours that is important, it is how he spends his leisure time.
If any young men come for Mary or Kitty, send them in, for I am quite as leisure.
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