Top 1200 Leisure Activities Quotes & Sayings - Page 8

Explore popular Leisure Activities quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Jacksonville has exceptionally good talent in the areas of modality activities.
I think because Sport Lux has come in and leisure wear is a new thing, girls can sneak in hoodies and leggings and so on where they wouldn't normally - it has been proper legitimate fashion.
Now it is time to sit quiet, face to face with thee, and to sing dedication of life in this silent and overflowing leisure. — © Rabindranath Tagore
Now it is time to sit quiet, face to face with thee, and to sing dedication of life in this silent and overflowing leisure.
I'm not too fond of the typical Australian activities or culture. I'm not into surfing.
Thoughts come maimed and plucked of plumage from the lips, which, from the pea, in the silence of your own leisure and study, would be born with far more beauty.
I don't see any distinction between work and pleasure so I do spend a lot of what other people might consider my leisure time doing history things.
I didn't take very much part in activities on campus at that time.
Wisdom and penetration are the fruit of experience, not the lessons of retirement and leisure. Great necessities call out great virtues.
My philosophy is that once you get people compelled enough to sit down and play the game, the whole way you make the game successful is by giving them enough unique ways to do things. First, let them deal with pulling levers and things like that for a while. Then after they've mastered that, you give them something else to do, like getting through doorways by blasting them down with a cannon Next, you give them a monster-finding quest, followed by logic problems to figure out. You pace it that way. Assorted activities and the diversity of activities are what makes a game rich in my mind.
Like most meaningful activities, campaigns are team games.
With all my outside activities, I have to remind people I am really in advertising.
It is that unoccupied space which makes a room habitable, as it is our leisure hours which make life endurable.
God alone can deliver us from a life of meaningless activities. — © T. B. Joshua
God alone can deliver us from a life of meaningless activities.
The thoughtful excitement of lonely rambles, of gardening, and of other like occupations, where the mind has leisure to must during the healthful activity of the body, with the fresh and wakeful breezes blowing round it.
Not only are we working less, we're enjoying ourselves more. As we're working toward this world of abundance, we're able to increasingly enjoy leisure time.
I confess my own leisure to be spent entirely in search of adventure, without regard to prudence, profit, self improvement, learning, or any other serious thing.
I not only excelled in academics but also in extra-curricular activities.
Happiness involves engagement in activities that promote one's highest potentials.
This is what holidays, travels, vacations are about. It is not really rest or even leisure we chase. We strain to renew our capacity for wonder to shock ourselves into astonishment once again.
As the age of information demands the simultaneous use of all our faculties, we discover that we are most at leisure when we are most intensely involved.
Happiness does not consist in pastimes and amusements but in virtuous activities.
All this time I lived with my parents, and wrought on the plantation; and having had schooling pretty well for a planter, I used to improve myself in winter evenings, and other leisure times.
Free... Yes...FREE time Is what retirement brings Leisure, lounging and loafing And other lazy things
I love the ath-leisure look, but I'm also super inspired by anime, and I love Japanese culture so much.
The slaves in Rome were incapable of leisure and so their masters gave them entertainment to keep them pacified.
Reasons for anxiety will never be lacking, whether born of prosperity or of wretchedness; life pushes on in a succession of engrossments. We shall always pray for leisure.
Legal and illegal activities had become inextricably intertwined.
For men who had easily endured hardship, danger and difficult uncertainty, leisure and riches, though in some ways desirable, proved burdensome and a source of grief.
Chasing new runway capacity to cater to ever more frequent leisure flights by Britain's wealthiest households isn't just iniquitous - it's bad economic policy.
I take pride in taking care of all the housework so that my wife, who works as a designer for Martha Stewart, won't need to sacrifice any of her leisure time when she gets home.
I started in my pro debut in a leisure centre in front of a couple of hundred people and I just worked hard for the last eight or nine years of my professional career.
In spite of recent jazzed-up one-day matches, cricket to be fully appreciated demands leisure, some sunny warm days and an understanding of its finer points.
A hacker doesn't deliberately destroy data or profit from his activities.
Why should any of these things that happen externally distract thee? Give thyself leisure to learn some good thing: cease roving to and fro.
It is most important that we should keep in this country a certain leisured class. I am of the opinion of the ancient Jewish book which says there is no wisdom without leisure.
Americans will listen, but they do not care to read. War and Peace must wait for the leisure of retirement, which never really comes: meanwhile it helps to furnish the living room.
Sex and creativity are often seen by dictators as subversive activities.
Life was wonderful, so filled with people and activities, with love and laughter. — © Judith McNaught
Life was wonderful, so filled with people and activities, with love and laughter.
Live theatre provides a rush you can't get in film or television. But it is the TV and film work that offers the leisure to go off and do a play.
A day at the beach with my kids is one of the least relaxing activities I can think of.
We are in hot haste to set the world right and to order all affairs; the Lord hath the leisure of conscious power and unerring wisdom, and it will be well for us to learn to wait.
There is material among us for the broadest comedies and the deepest tragedies, but, besides money and leisure, it needs patience, perseverance, courage, and the hand of an artist to weave it into the literature of the country.
By fashion and built-in obsolescence the economies of machine production, instead of producing leisure and durable wealth, are duly cancelled out by the mandatory consumption on an even larger scale.
The office of the leisure class in social evolution is to retard the movement and to conserve what is obsolescent. This proposition is by no means novel; it has long been one of the commonplaces of popular opinion.
Every one in this world has as much as they can do in caring for themselves, and few have leisure really to think of their neighbours distresses, however they may delight their tongues with talking of them.
Great sorrows have no leisure to complain: Least ills vent forth, great griefs within remain.
I love gentiles. In fact, on of my favorite activities is Protestant spotting.
The growth of our nation and all its activities are in the hands of a few men. — © Woodrow Wilson
The growth of our nation and all its activities are in the hands of a few men.
I'm really not a party person. I'm in the business of working with 100 people every day, so I don't revel in meeting a roomful of people in my leisure time.
The best test of the quality of a civilization is the quality of its leisure.
But leisure has little to do with one's happiness. To the contrary, I've found that the happiest people have found some cause and they stride through life propelled by a commitment.
I find that different types of music are good for certain activities.
Comey has left a trail of suspicious activities in his wake.
The necessity of knowing a little about a great many things is the most grievous burden of our day. It deprives us of leisure on the one hand, and of scholarship on the other.
I am moreover inclined to be concise when I reflect on the constant occupation of the citizens in public and private affairs, so that in their few leisure moments they may read and understand as much as possible.
Spend your leisure time in cultivating an ear attentive to discourse, for in this way you will find that you learn with ease what others have found out with difficulty.
Come then, and let us pass a leisure hour in storytelling, and our story shall be the education of our heroes.
We do not enjoy a story fully at the first reading. Not till the curiosity, the sheer narrative lust, has been given its sop and laid asleep, are we at leisure to savour the real beauties.
This is the first great problem of modern to get a fair living by reasonable hours of work leaving enough leisure for both childhood and manhood.
We are perpetually moralists, but we are geometricians only by chance. Our intercourse with intellectual nature is necessary; our speculations upon matter are voluntary, and at leisure.
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