Top 1200 Leisure Activities Quotes & Sayings - Page 9

Explore popular Leisure Activities quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
To be entirely at leisure for one day is to be for one day an immortal
The Eleanor Roosevelt Award that I received for women's rights activities is one I treasure.
3. It is said that the I-activity is the root of all activities. From where the I-thought emerges, that in short is the heart. — © Ramana Maharshi
3. It is said that the I-activity is the root of all activities. From where the I-thought emerges, that in short is the heart.
[T]hroughout the ages to be educated meant to be unproductive.... our word "school" - and its equivalent in all European languages - derives from a Greek word meaning "leisure.
Do you ever make silly mistakes? It is one of my very few creative activities.
Pleasure seizes the whole man who addicts himself to it, and will not give him leisure for any good office in life which contradicts the gayety of the present hour.
I'm up and down and round about, Yet all the world can't find me out; Though hundreds have employed their leisure, They never yet could find my measure.
The job of rearing a child consists of making conscious activities unconscious.
One of my favorite activities is just to drive and listen to music - of course, only when there's no traffic.
Activities that seem to represent choices are often inert reproductions of accepted practice.
I ask Thee for a thankful love, Through constant watching wise, To meet the glad with joyful smiles, And to wipe the weeping eyes, And a heart at leisure from itself, To soothe and sympathize.
Just as a picture is drawn by an artist, surroundings are created by the activities of the mind
Work! labor the asparagus me of life; the one great sacrament of humanity from which all other things flow - security, leisure, joy, art, literature, even divinity itself.
Activism could be defined as activities engaged in by individuals to change there of others situation. — © Ben Edwards
Activism could be defined as activities engaged in by individuals to change there of others situation.
I was going to school nights and it was so demanding of your time that social activities suffered.
everyone in our school has afterschool activities. mine is going home.
To teach is to learn twice. About all some parents accomplish in life is to send a child to Harvard. The purpose of a liberal education is to make one's mind a pleasant place to spend one's leisure.
In other words, by finding the anomalous event, what you do is you get out ahead of activities.
In my daily activities, I tend to go for light and simple clothes that are easy to work with.
The Eleanor Roosevelt Award that I received for women's rights activities is one I treasure
The challenge of screenwriting is to say much in little and then take half of that little out and still preserve an effect of leisure and natural movement.
When it comes to extracurricular activities, many children are getting too much of a good thing.
I don't think a judge should be too much involved in outside activities.
Women are free in the Islamic Republic in the selection of their activities and their future and their clothing.
We have taken a strategic decision to gather education activities under a single roof.
I'm somebody from a little tiny town, who had boxed in leisure centres, and my last fight was in Madison Square Garden against one of the greats. What a great way to finish off.
Night buses serve not only the leisure economy- pubs, bars, clubs, theatres and concerts- but also hundreds of thousands of night workers.
Kids need activities and role models to stay out of trouble.
As far as activities go, having a regular exercise routine is a must.
The way I see it, what is going to come out of the moon activities is a respect for U.S. leadership.
A hacker doesnt deliberately destroy data or profit from his activities.
Marketing is the set of human activities directed at facilitating and consummating exchanges.
Why seek to embarrass [the artist] with vanities foreign to his quietness? Know you not that certain sciences require the whole man, leaving no part of him at leisure for your trifles?
The challenge of screenwriting is to say much in little and then take half of that little out and still preserve an effect of leisure and natural movement
All activities and events that a body is to go through are determined at the time of conception.
When the entrepreneur is obsessed with the product and the company has organized all of its activities around that, it's very powerful.
They talk of the dignity of work. The dignity is in leisure.
Around the year 2000, countries such as France, the Netherlands and the US were already five times as wealthy as in 1930. Yet nowadays our biggest challenges are not leisure and boredom, but stress and uncertainty.
To be faithful in prayer it is indispensable that we arrange all the activities of the day with a regularity that nothing can disturb — © Francois Fenelon
To be faithful in prayer it is indispensable that we arrange all the activities of the day with a regularity that nothing can disturb
Whoever is to acquire a competent knowledge of medicine, ought to be possessed of the following advantages: a natural disposition; instructionl a favorable place for the study; early tuition, love of labor; leisure.
All Church activities, advancements, quorums, and classes are means to the end of an exalted family.
At Natura, we have long been committed to measure and improve the impacts of our activities.
Falling in love is one of the activities forbidden that tiresome person, the consistently reasonable man.
The power to share has already turned once-solitary activities into social occasions.
The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.
We know that there are various activities important to the insurgents in Iraq that are occurring in Syria.
Leisure is a form of silence, not noiselessness. It is the silence of contemplation such as occurs when we let our minds rest on a rosebud, a child at play, a Divine mystery, or a waterfall.
All revolutions are spiritual at the source. All my activities have the sole purpose of achieving a union of hearts.
It's the adventure, the adrenaline-flowing, risk-taking in outdoor activities that attracts me. — © Baba Kalyani
It's the adventure, the adrenaline-flowing, risk-taking in outdoor activities that attracts me.
Being human is a precious situation, and we shouldn't waste time in useless activities.
Beneath our frantic activities, there's a deep desire to show the world we are worthwhile.
What does competency in the long run mean? It means to all reasonable beings, cleanliness of person, decency of dress, courtesy of manners, opportunities for education, the delights of leisure, and the bliss of giving.
if anyone present wishes to make me the subject of his wit, I am very much at his service--with my sword--whenever he has leisure.
And therefore, Reader, I myself am the subject of my book: it is not reasonable that you should employ your leisure on a topic so frivolous and so vain. Therefore, Farewell.
Investment banks manage to go bankrupt through their investment-banking activities, commercial banks manage to go bankrupt through their commercial-banking activities.
Ingenious philosophers tell you, perhaps, that the great work of the steam-engine is to create leisure for mankind. Do not believe them; it only creates a vacuum for eager thought to rush in.
Take no notice of the ego and its activities, but see only the light behind.
I'm not too fond of the typical Australian activities or culture. I'm not into surfing - that's what I'm trying to say.
I will continue to forcefully support nonproliferation activities around the world.
I love outdoor winter activities like snow tubing and snowball throwing.
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