Top 333 Les Miz Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Les Miz quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
The rarest things in the world, next to a spirit of discernment, are diamonds and pearls. [Fr., Apres l'esprit de discernement, ce qu'il y a au monde de plus rare, ce sont les diamants et les perles.]
Les masses ont tort et les individus toujours raison. The masses are wrong; individuals are always right.
Usually, if I want to just listen to something or sing along to something, I'll put on some Gavin DeGraw or some Billy Joel. Occasionally, if I am feeling vocally in really great shape, I will sing Jean Valjean's soliloquy from 'Les Miz' or something.
En France particulie'  rement, les mots ont plus d'empire que les ide  es. In France particularly, words reign over ideas. — © Sydney Samuelson
En France particulie' rement, les mots ont plus d'empire que les ide es. In France particularly, words reign over ideas.
A look of intelligence is what regularity of features is to women: it is a styule of beauty to which the most vain may aspire. [Fr., L'air spirituel est dans les hommes ce que la regularite des traits est dans les femmes: c'est le genre de beaute ou les plus vains puissent aspirer.]
The only shows I saw as a kid were that holy trinity: 'Les Miz,' 'Cats,' 'Phantom.'
In matters of observation chance favors only the prepared mind. (not literal translation) - Dan's les champs de observation le hasard ne favorise que les esprits prepares.
Miz & Morrison, 'The Greatest Tag Team of the 21st Century,' was fun because Miz and I have great comedic chemistry for backstage segments and our Internet show, 'The Dirt Sheet.'
Ah, bien je prétends que les courbes des quatre areêtes du monument, telles que le calcul les a fournies, donneront une grand impression de force et de beauté. Well, I think the curves of the four pillars of the monument, as the calculations have provided them, give it a great sense of force and beauty.
La parole humaine est comme un chaudron fe" le o u' nous battons des me lodies a' faire danser les ours, quand on voudrait attendrir les e toiles. Human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we beat out tunes for bears to dance to, when all the time we are longing to move the stars to pity.
L'imagination m'apportait des délices infinies. En recouvrant ce que les hommes appellent la raison, faudra-t-il regretter de les avoir perdues...? My imagination gave me infinite delight. In recovering what men call reason, do I have to regret the loss of these joys?
If you watching remember The Miz at the time when he was on 'Real World,' he was a character known as The Miz. He always wanted to get into sports entertainment, as did I. In a very similar likeness, I was EA All Day.
... Jimmy Page bought a Les Paul because he liked mine, but it was stolen, so he bought a Standard everybody raved about .. that's what he's famous for, but his first Les Paul was a Custom like mine ... I can remember he played a Gretsch before that
It's one of those things where we generally love filming 'Miz and Mrs.' — © Maryse Mizanin
It's one of those things where we generally love filming 'Miz and Mrs.'
Ce n'est gue' re que dans les asiles que les coquettes gardent avec ente" tement une foi entie' re en des regards absents; normalement, elles re clament des te moins. Women fond of dress are hardly ever entirely satisfied not to be seen, except among the insane; usually they want witnesses.
The smallest errors are always the best. [Fr., Les plus courtes erreurs sont toujours les meilleures.]
La truffe n'est point un aphrodisiaque positif; mais elle peut, en certaines occasions, rendre les femmes plus tendres et les hommes plus aimables. The truffle is not a true aphrodisiac; but in certain circumstances it can make women more affectionate and men more attentive.
I'm The Miz and I'm awesome!
And frankly, I'm a huge gold digger and The Miz is about to make a lot of money!
The nice thing about doing a pop opera - in the way that doing, say, 'Miss Saigon' or 'Les Miz' would be - is that, because the convention is set from the beginning that this is an opera and everything is sung, there is never that feeling of 'Why is this person bursting out into song?' because the whole thing is sung.
I couldn't not play a Les Paul guitar. Les always used to point to my Strat and say, 'Why do you have that piece of crap around your neck?' I'd say, 'Yours are too heavy. I had to drill holes in it.'
I was here at Spurs as a kid, too, and I cleaned David Ginola and David Howells boots. I got a nice tip of £60 from each of them at Christmas. Howells was quick to give me this but I had to ask Les Ferdinand to explain to Ginola about our boot etiquette and the tradition of tipping at Christmas. Everyone wanted to clean Les Ferdinand s boots because he was the best tipper. He gave out £100 one year.
I never got that show - Les Miz. It's about the French guy, right, who steals a loaf of bread, and then he suffers for the rest of his life. For Toast. Get over it!
I did see 'Les Miz' and I thought it was just incredible. Totally incredible. I love 'Chicago,' too.
In the modern operas that 'Miss Saigon' and 'Les Miz' are, nobody breaks out into song from conventional book dialogue. Everything is sung from beginning to end, including the recitative.
I have loved 'Les Miz' for so long. It was the first Broadway show I'd ever done.
I tried a Les Paul when I was a lot younger. I tried the Les Paul, and because of the weight of the thing, it nearly dislocated my hip.
The shortest follies are the best. [Fr., Les plus courtes folies sont les meilleures.]
L'absence diminue les mediocres passions, et augmente les grandes,comme le vent eteint les bougies, et allume le feu. Absence diminishes commonplace passions, and increases great ones, as wind extinguishes candles and kindles fire.
I used a fifties Les Paul custom on most of the stuff. I also used a Strat, a newer Strat. I had a million guitars in there but I used the Strat & the Les Paul in just about everything. There were a lot of different amp choices, I was working with a pro tools plug-in which is like an amplifier stimulator. The possibilities with something like that are just endless.
I think The Miz can be a terrific heel. Miz enjoys being a heel, and I think he's actually very good at it. People look at him and want to hate him. That's what you want.
Kill them all; for God knoweth them that are His. (Tuez-les tous; Dieu reconnaitra les siens.)
Mais enfin, bande de critiques, les livres que vous ne comprenez pas ne vaudraient-ils pas au moins que vous les signaliez? For heaven's sake, gang of critics, don't the books which you do not understand at least deserve recognition?
Men are the cause of women not loving one another. [Fr., Les hommes sont la cause que les femmes ne s'aiment point.]
I still fall back a lot on my Les Paul, and there is just no getting away from a Les Paul and a hot pickup.
For the most part, and even with Miz, the WWE superstars are so good to the fans and everything they do.
The incredulous are the more credulous. They believe the miracles of Vespasian that they may not believe those of Moses. [Fr., Incredules les plus credules. Ils croient les miracle de Vespasien, pour ne pas croire ceux de Moise.]
Always open all gates and roads to your enemies, and rather make for them a bridge of silver, to get rid of them. [Fr., Ouvrez toujours a vos ennemis toutes les portes et chemin, et plutot leur faites un pont d'argent, afin de les renvoyer.]
Did I haze the Miz? Hell yes! — © John Layfield
Did I haze the Miz? Hell yes!
I would play in any number shirt for Newcastle United, but the No 9 at Newcastle is something very special and I've always wanted to wear it. I mentioned it to the manager, he mentioned it to Les and Les has been very kind and given it to me.
Cole, you stay right where you are. Miz has enough people at ringside tonight.
The Miz came in as a way to say exactly what I was feeling and not have any repercussions for it because it was a character I was playing.
My name is Alex Riley and I've been signed to a personal services contract for The Miz.
I pride myself on not being run of the mill. I don't want to be your umpteenth Fantine in 'Les Miz.'
I did see LES MIZ and I thought it was just incredible. Totally incredible. I love CHICAGO, too.
I loved 'Les Miz' and 'Into the Woods' - I used to cast 'Into the Woods' with my friends, even if they'd never stepped on stage before.
Fear made the gods; audacity has made kings. [Fr., La crainte fit les dieux; l'audace a fait les rois.]
When I take my Les Paul onstage, it's reliable. An SG could be different from night to night, but a Les Paul is so solid and reliable that you can trust it every night
Welcome to Miz-fest 2010! It's all going A-Ry. — © Alex Riley
Welcome to Miz-fest 2010! It's all going A-Ry.
A lot of my friends were a lot into theatre a lot earlier than I was. A lot of my friends were kids who were in The Broadway Kids and the kids auditioning for Gavroche in 'Les Miz.' I was never that kid. I was weaned on Michael Jackson. Not literally, because that would have been odd.
The Miz is a character I created. He's basically a wrestling star.
'Les Miserables', the book, 'Les Miserables', the musical - it's about giving; it's about goodness. It's about compassion and love.
Les femmes et les hommes ne vivent pas sur le me" me plan. Women and men do not live according to the same design.
Je ne crois que les histoires dont les te moins se feraient e gorger. I only believe in histories told by witnesses who would have had their throats slit.
Les Mis' was an amazing experience, to be in the original cast of 'Les Miserables,' and 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' God bless it that was fantastic, at the London Palladium the biggest theatre in London the most successful show that has ever been at the London Palladium, that was fantastic.
I used to watch the Broadway 'Les Miz' and study it.
Usually if I want to just listen to something or sing along to something I'll put on some Gavin DeGraw or some Billy Joel. Occasionally, if I am feeling vocally in really great shape I will sing Jean Valjean's Soliloquy from LES MIZ or something.
And if you're not buying my dinnner or you think you fancy, you're not getting a date with The Miz!
The fastidious are unfortunate: nothing can satisfy them. [Lat., Les delicats sont malheureux, Rien ne saurait les satisfaire.]
Les vrais philosophes sont comme les e le phants, qui en marchant ne posent jamais le second pied a' terre que le premier ne soit bien affermi. True philosophers are like elephants, who when walking never placetheir second footontheground untilthefirst is steady.
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