Top 1200 Let Me Be Me Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Let Me Be Me quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
And if you see me, smile and maybe give me a hug. That's important to me too.
There were high school coaches such as Charles Boston that took me under his wing and taught me the fundamentals of football. And when I went to college there was Robert Hill who took me there and he showed me what hard work and determination would do if you put forth the effort and you take a little time.
You came back fighting and furious at me. You told me you'd been looking for mermaids, and I interrupted you. [...] I said that next time, you had to take me with you." "Was there a next time?" "Well, you tell me, you don't need water to feel like you're drowning, do you?
I have many favorite actors that have influenced me all my life and that are still idols and models to me. It would be extremely hard for me to narrow it down to a few because each and every one of them influence me in a different way, on a different level, with diverse things, emotions, or thoughts.
We knew all along we were making a good show, so its success was not a surprise to me. What has surprised me is the magnitude of this show's success. More people see me now in one episode than saw me in 20 years of movies and theater!
Mark Hughes convinced me to come to Stoke, he has helped me and showed his trust in me from the beginning. — © Bojan Krkic
Mark Hughes convinced me to come to Stoke, he has helped me and showed his trust in me from the beginning.
My parents would have to put the fire hose on me to get me out of bed, to go to school in the morning. They would use a cattle prod and just shock me, or throw boiling water on me, or fire a gun next to my head, to get me out of bed.
If someone remembers me as a coach, they still call me 'Coach,' but if they know me for the video game, they just call me 'Madden.'
Creating music fulfills me. It gives me purpose. It connects me with the world.
Every bad thing that's happened to me has defined me, has shaped, has moulded me.
It suddenly seemed to me that I was lonely, that everyone was forsaking me and going away from me.
Me can't be prejudice. Me can't me no think of life that way. Because, me figure if you prejudice, that mean you have a hate. If you have a hate inside of you, you can't be righteous.
When people look at me, ask me, or say something to me, they know I'm Philly.
They can boo me, yell at me, and throw peanuts at me, as long as they pay to get in.
Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, you cannot play upon me.
Bochy is my guy. He raised me in the game; I was 20-years-old and as green as any grapes as you've ever seen on a vine. He took care of me, taught me how to be a professional, and taught me how to get my work done.
Let me be patient, let me be kind, make me unselfish, without being blind. — © Lauryn Hill
Let me be patient, let me be kind, make me unselfish, without being blind.
Baseball for me was instinctive, born within me, given to me as a gift from God.
Let me, O let me bathe my soul in colours; let me swallow the sunset and drink the rainbow.
You know, I had my mother and my father convincing me that he would be going back to Hollywood and he'd be back with the actresses and dating them and that he wasn't serious about me at all. So I had him saying one thing to me and my parents telling me something else.
Several sets of arms would embrace me. But in the end, the only person I truly want to comfort me is Haymitch, because he loves Peeta, too. I reach out for him and say something like his name and he's there, holding me and patting my back. "It's okay. It'll be okay, sweetheart." He sits me on a length of broken marble pillar and keeps an arm around me while I sob.
Juve have allowed me to show my worth, it has provided me with a challenge that has motivated me.
I like sex writing that makes me think, makes me cringe, makes me angry, makes me look at it in a new way.
Somebody with a huge brand like Bellator under an even huger brand like Viacom, to have them put their faith in me, to put me in so many things, to put me in commercials, send me to all these events, and just to continue to put me in the cage with great talent, it's great.
Don't lie to me. Don't deceive me. Give me the truth. Even if it breaks me. A painful truth is better than a pleasant lie.
Julie always tried to stand beside me, or talk to me, or in some other way mortify me.
I'd sit around dreaming that the boys I saw at shows or at work - the boys with silver earrings and big boots - would tell me I was beautiful, take me home and feed me Thai food or omelets and undress me and make love to me all night with the palm trees whispering windsongs about a tortured gleaming city and the moonlight like flame melting our candle bodies.
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.
The oddest thing to me has been when people come up to me, and they don't say anything, and they just put their arms around me and hug and kiss me. They don't even say hello! They just freak out like they've seen a unicorn.
You treat me like a dog and you expect me to smile? You remind me of a jackass.
In middle school, I had this one teacher who would kick me out all the time. He just didn't like me. I could ask a person next to me to borrow a pencil, and he'd kick me out of class. Besides that, I've never been in trouble.
When I got traded to the Raptors Kyle Lowry told me, 'We expect you to average 15 points a game off the bench.' And I said, 'Perfect, so you need me here.' And that made me feel wanted. So once he put that expectation on me, it just made everything fall into place.
Lay me on an anvil, O God. Beat me and hammer me into a steel spike.
The instructor stared at me with cold, cut-me-no-slack determination, then got into a fighting stance, holding one hand out, beckoning me. "I saw that movie too!"I said."It was like the coolest movie of all-" He launched himself at me. That was when his day really went downhill.
I'm lucky to have family around me. Otherwise, I'll be taking the risk of falling in love with myself. But there are always people close to me who I trust, who will scold me and pull my ears if I need it. Fame isolates people from reality. That happens to many artists, and I don't want it to happen to me.
Please don't wake me, no, don't shake me, leave me where I am, I'm only sleeping.
She hates me and you hate me, but you all love Harry. Nobody loves me.
Love me or hate me I promise that it will never make or break me...<3
Burn me. Drown me. Tell me lies. I will still be who I am.
The composers hated me. The singers detested me. The guitarists were terrified by me.
Some people have tried to change me and tell me what to do, but I haven't done it, and it's worked for me. — © Kane Brown
Some people have tried to change me and tell me what to do, but I haven't done it, and it's worked for me.
They asked me to write it and zoomed me over there to do it. But they ended up sacking me.
You can love me or hate me and disagree with me, but you sure as hell know where I stand.
My dear, In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. I realized, through it all, that… In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back. Truly yours, Albert Camus
The most telling one was recently on a plane. This guy very dressed up and formal - the watch, the shoes, the cufflinks, the whole nine yards - he came at me, and I thought I was going to get nailed. But he literally came up to me and just gave me a hug and said, "Thank you for introducing me to a subject that I didn't know anything about." In those moments it always clicks for me what we're doing here.
Now don't you ever tell a lie just confide in me Would you die 4 me? Tell me baby would you ride 4 me?
That's really what was wonderful for me growing up, since I got to know so many of the songwriters who liked me and thought I had talent. They would then tell me how to read a lyric and sing a song, and challenge me to try and find a different end to a song.
One thing I hate is people screaming at me. If you want me to do something, talk to me.
I want people around me who call me out and hold me accountable.
I love it when a photographer lets me create my own movement and feeling to the images. By that I mean he doesn't restrict me in his or her own ideas but rather gives me a direction and lets me work within those boundaries freely.
When people tell me I can't do something, that's what excites me. It makes me perform better.
For me, bondage makes me feel powerless and annoyed. It's like, can you untie me? — © Dian Hanson
For me, bondage makes me feel powerless and annoyed. It's like, can you untie me?
I'm very much inspired by things that anger me. If I see bigotry, stupidity, or injustice on the news, I'm inspired to find a way to make it into something comedic and relatable. Anger inspires me. Stupidity inspires me. My family inspires me. My accountant inspires me. Everything and anything, really.
My father was a great mentor to me and is someone I admire and look up to. However, it was my mum who was more of a driving force when it came to me and cricket - she constantly encouraged me to always remember to have fun when playing. And Mum was the one who took me round the grounds at the beginning of my career.
No one tells me what they think because they're either intimidated by me, or they don't want to upset me.
Food makes me happy. Make me work round the clock, but just feed me first!
Rich always wanted to be so close that it freaked me out. I always thought it was weak of him that he liked me so much, but then I realized that he was strong to put up with me and stay with me when I kept trying to push him away.
I get the feeling people respect me and that there is affection for me. That makes me happy.
He tried to convince me. He spoke to me: 'You have to play for Belgium.' He came to talk to me, he's always talking to me. I told him 'it's difficult, Lukaku, can't do it, it's not the same. Playing for Belgium is something else. Playing for Selecao... It's Brazil, I feel at home.'
Me in my music and onstage - that's me without any fears of judgement; that's me when I'm shining.
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