Top 1200 Levels Of Life Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Levels Of Life quotes.
Last updated on October 15, 2024.
There's a book called 'Where The Wild Things Are,' by American writer Maurice Sendak... it really is the most sublime book. It's a picture book, but it works at so many levels, and it's fantastic.
The dual effect of high growth creating higher income that's taxed by government at all levels, combined with lessening demands placed on government that occurs during economic prosperity, is a worthy objective.
It's obvious that there are vast variety of consequentialist views, depending on what we think goodness consists in, what our notion of consequence is, and what level (or levels) of human action we think the principle should be applied.
I don't even know where to start in terms of people having such an issue about color, especially being dark. I just think on different levels it's ignorance; it's no belief, no confidence, it's insecurity, so you want to inflict it on somebody else.
There was a time before my O-levels when I remember thinking I used to study hard and work hard to please my mother, like most young children. And then I realised I'm doing this for me.
My philosophy is very much to encourage my children to forge their own success and happiness, even though that will undoubtedly involve much more modest levels of wealth creation.
The architecture for 'Paladin' - given that it's at least three books, with the possibility of more - turned out to be bigger than anything I've ever created, with multiple levels of reality, interlocking mysteries and a terabyte of time frame.
The third stage was the reaction that came when the body struggled to compensate for its ills - when, for instance, the white count not only returned to normal but increased to much higher than normal levels.
The day that you stop learning is the day that you start decreasing your rewards and start suffering from frustration and lower levels of satisfaction.
This was a mutual relationship, mutual on all levels, right from the way it started and all the way through. I don't accept that he had to completely desecrate my character.
Your environment (your home, your office, the magazines you read etc.) dramatically affects your levels of achievement
Excess nitrogen from the fertilizers can cause eutrophication in the ocean, which can lead to harmful algae blooms or hypoxia - reduced levels of oxygen that create conditions in which organisms can't survive.
You are not alone with a guy until you are a proper age. You don't go to certain levels with men until you are married or you have a certain relationship. — © Daisy Fuentes
You are not alone with a guy until you are a proper age. You don't go to certain levels with men until you are married or you have a certain relationship.
The hard part is majors are exhausting on their own. They're a long week. So the hard part is your energy levels.
The truth is that creative activity is one that involves the entire self - our emotions, our levels of energy, our characters, and our minds.
I spent two great seasons playing in the Russian championship. I could have stayed there, but I went to the Premier League, which is much more competitive and requires much greater levels of fitness.
I use fitness as a grounding tool to keep me balanced; nutrition is the same, to keep me at optimum levels.
Nobody can teach you love. Love you have to find yourself, within your being, by raising your consciousness to higher levels.
The most important thing for me is the moment, going from one thing to the next and hitting all the different levels and different points that make the whole what it is.
Our task is tough, and our time is limited. Party organizations and governments at all levels must give priority to emission reduction and bring the idea deep into people's hearts.
I don't think one moment that we should sink to the levels of the Brexiters - the dodgy money, the electoral lawbreaking and the lying - but I do wonder if those of us who remain deeply concerned about the consequences of Brexit are really landing all the blows that we can.
The day of my last A-levels, I took over from Andrew Garfield' in Beautiful Thing, and the thing that followed that was Side by Side' with Josie Walker.
'Hello' was a niche film with no high levels of energy. It had no much happiness, no much dance in its screenplay. But it did a lot of good for me. I was in a negative space before it happened.
I used to hear other boxers talk about levels and it used to frustrate me. But now I understand: sometimes it doesn't matter how much you prepare, there are just people you can't beat.
You want success on different levels. I wouldn't be honest if I said I don't look over there in the pop world and say, "Man, that's attractive" - Adele selling 100,000 albums a week. A week.
I did a study of soldiers returning from Iraq, and their levels of PTSD were much higher if they had had to shoot a woman or child, even if they knew the person was a suicide bomber.
U.S. foreign policy is akin to government-sponsored terrorism these day. It was not a mistake that there was a huge security stand down on September 11 last year. I am SOLO. I will continue to disrupt at the highest levels.
Never stop listening to people at all levels of the company. Be physically out and about so that you always have your finger on the pulse and know, at the ground level, the truth of how people are feeling.
With the coldest winter ever recorded, with snow setting record levels up and down the coast, the Nobel committee should take the Nobel Prize back from Al Gore. — © Donald Trump
With the coldest winter ever recorded, with snow setting record levels up and down the coast, the Nobel committee should take the Nobel Prize back from Al Gore.
A serious economic downturn will undermine women's rights on multiple levels. And it is the women who are already the most disadvantaged, that will be hit hardest of all.
Fear creates its own self-fulfilling dynamic- as people give into it, they lose energy and momentum. Their lack of confidence translates into inaction that lowers confidence levels even further, on and on.
The difference between highly functioning people and people who live with ordinary levels of consciousness is that the self-actualizers never put their intention on what they don't want. They know that what you think about is what expands.
Our conflict is in relationship, at all levels of our existence; and the understanding of this relationship, completely and extensively, is the only real problem that each one has.
People have different emotional levels. Especially when you're young. Back then I guess most of my influences could be thought of as eccentric. Mass media had no overwhelming reach so I was drawn to the traveling performers passing through.
Global military spending levels constitute an unconscionable use of resources and remain at an all-time high, reaching a total of USD 1.75 trillion in 2012, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
If you improve a teacher's self-esteem, confidence, communication skills or stress levels, you improve that teacher's overall effectiveness across the curriculum.
When you accomplish certain levels of success in a number, you want that number to always be a part of you. In a way, you're bringing that success with you when you're wearing it.
Women have so many levels. There's the physical level, which is a lot of fun. There's this emotional level, which is extremely mercurial. — © Robin Williams
Women have so many levels. There's the physical level, which is a lot of fun. There's this emotional level, which is extremely mercurial.
All the great organizations have great managers at all levels who recognize where their culture is getting stronger and where it is getting weaker. There are always reasons why.
The levels of technology investment in the energy sciences pales compared to the kinds of investment we make in the computer and bio-sciences.
In schools where parent involvement is greater, you do have higher achievement levels and better functioning, better performing schools.
The deeper side of the study occurs on levels of attention your mind is not aware of, but that your superconscious mind is - what don Juan calls the nagual.
The wonderful thing about films is how they can be understood by so many different people on so many different levels.
Ballroom dancing: it's a wonderful thing at so many levels because you've got to follow the rules. They used to call those rules etiquette once upon a time, but you don't really have that any more.
Eurobonds are absolutely wrong. In order to bring about common interest rates, you need similar competitiveness levels, similar budget situations. You don't get them by collectivizing debts.
I shall argue that the problem of grace is fundamentally a problem of integration and what is to be integrated is the diverse parts of the mind - especially those multiple levels of which one extreme is called 'consciousness' and the other the 'unconscious'
New Orleans is unlike any city in America. Its cultural diversity is woven into the food, the music, the architecture - even the local superstitions. It's a sensory experience on all levels and there's a story lurking around every corner.
A Christian high school is just like any other high school in the sense of the politics and all of these levels of who's cool and what to wear. — © Jena Malone
A Christian high school is just like any other high school in the sense of the politics and all of these levels of who's cool and what to wear.
We are getting used to levels of violence, we are getting used to seeing these horrific things going on all the time. I think it's tough. It's rough.
The basic Buddhist stand on the question of equality between the genders is age-old. At the highest tantric levels, at the highest esoteric level, you must respect women: every woman.
We're improving and taking our levels of customer satisfaction higher and higher....Our customers are happier than they were before.
If I don't really have an outlet for my adrenaline it will then manifest in anxiety, and cortisol levels will rise and then you're in a spiral.
Some countries need extra stimulus in specific areas. Something has to be done against high youth unemployment in Greece and Spain, for example. But in the end, there is no way around it: The debt levels have to come down.
I always felt like the Academy was very late in acknowledging things. I've seen them do it with hip hop when it should have been acknowledged. It was already penetrating mass levels of culture and radio, and yet they wouldn't give it a proper category.
Every enterprise is learning and teaching institution. Training and development must be built into it on all levels, training and development that never stop.
A creative life is an amplified life. It's a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life. Living in this manner-continually and stubbornly bringing forth the jewels that are hidden within you-is a fine art, in and of itself.
I'd gig three to five times a week while I was doing my A-levels. I'd always come in with a runny nose 'cause I was always ill and run-down. But I just pushed through.
We can fight over what the taxation levels should be, but the tax system should be very, very simple and not distortionary.
The new century will see unimaginable levels of wastefulness and extravagance, but it will also be an age in which the individual human being acquires a true and universally recognised value.
A university should not be an island where academics attain higher and higher levels of knowledge without sharing any of this knowledge with its neighbours.
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