Top 119 Lieutenant Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Lieutenant quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Today Arnold Schwarzenegger made another major announcement. He said his lieutenant governor will be Xena, Warrior Princess.
When I had the honor to be a second lieutenant, I ate dry bread, but I never let anyone know that I was poor.
Clevinger was a troublemaker and a wise guy. Lieutenant Scheisskopf knew that Clevinger might cause even more trouble if he wasn't watched. Yesterday it was the cadet officers; tomorrow it might be the world. Clevinger had a mind, and Lieutenant Scheisskopf had noticed that people with minds tended to get pretty smart at times. Such men were dangerous, and even the new cadet officers whom Clevinger had helped into office were eager to give damning testimony against him. The case against Clevinger was open and shut. The only thing missing was something to charge him with.
If I had to wait around for somebody to pick me for lieutenant governor, I never would have been picked. — © Mazie Hirono
If I had to wait around for somebody to pick me for lieutenant governor, I never would have been picked.
Voldemort’s fury at the fall of his last, best lieutenant exploded with the force of a bomb.
The one thing I was always told is you absolutely have to tell truth to power. Whether you're a second lieutenant working with a captain and a lieutenant colonel, or a four-star general working with the Office Secretary of Defense and the White House, the decision makers have got to have ground truth.
You know, my dad was a lieutenant colonel at Ft. Lewis on the 3rd of March, 1941. Fifteen months later, he was commanding a theater of war.
I was the last Republican lieutenant governor and it's been over 20 years.
Being lieutenant governor is sort of like being invited into everyone's living room, and you just get an understanding of the state.
Clevinger had a mind, and Lieutenant Scheisskoph had noticed that people with minds tended to get pretty smart at times.
The most important thing is the lieutenant governor and governor relationship be a true partnership.
It was difficult to realize, 'I'm lieutenant governor.' And Brown appropriately reminded me of that.
I'll never have the seniority of lions of the Senate who've been in office for decades. What I do have is a lifetime of experience as a parent and activist, small business owner, and lieutenant governor of Minnesota.
My stepdaughter, who is based in Alaska right now, is a brand-new lieutenant in the Army. She could be deployed in 18 months. And another stepdaughter is a physician for the VA.
In 2001, I was an Air Force lieutenant colonel and A-10 fighter pilot stationed in Saudi Arabia, in charge of rescue operations for no-fly enforcement in Iraq and then in Afghanistan.
I am honored to have been chosen by Gov. Scott to serve Floridians as their lieutenant governor. — © Carlos Lopez-Cantera
I am honored to have been chosen by Gov. Scott to serve Floridians as their lieutenant governor.
The privilege of serving my country is not only rooted in my military service, but also in my personal history. I sit here, as a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army, an immigrant.
You know, lieutenant, you wear your weapon the way other women wear pearls." "It's not a fashion accessory.
Never in my wildest dreams did I believe a young girl growing up in St. Charles, Ia., would one day receive a call from Terry Branstad asking her to be his lieutenant governor.
The most terrible job in warfare is to be a second lieutenant leading a platoon when you are on the battlefield.
We deliberately filled our rainy-day fund to its statutory capacity over my time leading the Mississippi Senate as lieutenant governor.
Lieutenant al-Kaseasbeh's dedication, courage and service to his country and family represent universal human values that stand in opposition to the cowardice and depravity of ISIL, which has been so broadly rejected around the globe.
Bite me." -Lieutenant Eve Dallas, from any of the In Death books.
If you get the objectives right, a lieutenant can write the strategy.
I always had a strong lieutenant to help me, but Hinault doesn't need one.
Whether you're a second lieutenant working with a captain and a lieutenant colonel, or a four-star general working with the Office Secretary of Defense and the White House, the decision makers have got to have ground truth. Otherwise, the decisions they make could be flawed - and that can be dangerous.
I have in hands, now, specimens of bottom from t he Gulf Stream, obtained by Lieutenant Craven, and I can say that they are among the most interesting that I have ever seen.
I would pretend to be the French lieutenant's woman. I was always a romantic. I still am, actually.
Along came a police lieutenant named Columbo, and my life would never be the same.
I've had just an amazing opportunity to serve with Gov. Branstad. Not all lieutenant governors have the opportunity to be as involved in the administration as I have had.
We are not a country where a bunch of lieutenant colonels can get together and decide what the policy is of the United States.
Lenin sensed that Tukhachevsky was a kindred spirit. He delegated the most responsible jobs to the obscure lieutenant.
Werner Herzog, when I auditioned for 'Bad Lieutenant,' he had never seen any of my films. He thought I was this actress living in New Orleans and it was my first job.
My goal was to make first lieutenant. I never spent a lot of time worrying about what came after that.
Roarke, what's going on here?' 'Lieutenant.' He leaned forward, touched his lips to hers. 'Indications are we're having a romance.
Our cause in the war on terror isn't helped when we have army officers like Lieutenant General William Boykin speaking in evangelical churches and claiming this as some sort of battle for the Christian religion. That's wrong. That's un-American.
During the Nuremberg trials, Oswald Pohl, an SS Lieutenant General, shown here explaining how Farben operated such concentration camps as Auschwitz and Buchenwald.
I can remember as a young lieutenant being sent into the DMZ in the divided Vietnam, from North Vietnam.
I remember serving in Vietnam in that war, and many of us at the major Lieutenant Colonel, colonel level were frustrated that no one in the U.S. wanted to debate it that way.
I really feel it's time to dissolve the current relationship of governor and lieutenant governor by running as a ticket. — © Gavin Newsom
I really feel it's time to dissolve the current relationship of governor and lieutenant governor by running as a ticket.
This whole act's immutably decreed. 'Twas rehearsed by thee and me a billion years before this ocean rolled. Fool! I am the Fates' lieutenant; I act under orders.
The night you gave me my birthday party... you were a young Lieutenant and I was a fragrant phantom, wasn't I? And it was a radiant night, a night of soft conspiracy and the trees agreed that it was all going to be for the best.
I will complete my second term, but I have made no decision as to my plans after Congress except that I will continue in public service, including as a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve.
First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carried letters from a girl named Martha, a junior at Mount Sebastian College in New Jersey. They were not love letters, but Lieutenant Cross was hoping, so he kept them folded in plastic at the bottom of his rusack. In the late afternoon, after a day's march, he would dig his foxhole, wash his hands under a canteen, unwrap the letters, hold them with the tips of his fingers, and spend the last hour of light pretending.
I was a lieutenant in World War II.
Lieutenant General Michael Flynn would fit into that broader pattern.
Had there been a reporter along with Lieutenant Calley when he massacred those people in Vietnam, I think that probably wouldn't have happened.
You know, my dad was a second lieutenant in the Air National Guard Reserve, and my grandfather wasn't particularly happy about the time it took away from the family business.
I was still a serving officer when I competed in 'Scrapheap Challenge,' initially as a major and then a lieutenant-colonel when I was joined by my brothers in a team called 'Brothers in Arms.'
I left the Navy as a lieutenant after spending almost 10 years as a helicopter pilot.
The US Army has announced that although it is true they performed mind-destroying drug tests on hundreds of soldiers in the 1960s, none of the victims have been promoted beyond the rank of lieutenant colonel.
-When I was growing up, Lieutenant Uhura was a major role model for me, a strong black woman on the bridge of a starship… -In a miniskirt, answering the interplanetary telephone?
Public schools have given so much to our family - I've been proud to fight for them as a state senator and lieutenant governor. — © Ralph Northam
Public schools have given so much to our family - I've been proud to fight for them as a state senator and lieutenant governor.
You're feeling the responsibility for hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people on your shoulder in a way that I couldn't feel as lieutenant governor.
I`m just learning that according to a source familiar with the transition process, President-elect Donald Trump intends to select Lieutenant General Michael Flynn as his national security adviser.
Suppressing his relief, Valek asked, “Can you please tell this Lieutenant who he has arrested?” “Can do,” Janco said with a smile. “Lieutenant Darren, let me be the first to congratulate you on capturing the elusive and legendary Kelav. He’s been wanted in Ixia for years on multiple counts of espionage.
I retired in 2016 as a Lieutenant Commander and immediately went to the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
Buttigieg was a naval reservist who served as a lieutenant in Afghanistan, so he has seen first hand how American foreign policy has veered wildy off her once-well-rooted tracks.
To question me onceis a simple mistake, Lieutenant. Twice is treason. We execute traitors.-Kahlan
It is not a good omen to meet a lot of cats when one sets out on a journey, so the Lieutenant spat three times for each cat, as his mother had taught him to do.
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