Top 1200 Life Going On Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Life Going On quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
The money I was getting paid isn't going to do anything to help my family grow. It's not going to give us a better life when it's all over.
You can't think about what you're going to do. It just gets in the way. You have to be just available for life, otherwise you're not bringing anything to the party. So I don't lie awake thinking about what I'm going to do workwise. There's just too much going on.
You have to decide if you're going to wilt like a daisy or if you're just going to go forward and live the life that you've been granted. — © Kevin Costner
You have to decide if you're going to wilt like a daisy or if you're just going to go forward and live the life that you've been granted.
Love is possible. Life is going to decide. Don't lose it, it's a treasure. It's going to be painful; it's going to be an adventure, a roller coaster. Life is a roller coaster and it gets worse when you get old. Contrary to what you think, that it gets better when you know more - no, the more you know the more painful it is. You've been hurt. You arrive with a million scars and your armor is not thick. The more you age, the more you're fragile. But do it anyway. Go for it. Otherwise it means death.
When I was on 'The View,' I went backstage to Whoopi Goldberg's dressing room, and she told me, 'People are going to love what you do, and people are going to hate what you do, but you have to keep doing it. You have to stand up and do what you know is true, despite what people are going to say.' And I'm taking that into every aspect of my life.
I came to understand that I'm never going to be the perfect mother, but I'm going to do the best I can. Same goes for everything in my life.
Discipleship, following Jesus Christ is the toughest thing that you're going do in your whole life. You're not going to find anything tougher.
If someone is trying to stop you from enjoying your life by impeding on yours, and telling you that your life is not the right way, then by all means, I'm the first one to say, "Fight for your rights, fight for who you are and for what you believe in." But you better be the stronger person. Just be aware and attentive to everything that's happening in life and know that there are gonna be people that are going to stop you and going to enjoy stopping you from getting to your goals. But just continue to be strong and outwit them.
There are always going to be people that are judgmental that are going to say, 'Well, he was an actor first, so he doesn't have the right to be a musician,' or, 'I know him as this, so therefore I will never accept him as that.' I can't change those people. I can only be myself. And I can only keep making art. I can only do the best that I can. I am not going to spend my life trying to silence the critics. I'm going to do what I'm passionate about and follow my dreams.
I know what we're going to do as PWR BTTM. We're going to put a new record out; we're going to go on tour a lot, and we're going to do cool stuff. We're going to try to be kind to our friends and family and loved ones. And we're going to look cute.
Life is not all a bowl of cherries. There are days when you aren't going to feel up to par. And it's healthy to see it in yourself and to ask, 'Hey, what's going on?'
The truth is that at age 19, I was a teenage mother living alone with my daughter in a trailer and struggling to keep us afloat on my way to a divorce. And I knew then that I was going to have to work my way up and out of that life if I was going to give my daughter a better life and a better future, and that's what I've done.
This whole show business industry is awkward; I just met you and I'm telling you personal things about my life. But that's my life: "Hey, how you doing?" There are not a lot of people that you can relate some of these things to, so it's nice when you meet someone who is going through similar stuff - not "going through," but that "gets" stuff like that.
Everywhere I looked life seemed to be full of problems and they were just going to go on and on. It was never going to get any better. — © Paul Gascoigne
Everywhere I looked life seemed to be full of problems and they were just going to go on and on. It was never going to get any better.
I think it's harder than ever to be an artist. I think that you end up, especially as a middle-aged person, you pay such big consequences for saying, 'I'm just going to devote my life to making art,' or 'I'm going to devote my life to writing novels.' You end up with no resources.
Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.
I try to write life and not songs. People live life, and when you write life, you're going to mess around and touch somebody's heart, and they'll relate to you and what you're singing about.
I guess it's going to have to hurt, I guess I'm going to have to cry, And let go of some things I've loved to get to the other side I guess it's going to break me down, Like fallin when you try to fly, Sad but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life starts with goodbye
I think we are definitely suffering from an information overload, but I believe that there is going to be better and better ways of organizing that information and processing it so that it will enhance your daily life. I just think that technology and information, it's overwhelming at the moment, but it's really going to make life better.
Every day I grapple between 'I'm going to get married' and 'I'm going to spend the rest of my life alone with a poodle.'
It's important to know what you're going to spend your life on, and the only way you're going to find that is by connecting with the force inside yourself.
The further you go in life, the more you realize what you're going to leave this earth. It's not going be, "It was a great platform. It was great to win the Super Bowl." But, really and truly what you're going to leave this earth is the influence on others.
The themes in my books, like in life, are about grace and redemption and you never know when they're going to show up and what form they're going to be in. Stories emerge from keeping your heart open to the people that cross in front of you or the dogs or the mice, and their ability to open you up and enrich your life.
You have to learn to get through it yourself, because there are going to be times in your life when there's going to be no one else around but you.
Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is luck, make it. Life is too precious, do not destroy it. Life is life, fight for it.
Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life.
I know I'm not going to be working with the WWE forever. That's why I'm going to be the Mayor of the city of Houston, so I can move on to the next stage of my life.
When you die there's going to be a tombstone. It's going to have your name. It's gonna have the year you're born and the day you die. In between there's going to be a dash. And that dash is going to represent everything you did in your life, good and bad. That's how you're remembered. What do you want your dash to represent?
Somebody's going to wake up and their job in life is going to be to make guitars. There are a lot of good, talented people.
People are going to come into your life that need you, and being there for them makes the day worth living. People are going to come into your life that you need, and that's the really crazy thing.
I have lived a carnal life. My view of life is 'If you're going to miss Heaven, why miss it by two inches? Miss it!' I don't have to go through the thing of paying for it in the next life. I know I'm screwed in the next life.
I know you think that when you're 35, 45, 55, you'll be different. But I'm going to let you in on a bit of a secret. You're going to look different, and your life is going to be different, but in your head you'll always be that 16-year-old girl.
When we launched the Wii - I mean, again, people look back and say, '100 million units, it was easy!' Believe me, I was there, and it wasn't easy at all. We had tough conversations, internal debate, like, 'How are we going to do this? How are we going to bring it to life? What are we going to do?'
You just decide what your values are in life and what you are going to do, and then you feel like you count, and that makes life worth living. It makes my life meaningful.
Life is not a spectator sport. If you're going to spend your whole life in the grandstand just watching what goes on, in my opinion you're wasting your life.
I feel prematurely old. I'm actually having this major belated quarter-life crisis. I'm turning 30 in a couple of weeks. I've been thinking a lot about mortality. A lot about what I'm going to do with my life and how to enjoy it. One of the things I'm going to work on is being more spontaneous, letting go, embracing the beauty of come-what-may.
Kevin Durant's kind of been my favorite player my whole life, so it's going to be fun going against him in the Garden.
Once I understood what was going to happen - that I was going to prison for life - my end goal was making sure they wouldn't be able to keep me there. — © Isaac Wright Jr.
Once I understood what was going to happen - that I was going to prison for life - my end goal was making sure they wouldn't be able to keep me there.
Poetry is probably the last gift economy. Part of the negotiation is to understand that you're going to do something you really want to do, so you're going to take whatever life comes with that.
Either the Baby Boomers are not going to have the retirement life that they expect or taxpayers are going to be hit with a tremendously huge bill. Or both.
I can't anticipate what's going to happen to me next, but I'd like to think that I'm going to lead a life that's not really memoir-worthy, and that would be fine!
I am absolutely against positive thinking. You will be surprised that if you don't choose, if you remain in a choiceless awareness, your life will start expressing something which is beyond both positive and negative, which is higher than both. So you are not going to be a loser. It is not going to be negative, it is not going to be positive, it is going to be existential.
It's been an old saw in science fiction for a long time, since 'Frankenstein,' that we're going to create life that's going to turn on us.
One naively thinks that by winning the Olympics, it's going to be this switch, and then your life is going to be perfect, and that's not reality.
I'm going to try to do music for the rest of my life, but that's just trying. Maybe it's not going to work out. Who knows?
In life, you're going to have things that are going to come up against you. You can either let it get to you, or you can make something happen.
The most powerful life is the most simple life. The most powerful life is the life that knows where it's going, that knows where the source of strength is; it is the life that stays free of clutter and happenstance and hurriedness.
I'll never experience the hardships that I experienced while going to Iraq and being in combat. And that kind of prepared me for life in itself because I knew that if I was able to overcome the military and do three tours and come out alive and stronger for it, then there's nothing in life that's ever going to challenge me and be able to break me.
Of course people are going to compare me to my father, and there's no problem with that. At the end of the day, I'm going to have to live with that for the rest of my life, whether I like it or not.
I had a wonderful childhood, coming from Cincinnati, and I think that it was great going into the life that I was going to have, where you have to start young as a dancer. — © Suzanne Farrell
I had a wonderful childhood, coming from Cincinnati, and I think that it was great going into the life that I was going to have, where you have to start young as a dancer.
I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. But then a lady at the youth theatre asked me if I'd ever thought of going to drama school.
The fear of every actor is when is this life going to be snatched away from me? Which is the day or year that the audience is going to decide 'that's it.'
The way you treat life, life will treat you back. Make sure you're happy with whatever is going on in your life.
If you ask the American people to choose, between public health and the economy, then it's no contest. No American is going to say, accelerate the economy, at the cost of human life. Because no American is going to say how much a life is worth. Job one has to be save lives. That has to be the priority.
I live my life my way. I try to do the right thing, but I know there are going to be people who aren't happy with what I do or say no matter what, so I'm not going to worry about it.
I have no regrets. I wouldn't have lived my life the way I did if I was going to worry about what people were going to say.
One day you're going to learn something that can't be explained with science. And when that happens, your life's going to change in ways you can't imagine.
I wanted to be a trophy wife, and I was fine with that. I thought I had my life written out - what it was going to be, what kind of woman I was going to be - and none of it happened.
What happens when you have an illness where you're never going to be healthy? Does that mean I'm never going to have a life? Am I never going to do anything or be anything other than a sick kid?
Stresses in a marriage and in family life, sometimes they're prompted by whatever is going on in the wider world as well as what's going on behind your door.
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