Top 1200 Life Is Complicated Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Life Is Complicated quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when looked at in the right way did not become still more complicated.
The world is complicated. But does every problem require a complicated solution?
Early on, in discussions of financial oversight, people would say, 'Well, this is a very complicated problem, therefore it requires a complicated solution.' And at that step, I would say, 'Well, wait a minute. Just because it's a complicated problem doesn't mean the best course of action immediately is one that's complicated.'
We try to solve very complicated problems without letting people know how complicated the problem was. — © Jonathan Ive
We try to solve very complicated problems without letting people know how complicated the problem was.
Steve Jobs was a pretty complicated character and somewhat a psychologically complicated guy.
But violence is news, to a certain extent, and people don't want complicated news. Because as soon as you realize things are complicated, your life becomes more complicated.
Sometimes people do things that are complicated. For complicated reasons.
Life-complication Theory: Given a choice between an easy solution and a complicated one, the loser will usually opt to travel the complicated path. Don't ignore a solution just because it's simple!
People think life is real complicated. Actually, there's nothing to it. Once you leave out all the bullshit they teach you in school, life gets really simple.
Life is not that complicated.
Everyone is complicated, but when you're famous, you have to be pigeon-holed. By doing different stuff, that's rubbed up in complicated ways against the culture.
Life gets more complicated and projects get more complicated after that.
[…] but I believe that things are extremely complicated, and her looking over me was as complicated as anything could ever be. But it was also incredibly simple.
Life is too complicated not to be orderly. — © Martha Stewart
Life is too complicated not to be orderly.
The privilege of a middle-class, stable, bourgeois life is that you can pretend that you are not complicated and project yourself as a solid, uncomplicated person, with refined life goals and achievements.
Truth is stranger than nonfiction. And life is too interesting to be left to journalists. People have stories, but journalists have 'takes,' and it's their takes that usually win out when the stories are too complicated or, as happens, not complicated enough.
..things are never as complicated as they seem. It is only our arrogance that prompts us to find unnecessarily complicated answers to simple problems.
I’m a complicated man, with complicated taste buds.
All of those guys who told me that I was too short and how complicated the game was, it is not that complicated. It is the same game I have always played.
My parents were complicated people. They had a complicated relationship. My home was very, very complicated.
No problem is so complicated that you cannot make it more complicated.
People think that mathematics is complicated. Mathematics is the simple bit, it’s the stuff we CAN understand. It’s cats that are complicated.
What makes life complicated is the things that are on me and it is very hard to keep things simple. I see it as I am complicated and there is innocence to this.
Life is complicated, and art has the right to be complicated, too. I don't like films that simplify.
Puerto Rico is complicated. The people are complicated. The history is complicated. The story of the United States' relationship to Puerto Rico is complicated.
Well, I believe that life is very complicated. And in a way, the only way you can show life in a truthful way is to show how complicated it is as an individual, but also your relation between a complicated life and the complications you have inside you.
I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it in the right way, did not become still more complicated.
Life is simple. Life is not complicated. Life is only one thing: Identify yourself.
I'm just really a free spirit. You gotta be like that. 'Cause life ain't that complicated. It's only that complicated when you make it that way. I just wanna wake up and move with the way it goes. If it's meant to happen, it will happen.
I like simple food, seasoned with just salt, pepper, oil and vinegar. Complicated food and complicated lives are never good.
You see this incredible capacity for replication in nature, survival, development, all of these things that are around us all the time in nature that just happen. By comparison, human life is really, really complicated. We're gifted animals, but we are so complicated. Nothing is easy for us, except maybe eating too much.
Life isn't complicated. The reason it appears complicated to you is because you are in a very distorted state of mind. That's the basic premise of Buddhism - that you're in a very distorted state of mind.
Regular geometry, the geometry of Euclid, is concerned with shapes which are smooth, except perhaps for corners and lines, special lines which are singularities, but some shapes in nature are so complicated that they are equally complicated at the big scale and come closer and closer and they don't become any less complicated.
I love how complicated we are. We are complicated because of what we've had and lived.
You're trying to make your painting too complicated. Paintings get complicated all by themselves.
A Complicated Kindness is just that: funny and strange, spellbinding and heartbreaking, this novel is a complicated kindness from a terrifically talented writer.
Caring about someone isn't complicated. It isn't easy. But it isn't complicated, either. Kinda like lifting the engine block out of a car.
If life is no fun, it is because you are no fun. Your life is always a reflection of who you are... Try this: Stop taking things, including yourself, so seriously. Life is not as complicated as you have made it out to be.
Life is extremely complicated. — © Robert Ludlum
Life is extremely complicated.
I am pro-life, but because life is complicated, that choice is between a woman and her idea of a higher power.
Literature acknowledges that life is complicated.
This film [Teknolust] in particular, showing the way in which having a sexual dialogue with someone can be something developing and changeable and maybe uncomfortable and complicated. Just complicated and human, no more and no less.
Life is as simple or complicated as we make it.
I remember somebody saying, "I feel really bad for kids growing up around iPads right now. It's just too complicated. Life's too complicated." I think, yeah, but I remember being a kid and holding up a new piece of technology that was made in the '80s and my grandparents going, "Oh, it's too complicated." It didn't seem complicated to me.
I enjoy the simplistic training and life in marathon. You run, eat, sleep, walk around - that's how life is. You don't get complicated. The moment you get complicated it distracts your mind.
Life isn't complicated. It's very simple, really. It's us who make it complicated.
Everyone is complicated one way or another. But it's interesting to dig into a complicated character, to try to find that within yourself.
For me, creating a supply chain of what we should be eating is incredibly complicated. It's complicated to figure out how to change the food system in America.
Americans have perfected the art of reducing complicated truths into formulas and products. We're desperate for instant, visible, measurable ways of knowing God, instead of trusting that it's complicated and a mystery.
Such is modern computing: everything simple is made too complicated because it's easy to fiddle with; everything complicated stays complicated because it's hard to fix.
I can't sum up my books. They're all rather complicated. Sometimes I think they're too complicated. But that's the way I am. When I start to write a book, my head gets full of all kinds of detail.
It is not life that's complicated, it's the struggle to guide and control life. — © F. Scott Fitzgerald
It is not life that's complicated, it's the struggle to guide and control life.
Death is simple. Life is messy. Give me life, the more complicated the better.
Maybe from the outside, Belgium looks complicated to understand, but from the inside, actually, every country is complicated.
All you really need to know for the moment is that the universe is a lot more complicated than you might think, even if you start from a position of thinking it's pretty damn complicated in the first place.
I believe strongly that characters are five-dimensional, and they're complicated, and life is complicated, and people are complicated.
I Am... I Said is a very complicated song and its complicated probably because my feelings were very complicated when I wrote it.
Life ain't complicated unless you complicate it.
The brain is hugely complicated, and because it is so complicated, it requires multidisciplinary research.
We're all human and life is complicated.
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