Top 1200 Life Is Tough Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Life Is Tough quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I am drawn to those parts; I like the tough girls because they are not tough. It's a veil; it's a disguise. It's defenses. At the core, everybody is human, everybody is fragile, everybody is terrified, and the fear is what propels you to be tough.
I was a hard-times governor. I had to steer my state through the deepest recession since the 1930s. But hey, tough times don't last and tough people do. And can I tell you that Virginians are tough people? We are tough people.
The thing about life is that you must survive. Life is going to be difficult, and dreadful things will happen. What you do is move along, get on with it, and be tough. Not in the sense of being mean to others, but being tough with yourself and making a deadly effort not to be defeated.
It's tough to be an actor and it's tough to portray a real person, and it's tough to play two people adding up to one person. — © Oren Moverman
It's tough to be an actor and it's tough to portray a real person, and it's tough to play two people adding up to one person.
It might be tough, but my dad used to say, tough times don't last — tough people do.
In my experience, growing up in Brooklyn and all that, the real tough guys didn't act tough. They didn't talk tough. They were tough, you know? I think about these politicians who try to pose as tough guys - it makes me laugh.
There is an English saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." Women often become these tough ones.
The New Zealand sense of humor is tough and realistic. Jokes are not surreal; they are about life and death and tough decisions.
Life is very tough for women. When you are a certain age, you are left alone at home with no one to share your life with.
Will Brooks is a very tough guy. He's an ex-champ and beat very tough guys. The same way I fought very tough guys.
Slow down. Enjoy life. It's tough to slow down if your mind is going a million miles a second. It's tough to slow down if you think what these people do here matters.
I don't care how much talent a team has - if the boys don't think tough, practice tough, and live tough, how they play tough on Saturday.
Those who avoid the tough choices of life, live a life they never chose.
I'm continuing to figure it out every single year: Life is a challenge, and the ones that succeed in life are the tough-minded ones that are not willing to accept failure.
You don't know what a rough crowd is. If all I have to do is go make people laugh, that's nothing. Let me tell you what a tough crowd is. A tough crowd is going to a morning service and you got six people there and you gotta pay your house payment. That's a tough crowd.
I think to be 'tough' means you look relaxed. So you have to be tough to win tournaments. But you don't want to be so tough on yourself.
I think if you only work, then you won't have a life. It's tough to have a life when you're working a lot.
Life is tough - and you have to be tougher than life to change the world.
I want the Iraqis to understand that we are with them and that they have to make tough decisions, and we'll help them make those tough decisions for this country, for this democracy to survive. And they've made some tough decisions.
My father left me with a saying that I've carried my entire life and tried to pass on to our kids: 'Tough times don't last, tough people do,' — © Curt Schilling
My father left me with a saying that I've carried my entire life and tried to pass on to our kids: 'Tough times don't last, tough people do,'
To wage war, we need a commander in chief who has made tough calls in tough times and stood up to be held accountable over and over, not first-term senators who've never made an executive decision in their life.
I am tough, and sometimes I tell it like it is. Tough love can work wonders.
This is a tough, tough life when things aren't going your way.
I'm not going to get into details, but every band has their moments when things are tough. Just logistically, tough on your body, stress levels, psychologically tough, relationships can be tough.
In my personal life I'm not very tough at all, but in my professional life, having to deal with being a woman in a man's world, I'm really tough. I never back down from a fight or an argument. I'm willing to stand there toe to toe with anyone.
'Tough' meant it was an uncompromising image, something that came from your gut, out of instinct, raw, of the moment, something that couldn't be described in any other way. So it was tough. Tough to like, tough to see, tough to make, tough to understand. The tougher they were the more beautiful they became.
Life is overwhelming. Life is not easy. Life is tough and you need something that really works and helps you actually, not promises to help you, then fail.
I have to be honest about this: I wouldn't tell a lot of kids to go and be writers. It's a tough, tough business. It's not a business. It's more like a tough road. It's a really tough road.
Life is tough, and it's really tough when you're stupid.
Baseball life is a tough life on the family.
Ballroom is a man's world. It's tough for women, particularly single women. But I've never expected life to be anything but tough.
I'm a tough, tough person. I always have been tough to embarrass, too.
A Tough life with God is better than a good life without Him
I have noticed that people tend to stop maturing when they start self-medicating. Everyone has very tough seasons of life, but by persevering through them we have an opportunity to mature and grow as people. Those who self-medicate...often thwart maturity as they escape the tough seasons of life rather than face them.
I don't think I'm tough in a so called tough way. I'm tough on myself.
Back before our civilization despised itself, we applauded tough men. But you can't produce tough men - or honorable women - without tough love. If you want to keep civilization, you better start by insisting that boys grow up, instead of trying to infantilize them so they're afraid to stop sucking their thumbs.
I think you can be tough and aggressive with facts in a way that you cannot be tough and aggressive with emotional retorts. Most of the people that try to be tough on TV are really just being emotional and not factual.
Physically, I’m not tough. I may think tough. I would say I’m kinda tough and calloused inside. I could use a foot more in height and fifty more pounds and fifteen years off my age and then God help all you bastards.
People tell me all the time you have to be mentally tough to win the championship, and I feel like enough people hype it up to where you have to act different come playoff time. But I'm not a tough guy. So I don't know how to be tough. I don't know what I'm 'supposed' to be doing.
I had a kind of tough early life. I had a tough time in school. I had an unsympathetic family in terms of what I was trying to do. I decided that my family situation was simply hopeless. I kinda bailed out, and my brother and sister didn't. I failed at marriage, which I'm very upset with myself over.
I knew what I was getting into when I chose golf. Hell, I knew I'd never get rich and famous. All the discrimination, the not being able to play where I deserved and wanted to play - in the end, I didn't give a damn. I was made for a tough life because I'm a tough man. And in the end, I won: I got a lot of black people playing golf.
I try to take it and leave it in God's hands. I try to do what He wants me to do and come out here and perform the best I can for my teammates. That's my responsibility. This is a tough league. Outside of basketball, the lifestyle is tough - the travel. Honestly, I think that responsibility is pretty tough but I don't believe that God gives us anything we can't handle.
In the movies, they make you look good and tough, but in real life, it's completely the opposite. I do these ueber roles, I think, because in real life I'm quite shy and reserved. In real life, I'm a dork.
I'm tough when I have to be, tender when I should be. When you find a really tough guy, he's not a predator. He doesn't have to prove himself. Guys who have to pretend to be tough, they ain't. I'm tough.
Ben Askren, he's a tough boy. Golly, he's a tough boy. That's what wrestling does. When you wrestle your whole life, you got to be a tough dude to wrestle. — © Stephen Thompson
Ben Askren, he's a tough boy. Golly, he's a tough boy. That's what wrestling does. When you wrestle your whole life, you got to be a tough dude to wrestle.
It doesn't take courage to drink too much and be wild or jump around. That doesn't take any kind of boldness, just riding a motorcycle or whatever the idea of being tough is. Tough is having four kids. Tough is committing to life and being disciplined.
My father used to say, 'You can spend a lot of time making money. The tough time comes when you have to give it away properly.' How to give something back, that's the tough part in life.
Most of the time my own family feels like I don't need anything, I'm tough as nails and I don't have any feelings about anything. They really think that I'm this super tough person. I have a tough exterior, but I get upset. I have feelings and all those things. I wear my heart on my sleeve.
Detroit is still seen as the tough city, a city that has a reputation for high crime, ... The tough city thing is fine. Its always had a reputation as that. ... You know, Gordie Howe, when I was watching hockey, was the toughest guy in the league playing for the Red Wings. He represented that tough aura.
Life is very tough. If you don't laugh, it's tough.
And above all, children need our unconditional love - whether they succeed or make mistakes; when life is easy and when life is tough.
Diebenkorn was a very good critic, a very tough critic, tough on himself, tough on others. He expected the finest.
Tough times don't last, but tough people do. And I've been through some tough times, and I know a lot of people can recall tough times, and maybe are going through some tough times right now, but they don't last.
Of course I am tough, but I am smart, too. I'm more smart than tough. People watching my record and say that this guy is tough. This is not about tough; this is about mind. You think when you fight. This is about everything.
When the going gets tough, I'm not always sure what you do. I'm not saying that I know how to fix everything when the going gets tough, but I do know this: when the going goes tough, you don't quit. And you don't fold up. And you don't go in the other direction.
Don't play tennis. Do something you love and enjoy because it's a grind and it's a tough, tough, tough life. My position, I'm trapped. I have to do it. — © Bernard Tomic
Don't play tennis. Do something you love and enjoy because it's a grind and it's a tough, tough, tough life. My position, I'm trapped. I have to do it.
I've lived most of my life in Manhattan, but I lived in Brooklyn for a while as a kid. I went to junior high school there. Girls in Brooklyn have to be tough - I mean real tough - just to get by. It's life in the combat zone.
My father was a very tough guy with me and my brothers. He wanted to teach us a lot of discipline and life philosophy. As I became more interested in martial arts, he started teaching a lot of fighting philosophy and karate philosophy. While he was a tough father, he also knew when to be sweet and show a softer side.
Everybody goes through some tough times in their life, no matter what you do. Man, I've had my tough times.
You don't know what a rough crowd is. If all I have to do is go make people laugh, that's nothing. Let me tell you what a tough crowd is. A tough crowd is going to a morning service and you got six people there and you gotta pat your house payment. That's a tough crowd.
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