Top 1200 Life Line Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Life Line quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
I imagine a line, a white line, painted on the sand and on the ocean, from me to you.
The surface of American life looks smooth, prosperous, peaceful. But underneath, fault-line shifts in family and work life have led us into what some have called 'advanced insecurity.
This path, this road that is one perfect straight line even if it goes around the world through heat and fog and rain and snow and it's my life I keep thinking. It's my life.
Courage is soldiers fighting on the front line, or people living on the bread line. — © Hugh Grant
Courage is soldiers fighting on the front line, or people living on the bread line.
I think what gets a poem going is an initiating line. Sometimes a first line will occur, and it goes nowhere; but other times - and this, I think, is a sense you develop - I can tell that the line wants to continue. If it does, I can feel a sense of momentum - the poem finds a reason for continuing.
Nagging questions remain: Where is the line between making the most of one's potential and reaching for the unattainable? Where is the line between education as a tool and education as a kind of magic? The line is blurred and that is why when education fails, disillusionment is so bitter.
There's always a fine line that divides hostility from neutrality, and I don't want to pass that line.
Baptism was to put a line of demarcation between your past sins when you are buried with Him by Baptism-you are burying your past sins-eradicating them-putting a line in the sand saying that old man is dead and he is no longer alive any more and I rise up to walk in the newness of life.
Theres a fine line between physical and thug ball, and the Knicks have crossed the line on occasion.
There's a thin line baby. A thing line between love and hate." -Cage York
People didn't know the difference between a blue line and a clothes line.
We lie. That's what we do. You're selling me a line of bullshit and you want me to sell you a line of bullshit back so you can write a major line of bullshit and be paid for it.
It's a tough line, Japanese and western games. We wanted to blur that line.
The line between the public life and the private life has been erased, due to the rapid decline of manners and courtesy. There is a certain crudeness and crassness that has suddenly become accepted behavior, even desirable.
There's a fine line between physical and thug ball, and the Knicks have crossed the line on occasion. — © Marv Albert
There's a fine line between physical and thug ball, and the Knicks have crossed the line on occasion.
The picket line is the best place to train organizers. One day on the picket line is where a man makes his commitment. The longer on the picket line, the stronger the commitment. A lot of workers think they make their commitment by walking off the job when nobody sees them. But you get a guy to walk off the field when his boss is watching and, in front of the other guys, throw down his tools and march right to the picket line, that is the guy who makes our strike. The picket line is a beautiful thing because it makes a man more human.
There are a lot of things you do in a supernatural universe that can toe the line and cross the line.
Nope. That´s my line. This is my boyfriend´s house, which makes that my line,exclusively.Where is he?" Nora (p. 287)
Somedays the line I walk turns out to be straight - Other days the line tends to deviate.
I think of shock as kind of an uptown form of surprise. Comedy is filled with surprise, so when I cross a line... I like to find out where the line might be and then cross it deliberately, and then make the audience happy about crossing the line with me.
I like the continuity of singing my lines together instead of going line by line.
We need a modern government that allows people to do more on-line instead of making them wait in line.
Life is not, nor ever has been, a straight line forward ... Life is characterized much more by exception and disorder than by total or perfect order.
My fear is we're not teaching competition. We're shielding people from it. For the longest time children, you know, nobody's allowed to win anything, participation trophies. But when you get to real life and if you really want to amount to something, when you get whatever line of work you're in, as you get to the top of that line of work, there are very few people there.
If we carry this line of argument to its logical conclusion, the meaning of life consists of the flaws in one's conceptions and what one does about them. Life can be seen as a fertile fallacy.
Life is made up of circles ... Life is not a straight line ... And sometimes we circle back to a past time. But we are not the same. We are changed forever.
I live a very straight forward life and my job is public, my life isn't. That's a very clear delineation I've made from the beginning and will always tread that line.
For me there's always a line or two in a script, when you hit it you almost decide to do the whole movie off a line or two. You almost do it for the fun of getting to say a line or two like that. I don't have any specific plans, you know. I mean, if Seth Rogen calls with a great buddy pic, I'll be there.
I've always gone with Kafka's model of establishing the world from the first line, as in Kafka's famous line from Metamorphosis, "Gregor Samsa woke up from uneasy dreams to find himself transformed into a gigantic insect" (or beetle or cockroach, depending on the translation). I have to have that first line before I can go further.
The issues that we face as a country and in South Florida aren't broken down by city line or county line.
Somebody once told me, ‘Manage the top line, and the bottom line will follow.’ What's the top line? It's things like, why are we doing this in the first place? What's our strategy? What are customers saying? How responsive are we? Do we have the best products and the best people? Those are the kind of questions you have to focus on.
The surface of American life looks smooth, prosperous, peaceful. But underneath, fault-line shifts in family and work life have led us into what some have called 'advanced insecurity.'
A line has to have a certain number of syllables, and the next line has to be its mirror image.
There is a time in the life of every boy when he for the first time takes the backward view of life. Perhaps that is the moment when he crosses the line into manhood.
It's important to have an examined life - but it's a fine line between having an examined life and being hypercritical of oneself. There has to be balance in there somewhere.
A vertical line is dignity. The horizontal line is peaceful. The obtuse angle is action. That's universal, it is primary.
A line drawn with love can make us as vulnerable as what the line depicts.
There is a line between sexualityand promiscuity, and the line is closer to celibacy than not.
I'm a big fan of the Russians: Isaac Babel is just an exquisite line-to-line stylist. — © George Saunders
I'm a big fan of the Russians: Isaac Babel is just an exquisite line-to-line stylist.
There is a fine line between sensuousness and vulgarity. I will not cross that line.
It was early on in 1965 when I wrote some of my first poems. I sent a poem to 'Harper's' magazine because they paid a dollar a line. I had an eighteen-line poem, and just as I was putting it into the envelope, I stopped and decided to make it a thirty-six-line poem. It seemed like the poem came back the next day: no letter, nothing.
Too many girls follow the line of least resistance, but a good line is hard to resist.
In the marathon of life, there is no finish line.
I remember being a kid, and if you had to pee, well, you had to hold it until the commercial break. Then you rushed, and hopefully, if you're going to the kitchen for a snack, you'll be back before so you don't miss a line. If your sister sneezed or was talking over a line, there was no way of knowing what that line was or what the joke was.
Bad is not an absolute, but a relative term. Ask the robber who used the cash he stole to feed his infant; the rapist who was sexually abused as a child; the kidnapper who truly believed he was saving a life. And just because you break the law doesn't mean you have intentionally crossed the line into evil. Sometimes the line creeps up on you, and before you know it, you're standing on the other side.
A moment comes in war when the last line must be crossed. The line that separates what you hold dear from what total war demands. If he couldn't cross that line, the battle was over, and he was lost. His heart, the war. Her face, the battlefield. With a cry only he could hear, the hunter turned. And ran.
In books, you can just wallow in dialogue, and you can just wallow in written words. In screenplays, every line has to serve the purpose of the line that's implied before it and the line that's implied after it. Maybe five lines have to do the work of fifty lines.
Maybe the start line was supposed to be your finish line. Don’t be afraid to walk backwards.
A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line.
If you look at a shape like a straight line, what's remarkable is that if you look at a straight line from close by, from far away, it is the same; it is a straight line. — © Benoit Mandelbrot
If you look at a shape like a straight line, what's remarkable is that if you look at a straight line from close by, from far away, it is the same; it is a straight line.
The fault line in American history is now a dividing line in the election and it's changing the conversation.
I realize something. That wasn't a finish line for me...This is my new starting line.
I played on a line with Theo Fleury and German Titov, and I was actually center on their line.
At the end of the day, your life is on the line when you're dealing with abusive men, and your life is more important than any man.
The great companies did not know that the line between hunger and anger is a thin line.
Life is never a straight line - it's peaks and valleys. Why would you want to be the same person every day of your life?
That's life in the league for you, though. I mean - that's life for you, period. Things don't always happen in a straight line. There's usually going to be a zig here, a zag there, that catches you by surprise. And then it's on you to adapt.
Wherever you go at SXSW, there you are standing in line. Or watching other people stand in line.
I've learnt that your life is more interesting and fulfilling when you don't lead it in a straight line and you go off on zigzags. I've made it a rule that if life becomes too comfortable and easy, I'll disrupt it.
I'm doing a lot of parenting work and acting as a spokesperson. I have a clothing line and a line of toys.
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