Top 1200 Life Line Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Life Line quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
At one level, the message of the book of Ruth is that the life of the godly is not a straight line to glory, but they do get there.
People assume I'm out there having this great life, but money doesn't erase the pain. When you're young you barrel through life, making choices without thinking of repercussions. A few years down the line, you wake up in a certain place and wonder how the hell you got there.
Date not the life which thou hast run by the mean of reckoning of the hours and days, which though hast breathed: a life spent worthily should be measured by a nobler line, - by deeds, not years.
I think Kathie Lee Gifford had a line at Wal-mart, and Monica Lewinsky had a line of handbags. — © Justine Bateman
I think Kathie Lee Gifford had a line at Wal-mart, and Monica Lewinsky had a line of handbags.
I have never sold my story, done Hello! magazine, any of that stuff. I'm not guilty of exploiting my private life for cash and then saying, 'Oh, I don't want to talk about my private life.' I've never crossed that line.
The truth is, there is no line. There's only your life, how you mess it up, and who is there to save you. Or who isn't.
Our conversion comes step by step, line upon line. We first build a foundation of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I remember a specific moment, watching my grandmother hang the clothes on the line, and her saying to me, 'you are going to have to learn to do this,' and me being in that space of awareness and knowing that my life would not be the same as my grandmother's life.
We need to change society's ordering principle from economic to humanitarian values, from money as the bottom line to love as the bottom line.
By putting a border line between life and death, we separate the world of death from our world of life, casting the dead away into the "world of oblivion".
Reth looked exasperated. “When is something ever not wrong in your life?” I frowned. “That’s my line.
The girl's face was the color of talcum. Her uncle's was a death mask, a bone structure overlaid by parchment. Shane's was granite, with a glistening line of sweat just below his hair line. He'd never forget this night, the detective knew, no matter what else happened for the rest of his life. They were all getting scars on their souls, the sort of scars people got in the Dark Ages, when they believed in devils and black magic. (Speak To Me Of Death)
The bottom line in the Christian life is obedience and most people don't even like the word.
There's a line you have when you're racing, and you can ride up to that line. If you push beyond it, you might crash. But first is first, second is forgotten. That's what we say.
It's - everybody's looking at the bottom line all the time, and failure doesn't look good on the bottom line, and yet you don't learn anything without failing. — © Alan Arkin
It's - everybody's looking at the bottom line all the time, and failure doesn't look good on the bottom line, and yet you don't learn anything without failing.
Sometimes people are so close to the material, they miss an important cross-reference. You can't drop this line because half an hour later, it affects that line. And the writer is the person who knows that immediately.
There's a line in the picture where he snarls, 'Nobody tells me what to do.' That's exactly how I've felt all my life.
The line between art and life should be kept as fluid, and perhaps indistinct, as possible.
My girlfriend suggested a bathing suit line, and we are creating it together. We are calling the line Sew Unique Bathing Suits. My girlfriend and I are designing, and there will be some unique pieces. For example, you might find jewelry on some of the suits. Some of the line will just be for show - you do not swim in them.
Once I was standing in line to buy a telephone and Senator Wirth was in line with me. The next day the New York Times reported that we'd both purchased telephones and what price we'd paid!
My favorite line to Phil is, 'You can say the right thing on TV, but why can't you do it in real life?'
Combine speed is overrated. It might give you a good look to see what you can run in a straight line, but football's not played in a straight line.
Bottom line is, I didn't return to Apple to make a fortune. I've been very lucky in my life and already have one. When I was 25, my net worth was $100 million or so. I decided then that I wasn't going to let it ruin my life. There's no way you could ever spend it all, and I don't view wealth as something that validates my intelligence.
No one’s personal life is in the public interest. It’s gossip, bottom line. End of story.
But for each of us, isn't life about determining your own finish line?
Patchouli has always been a part of my fragrance, like a line through my life.
You can learn more character on the two-yard line than anywhere else in life.
I strongly endorse Donald Trump because we need a president that will put our veterans in front of the line rather than watch them die while in line.
The world needs someone to look up to-like you. A national leader remarked, "There comes a time when we must take a stand-when we draw a line in the dust and say, 'Beyond this line, we do not go.'"
When I first wrote for orchestra, I didn't realize, when you have 20 people playing a violin line, that is very different than one person playing that line.
I have never sold my story, done 'Hello!' magazine, any of that stuff. I'm not guilty of exploiting my private life for cash and then saying, 'Oh, I don't want to talk about my private life.' I've never crossed that line.
Your intelligence is so deeply entangled with the social identification that you have taken on, your brains are not working in line with the life within you; it is working against your own life. That is the source of misery.
Literature itself is a species of code. You line up symbols and create a simulacrum of life.
I believe that the road to pre-eminent success in any line of work is to make yourself master of that line of work.
I truly believe that the combination of a strong top line together with a strong bottom line is what makes for a sustainable business.
You'd better believe that Putin sees that in Syria, Obama draws a red line and ignores the red line.
Almost every officer is going to put their life on the line at some point in their career.
Life isn't some vertical or horizontal line -- you have your own interior world, and it's not neat.
You've got to take care of yourself on the path, not just when you cross the goal line, because don't forget, wherever you are, that's the goal line. — © Jeff Bridges
You've got to take care of yourself on the path, not just when you cross the goal line, because don't forget, wherever you are, that's the goal line.
There is nothing more noble than putting yourself in the line of fire to save a life.
My mother lived till she was 95 and never had a line on her face or a frown line. She was beautiful.
When you talk about a reader being emotionally moved, a feeling of empathy, I think that comes out of that line-by-line respect for reader. That's actually where it all comes from.
The story line of the Bible is the story line of God taking the initiative in seeking out a people who are His very own.
Only one thing counts in this life - get them to sign on the line that is dotted.
No one's personal life is in the public interest. It's gossip, bottom line. End of story.
People who say life is precious don't spend much time on line at the airport.
Whether the ball is on the 99-yard line or the 1-yard line, I'm going to find a way to get into the end zone.
I found that Steve's passion for wildlife and willingness to lay his life on the line so exciting.
People sometimes say hoaxes are about the blurry line between nonfiction and fiction. I just don't think it's a blurry line at all.
A lot of times, for videogames, you get almost no time to prepare with a script. You've got a director that's going line for line, filling you in on what's happening, and some games are even less than that.
Studios are an assembly line. They can be a very good assembly line. As a producer, you concentrate on one project at a time. As an executive, you're in charge of a slate.
I can't imagine a more loyal employee to have than somebody who's laid their life on the line for their country. — © James A. Winnefeld, Jr.
I can't imagine a more loyal employee to have than somebody who's laid their life on the line for their country.
A major theme in all my books is that the CIA is not only the first line of defense but they should also be the first line of offense.
I've spent my fortune, tarnished my public view and made myself the brunt of punch line after punch line.
Any fool can take a bad line out of a poem; it takes a real pro to throw out a good line.
A life spent worthily should be measured by a nobler line,-by deeds, not years.
I'm super weird about my lips. I actually don't let makeup artists do my lipstick. I know my own lip line. I feel, even, they go too much over my lip line or too much under my lip line, and I don't want my lips to look strange on camera. I'm very particular about my lips.
Chorus Line' opened things up a bit. Any show that's successful does that. But 'Chorus Line' was about dancers.
Dogs are intelligent beings; they are not human beings. The life of a dog - there's no equivalency with the life of a person, and if you are putting a dog in the line of danger to save human life, and they can do the job reasonably well, I mean, seriously, what about dignity and self-respect? I feel like going out to dinner, I think I will have my cocker spaniel host the show tonight.
A fine line separates the weary recluse from the fearful hermit. Finer still is the line between hermit and bitter misanthrope.
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