Top 1200 Life Moves On Quotes & Sayings - Page 14

Explore popular Life Moves On quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
I love movin'. I was observant growing up, watching Michael Jackson and John Travolta. I'd close my eyes, see the moves.
Concerning all acts of iniative and creation, there is one elementary truth- that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too.
But already my desire and my will were being turned like a wheel, all at one speed, by the Love which moves the sun and the other stars — © Dante Alighieri
But already my desire and my will were being turned like a wheel, all at one speed, by the Love which moves the sun and the other stars
I've listened to a lot of outside stuff and just haven't really heard anything that moves me. I don't know if I'm getting old and crotchety or what.
I play a lot of chess, just to a bog-average level. But I find it stimulates your mind with all the combinations of different moves.
A man moves through time. It means nothing except that, like a harpoon, once thrown he will arrive.
We went down into the silent garden. Dawn is the time when nothing breathes, the hour of silence. Everything is transfixed, only the light moves.
I don't know if the music moves forward anymore. I haven't heard anything for years - except refinement - coming out of the jazz world.
Talent works for money and fame; the motive which moves genius to productivity is, on the other hand, less easy to determine.
Covetousness is both the beginning and the end of the devil's alphabet - the first vice in corrupt nature that moves, and the last which dies.
I have a Missouri Fox Trotter. So mine's like a quarter horse, but just a much better gait - it moves very fast.
The most important thing I can say is to make music that moves you. Don't try and chase what's on the radio or what you think people want to hear.
You can teach anybody wrestling moves, hopefully, if they have an athletic bone in their body. However, the ones that are going to make money and be different are the ones with personality.
I love boxing because it's similar to dancing, you have to memorize certain moves... and it's not just challenging for the body but you have to use your brain as well. — © Cheryl Burke
I love boxing because it's similar to dancing, you have to memorize certain moves... and it's not just challenging for the body but you have to use your brain as well.
Everybody uses computers to train so much now that the first nine or 10 moves of a match are made without thinking.
There is something about the unexpected that moves us. As if the whole of existence is paid for in some way, except for that one moment, which is free.
Growing up with three younger sisters had many perks. I would choreograph their moves to Madhuri Dixit songs.
Today, chess programs have become so good that even grandmasters sometimes struggle to understand the logic behind some of their moves.
There is one thing I know about creative conflict: once my argument is exhausted, I am not going to be unhappy whether it moves in my direction or away.
Self-awareness moves us beyond the old, well-worn pathways in the brain that support fixed, unconscious habits.
If companies don't think systemically enough - if they try to capture too much of the value - eventually, innovation moves somewhere else.
Parenting is really just a matter of tracking, of hoping your kids do not get so far ahead you can no longer see their next moves.
I think a playwright realizes after he finishes working on the script that this is only the beginning. What will happen when it moves into three dimensions?
We've learned that when a consumer moves from a relationship rooted in 'me' to one powered by 'we,' a new world of buying and advocacy opens up for a brand.
I would like to teach Metallica our dance moves, just because we've learned so much from them about metal.
Youth moves out, leaving no forwarding address. No matter how you try, you can't reach that person again or that place.
whenever I read a passage that moves me, I transcribe it in my diary, hoping my fingers might learn what excellence feels like.
Whenever Canada moves to protect its own industries and people, it is subjected to violent attacks in the U.S. Congress and to threats of economic retaliation.
If you're directing, it doesn't really matter any more if it's going straight to TV - what matters is whether you have the resources to make a story that moves you.
If water stands motionless in a pool it grows stale and muddy, but when it moves and flows it becomes clear: so, too, man in his wanderings.
When preparing for a concert, I do lots of training. I work with a choreographer to create great moves and then I have to keep my voice strong with lessons.
The ultimate triumph of philosophy would be to cast light upon the mysterious ways in which Providence moves to achieve the designs it has for man.
Circumstance - which moves by laws of its own, regardless of parties and policies, and whose decrees are final and must be obeyed by all - and will be
Style is that which indicates how the writer takes himself and what he is saying. It is the mind skating circles around itself as it moves forward.
Watching the way the current moves a blade of grass - sometimes I've seen that happen and it has just turned me inside out.
The stage is a supplement to the pulpit, where virtue, according to Plato's sublime idea, moves our love and affection when made visible to the eye.
You wanna know what scares people? Success. When you don't make moves and when you don't climb up the ladder, everybody loves you because you're not competition.
This ocean circulation, a northbound current that sinks and then moves southbound, tends to go through multi-decadal changes. — © William M. Gray
This ocean circulation, a northbound current that sinks and then moves southbound, tends to go through multi-decadal changes.
It occurred to me, then, how nearly real life resembles the first rehearsal of a play. We are all of us stumbling through it, doing our best to say the proper lines and make the proper moves, but not quite comfortable yet in the parts we've been given. Still, like players who trust that -despite all evidence to the contrary- the whole mess will make sense eventually, we keep on going, hoping that somehow things will work out for the best.
Knowing how the environment is pulling your strings and playing you is critical to making responsive rather than reactive moves.
No great advancement has ever been kept at bay because of ideology, nor greed. Eventually progress moves us forward.
True religion always moves us to serve others and to give our lives to see those oppressed find freedom.
In ancient times, people said that imperfect moves to becoming perfect. Are these words vain? No! Truly, by gaining Unity you come to Perfection!
What moves those of genius, what inspires their work is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is still not enough.
Generally, when you prepare for a fight scene, you have a day before, where you're going through hours of choreography and getting comfortable with the different moves.
With my size and speed, my ability to make moves and great vision, I'm sometimes feel like it's an unfair advantage over the defense.
P.S. You'll have to meet with Dan's principal when you get back. He got in trouble for doing ninja moves in class. Don't worry. This happens all the time.
The only way we're gonna work with Donald Trump is if he moves completely in our direction and abandons his Republican colleagues.
Character is too deep to catch in a single storyline. What really moves us - what makes the great stories, and there aren't so many of them - is the inevitability of character. The destiny. All we see is the arc. We'll never penetrate the secrets of the living, let alone the dead. I've spent my whole life trying to understand people, and all I've learned is that the deeper we look, the greater the mystery. At the core, each person is unknowable. Maybe that's the soul? I have to respect that. The mystery, in fact, is what I've loved the most, in people and in stories as well.
Under no circumstances should you play fast if you have a winning position. Forget the clock, use all your time and make good moves. — © Pal Benko
Under no circumstances should you play fast if you have a winning position. Forget the clock, use all your time and make good moves.
There isn't one thing in particular; rather, a lot of different things give me inspiration. I tend to come up with tunes when I do things that are not part of my daily routine, like traveling. But even during my everyday life, I come up with tunes when I'm emotionally moved. By looking at a beautiful picture, scenery, tasting something delicious, scents that bring back memories, happy and sad things... Anything that moves my emotion gives me inspiration.
It doesn't matter if you call it a boom or a bubble. The startup business moves in cycles, and what goes up will eventually come down.
It is a very different feeling to be in a fat body that is moving a lot to one that hardly moves at all. It feels like love. As simple and as joyful as that.
China attaches great importance to the utilization of renewable resources, making it one of the important moves to promote economic and social development
And, like poor Phaedra, we fall in love not with who we want to fall in love with, but with one who moves us, and sometimes it is the last person we should fall in love with. Our involuntary choice is not always the right one, and sometimes it is actually the worst one, hence our suffering. And then, of course, there is the completely different situation of the loving people where, over the years, the love they once felt for each other fades and they can't go on. They feel their love dying, but are unable to bring it back to life.
When I was a kid, we got in a cipher and battled each other lyrically. We told jokes and made the hottest dance moves.
Most employers see breaks in employment as a blemish on a resume. In the case of military spouses, however, it's due to their frequent moves.
Joining 'Hee Haw' was one of of the best moves I ever made. Until then I had no television exposure except the talk shows.
Slang moves on so fast that most new words disappear soon after they are coined. But there is always something that sticks behind.
There are certain bodily functions of mine which I will not allow to be supervised. One of these is eating. Nobody's going to license me to do this. Another one is bodily disposals. I will defecate and urinate when I damn well please and as the spirit -and the physical necessity -moves me. And my sex life is peculiarly my own. I will engage in sexual activity with a consenting male any time and any place I damn well please.
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