Top 1200 Life Moves On Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Life Moves On quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
For me, it's just staying in the present, enjoying what I'm doing, and making sure I'm making the kind of improvements and moves forward that I want to.
If one but tell a thing well, it moves on with undying voice, and over the fruitful earth and across the sea goes the bright gleam of noble deeds ever unquenchable.
Some people came up with story lines where Colonel Potter moves in with Klinger, and we become a 1950s' odd couple. I said, 'Come on, let's do something significant.'
That is the strength of having a trusting and ongoing relationship that draws on our history and moves right on into our present, and I have that kind of marriage. — © Diana L. Eck
That is the strength of having a trusting and ongoing relationship that draws on our history and moves right on into our present, and I have that kind of marriage.
Honesty in art inspires and moves me. I am passionate about creating truthful experiences as much as I love being the spectator to a brilliant body of work.
A minister who moves about in society is in a position to read the signs of the times even in a festive gathering, but one who remains shut up in his office learns nothing.
Mastery is not something that strikes in an instant, like a thunderbolt, but a gathering power that moves steadily through time, like weather.
I don't get boy bands these days. Thye don't write their own songs and everything is choreographed from their dance moves to how they have sex with each other after the show.
In military families, the service member is frequently the breadwinner. Constant moves make steady employment a challenge for non-military spouses.
By working hard, by making the right moves, you can create your own luck, I think. But certainly luck plays a part.
Laughter is a form of internal jogging. It moves your internal organs around. It enhances respiration. It is an igniter of great expectations.
Thinking is an experimental dealing with small quantities of energy, just as a general moves miniature figures over a map before setting his troops in action.
Pale sunlight, pale the wall. Love moves away. The light changes I need more grace than I thought.
The point at which society moves towards our views is a point where we are significantly closer to the vegan world that we are all working toward. — © Bruce Friedrich
The point at which society moves towards our views is a point where we are significantly closer to the vegan world that we are all working toward.
It's very funny that I'm being appreciated for my dance moves because when I was young, I was made fun of, as nobody thought I was able to dance.
The tourist who moves about to see and hear and open himself to all the influences of the places which condense centuries of human greatness is only a man in search of excellence.
Institutionalizing dissent in our agencies moves us toward a healthier democracy and helps fulfill our founders' vision.
The world organization debates disarmament in one room and, in the next room, moves the knights and pawns that make national arms imperative.
Even when you spar for real and fight with full contact in training, you get hurt or you hurt someone and you see them trying to fight back. I want to inject as much reality as possible into fight scenes, even if some of the moves are slightly larger than life, if the emotion is there you'll then still be able to buy it. I recall seeing some films where people perform an acrobatic flip mid-fight and land with graceful precision and it's almost like watching Zorro... it's almost whimsical but you're no longer engaged.
Like the alchemist of old, for ever searching for the philosopher's stone, the analyst to-day never stops looking for stronger moves to prevent the defender from establishing equality.
I'm definitely sleep deprived - it is so hard to sleep on a tour bus! It moves around so much, and we have really weird time schedules.
I'm athletic enough to do guard stuff, so if you were to mold me into having guard moves and footwork in a big's body, that's revolutionizing the game.
One-on-one is different than actually going through picks, hitting the floor, playing 5-on-5, getting back in transition, making quick moves without thinking about it.
Rowing was not simple for me. I nodded whenever the instructor made a point, as if I understood, but I could as easily have assembled the space shuttle as have repeated the moves she was explaining.
The great thing about 'Fargo' is that it's a more objective style of filmmaking: the camera moves in very classical ways, and the most interesting things normally are the characters.
The thing I can tell you about coaching is that we make decision and career moves when your nerves and emotions are still raw, right after the season. It's the worst profession for that.
Nothing but blackness above And nothing that moves but the cars... God, if you wish for our love, Fling us a handful of stars!
There's always music that moves me. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's within the parenthesis of rock or blues, or whatever. It's usually far more reaching than that. It can be in many different genres.
The beauty myth moves for men as a mirage; its power lies in its ever-receding nature. When the gap is closed, the lover embraces only his own disillusion.
Can it be that action is active resignation? Something is trying to develop; it moves ever so slightly, and there comes your man of action and bashes in the hothouse windows.
When it comes to choreography practice, the rest of the five members learn from the dance instructor while Rap Monster and I are excluded from the group and end up learning the moves in the corner.
I always watched '205 Live' on the sidelines. It's more my style: I like the quick and innovative moves. I just thought the brand was going to thrive, and I wanted to be a part of it.
Male initiation does not move toward machoism; on the contrary, it moves toward achieving a cultivated heart before we die.
There are many things worth telling that are not quite narrative. And eternity itself possesses no beginning, middle or end. Fossils, arrowheads, castle ruins, empty crosses: from the Parthenon to the Bo Tree to a grown man's or woman's old stuffed bear, what moves us about many objects is not what remains but what has vanished. There comes a time, thanks to rivers, when a few beautiful old teeth are all that remain of the two-hundred-foot spires of life we call trees. There comes a river, whose current is time, that does a similar sculpting in the mind.
Honestly, with pop and rock and things, artists are from all over the place, so they're kind of isolated. The city of Nashville helps create the camaraderie. Everyone moves there for the same reason.
There is in the Sacred Heart the symbol and express image of the infinite love of Jesus Christ which moves us to love in return.
Before we had Fergie, it was me,, and apl, and we were showcasing our dance moves in our videos.
Nature endows us with the feeling that moves us in all our musical experiences; we might call her gift instinct.
For centuries, man believed that the sun revolves around the earth. Centuries later, he still thinks that time moves clockwise. — © Robert Breault
For centuries, man believed that the sun revolves around the earth. Centuries later, he still thinks that time moves clockwise.
We should think of a photographer as a Samurai who makes rituals, moves and gestures in order to develop his techniques and his instinct.
Capitalism, as a result of its own inner contradictions, moves toward a point when it will be unbalanced, when it will simply become impossible.
You must be able to handle a variety of move orders during the first 5-6 moves - otherwise you'll find yourself 'tricked' time and time again.
Yeah, I mean, you always work hard, and certainly there's opportunities to do some bold moves, and sometimes they pay off for you and sometimes they don't.
Music is one of the last elements in the creative process. It can and hopefully should tie a bow around an artistic concept, how a story moves forward, the pace of that storytelling.
The way you learn is by sitting with the Master, as he moves into those states of attention, you feel that and follow him. He generates tremendous energy when he's doing anything. You are taught inwardly.
The brave man, the real hero, quakes with terror, sweats, feels his very bowels betray him, and in spite of this moves forward to do the act he dreads.
Life beats down and crushes our souls and theatre reminds us that we have one. At least the type of theatre that I'm interested in; that is, theatre that moves an audience. You have the opportunity to literally impact the lives of people if they work on material that has integrity. But today, most actors simply want to be famous. Well, being an actor was never supposed to be about fame and money. Being an actor is a religious calling because you've been given the ability, the gift to inspire humanity. Think about that on the way to your soap opera audition.
We moan and groan all the time about a lack of involvement of young people. But they have taught me a lot about what moves them.
The thing that moves us to pride or shame is not the mere mechanical reflection of ourselves but the imagined effect of this reflection upon another's mind. — © Charles Horton Cooley
The thing that moves us to pride or shame is not the mere mechanical reflection of ourselves but the imagined effect of this reflection upon another's mind.
It's true though: time moves in its own special way in the middle of the night," the bartender says, loudly striking a book match and lighting a cigarette. "You can't fight it.
Catch wrestling is pro wrestling, if you look at the ground moves and the rule set. It's just about learning the art of it for yourself.
God literally moves his throne from heaven. When this happens the church is building a chair, a seat, a place for God to come.
Never in the history of chess have so many moves been repeated so often so quickly by so many people who didn't really understand them.
In terms of my career, I am glad about the steps and moves that I have made. Because I would not want to blame anyone else but myself if anything goes wrong.
One joins the movement in a valueless world, Choosing it, till both hurler and the hurled, One moves as well, always toward, toward.
We don't want to box ourselves within any type of genre, you know? Whatever feels good, if it moves us and we like it, we get on it and make it our own. That's what we do.
Movement and physics: These are the fundamentals of animation. You don't notice that stuff if it's done well, but if fabric or liquid or hair moves weird, your brain is like, 'Wait, that's not real.'
Accents are very easy for me. With me, it's clothing and makeup and hair and all that stuff that inform how the character moves and feels.
When I look at our roster, I'm sure all of you have printed that I'm coming up on 35, and given my situation and my salary structure and all that, yeah, I have to wonder if this team is going to make moves and they haven't.
Language changes and moves in a different direction evolving all the time. Where a lot of people see deterioration, I see expressive development
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