Top 1200 Life Partner Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Life Partner quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
There are decent people that I know who don't know how to treat their partner. It's been built up so hard and so high that people are afraid.
What I look for in a project or partner is integrity and character; I love the concept of family entertainment and crosses over the generations, where you can sit kids with their grandparents and everyone has a good time. Those are the qualities that I want to bring to viewers.
I'm coming out with a wine... I'm actually a restaurateur. I have Famous Famiglia Pizzeria that has opened up in the Sacramento airport. I'm also working with my business partner on opening up the Linnethia Lounge.
Being in Australia makes me happy. My partner is Australian, and my home is in Australia, and it's ridiculous not to be Australian - it's a logical step to take. — © Miriam Margolyes
Being in Australia makes me happy. My partner is Australian, and my home is in Australia, and it's ridiculous not to be Australian - it's a logical step to take.
It went way beyond just sex with Catherine. It was more like recognizing a time of shared destiny of our souls. We were both born to climb, and we each glimpsed the possibility of the perfect partner in the other.
Brilliant. A very funny and concise explanation of why we men are as we are. If you are male, you should read it and then make your partner read it, so they will no longer hate you but pity you instead.
Radio is not a partner in the industry. I think that the music industry has continued to depend upon radio, but has ended up pandering to a medium that doesn't care.
Cities and towns throughout central and northwest Connecticut have strong industrial histories and are now in the process of transitioning into new sources of economic growth. I'm doing what I can to be a strong partner in these efforts.
Margaret Thatcher was fearful of German unification because she believed that this would bring an immediate and formidable increase of economic strength to a Germany which was already the strongest economic partner in Europe.
The real drawback when you write with a partner is that where you want it to go and where they want it to go is similar, but not exactly lined up, and that's where it's going to lead you into trouble.
In that last dance of chances I shall partner you no more. I shall watch another turn you As you move across the floor. In that last dance of chances When I bid your life goodbye I will hope she treats you kindly. I will hope you learn to fly. In that last dance of chances When I know you'll not be mine I will let you go with longing And the hope that you'll be fine. In that last dance of chances We shall know each other's minds. We shall part with our regrets When the tie no longer binds.
Since I travel so much, my perfect Sunday would start by waking up at home with my partner Inez. We'd have breakfast with our little girl Karmen, maybe in our garden.
A lot of times if you go to counseling you find out the thing we think are big issues to our partner is not near as big as we think it is.
Success is rarely about having the best, the most, or the cheapest features in a product. Instead, it is almost always about knowing what matters to your sponsor in a client or partner account and delivering on that.
But women are coming into Wall Street in large numbers — and they still are not making partner and are not getting into the positions that lead to the executive suites. There's still an old-boy network. You just have to keep fighting.
I have heard, 'Never go to bed angry,' and that makes sense. Unless you're always checking yourself, a grudge or something small can break apart a relationship, and you start to forget what is so amazing about your partner.
I don't know if you're married, but sometimes there are times where one is really together with their partner. And then there are times when you're both just in your own thing, but you're there together.
Everybody need a partner to stand right by their side. Not only down for the good times. But also down through the bad times. — © Will Smith
Everybody need a partner to stand right by their side. Not only down for the good times. But also down through the bad times.
What I look for in a partner is a skill, a voice of their own so I have a strength to go up against. They definitely have to be able to get out of their own way. I can't take somebody being precious about their work.
Well, everybody knew their character. I was the only one who didn't have a partner. I basically showed up when people got in trouble. Where I came from, I don't know. Nobody knows. But I would show up to help.
The US is our trading partner, our neighbour, our ally and our friend... and sometimes we'd like to give them such a smack!
What does education do, what does it have to offer, when deprived of its necessary partner, the future, and face instead with - no future at all?
We are fortunate and blessed to have a partner of Harvey Schiller's stature, who shares our vision for the future of the Dodgers, the city of Los Angeles and our great baseball fans throughout the world.
I'm so excited for my first fragrance! I chose to partner with Dots because I love what they do for their customers, bringing them the hottest trends in fashion, accessories and fragrance at unbelievably low prices. It's amazing!
The problem men seem to have, and women, too, is that they have this very structured idea that we should find a partner and settle down and be, you know, faithful. And yet clearly this is really, really hard for anybody to do!
We need to digitize from the inside of our business, but at the same time, finding the best solutions will require our industry to partner with companies across a wide range of industries.
If you're living strictly for the future or living in the past, it can make your partner feel neglected. Make yourself focus on the moment you're in.
For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests, they partner with these people that don't have your good in mind. Our [presidental] campaign represents a true existential threat like they haven't seen before.
Panna is focused on the intersection of premium video content and digital product to deliver great experiences. Given those are areas of focus for FYI, we are extremely excited to partner with Panna.
What are you doing to magnify and grow your business? What are you doing for yourself? You have to self-motivate. I had to learn a million things on Google until I was able to meet people who I could partner with for help.
Only a Europe that is conscious of its own values can be both an economically strong and a morally and intellectually respected partner, and thereby extend its hospitality to others. It's a cultural disgrace that we are forced to identify no-go areas for foreigners.
In the pursuit of a championship and beyond, I'm determined to take my performance, on and off the field, to the next level. I'm confident that MET-Rx and their great lineup of sports nutrition products is the perfect partner to help me do just that.
We know that we carry the sickle cell trait, and we know we want to have kids, we want to reproduce, and the partner that we find, those are the questions we have to ask.
Africa's economies are gaining ground and can develop their full potential with the right partner. Siemens wants to support their sustainable development - with solutions and projects in Africa, for Africa.
I think Alma Reville was the only one Alfred Hitchcock trusted. When it came to issues of taste or what the audience wanted, down to editing, script and casting, he would turn to her first. She was his partner.
My partner Dan Ireland wants me to direct, and I read a lot of scripts - some good enough that I could see myself. But then it's like, so what? Who cares? Let someone else direct it.
We come from Second City where you're taught if you make your fellow stage partner look good, that makes you look good.
Indeed, in strengthening our security, boosting our economy, and protecting our environment, Canada is our friend, neighbor, partner, and ally.
I'm very lucky that my husband is a true partner in child-rearing. If I get home late, he gets home early or vice-versa. I travel more, and he's able to spell me when I'm gone.
The 'No.1 IT company' isn't by volume, it's in relation to business customers because those are my customers, not the consumer. Who do they view as their most important partner? That's my definition of the 'No.1 IT company.'
I'm proud to partner with organizations that place an emphasis on and share my interest in giving back to the community. RBC has a rich history of doing this through their sponsorship of golf and the extensive ambassadorial program they have in place.
I think being an effective First Lady is first of all being the partner that your husband needs. — © Elizabeth Edwards
I think being an effective First Lady is first of all being the partner that your husband needs.
Masters points out that the heterosexuals were at a disadvantage, as they do not benefit from what he called “gender empathy”. Doing unto your partner as you would do unto yourself only works well when you're gay.
I have worked with a lot of different great people. One of the things my partner, my manager Judy Weinstein, instilled in [David] Morales and myself is that the quality goes in before the name goes home.
If your partner is consistently unhappy, it won't matter if they're incredibly sexy, wildly funny, impressively successful, adorably charismatic - your relationship will be weighed down under the heaviness of their moods.
It's rare to find a corporate partner who encourages true creativity, but our meetings with Lionsgate's creative team convinced us that this is the right move for RocketJump and our millions of fans.
The last thing we need is another Clinton to be our President. Believe me, one lowlife was enough. We don't need the lowlife's partner.
I just didn't know who was going to be my partner. I knew that once I had grown to be a man that I was going to attract the person that I deserved to be with, or deserved to be with me.
Universities have a big role to play... making it very clear to their counterparts, their networks, that the U.K. is not walking away from the world. We still value multilateral cooperation, we still see the EU as a significant partner.
We are each other's seventh largest trading partner, we are the fifth largest investor there and likewise, we have a lot of exchanges between political leaders, businessmen, tourists and school children too.
One of the biggest impediments for women is that they have never really understood, looked at or examined their own genitals. They have not really figured out what kind of stimulation and where feels best for them, so they are not able to guide a partner in this.
If you're going climbing with young people, you get very, very used to seeing your climbing partner as a tiny little dot.
Don't praise your own good shots. Leave that function to your partner who, if a good sport, will not be slow in performing it. — © Harry Vardon
Don't praise your own good shots. Leave that function to your partner who, if a good sport, will not be slow in performing it.
Jealousy can even be good for love. One partner may feel secretly flattered when the other is mildly jealous. And catching someone flirting with your beloved can spark the kind of lust and romance that reignites a relationship.
Sometimes after marriage, one really gets to know his or her partner after three or four outings. But for us, we knew each other's eating as well as living habits.
Just like you, your partner wants to be loved for who they are, in spite of their shortcomings. Make an effort to let them know they are loved, even if some of their behavior is not. Work towards co-creative solutions.
I am sorry the only outlet for her troubled mind was in clumsy foreplay with an inadequate partner." He threw the rest of her sandwich at the swinging door as she passed through it.
Having a partner who is your wife traveling with you can be great. We each have our roles in the work and then can help each other out on the emotional front when things get stressful, which they are.
Music is trying to tell a story, and I love the rock vibe. Hearing that finished product is almost the same high as having a killer wrestling match, you're just doing it with a guitar instead of a partner in the ring.
Charities should not become the junior partner in the welfare state; whether or not they provide services funded by Government or, indeed, receive grants from Government, they must remain independent and focused on their mission.
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