Top 1200 Life Well Lived Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Life Well Lived quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
I was born in Pascagoula, Mississippi, lived there a couple of times. My dad was in the Navy. So, we lived in Mississippi and South Carolina until I was 11, and then I moved to California, went to, you know, high school there in the Monterey Bay area.
Which is crueler, an old man's lost memories of a life lived, or a young man's lost memories of the life he meant to live?
The South was influential in my life. It helped form who I am. I went to New York out of drama school, and I lived in California. — © Connie Britton
The South was influential in my life. It helped form who I am. I went to New York out of drama school, and I lived in California.
I think that New York liberated me in the sense that I moved here when I was 18, so it was a fresh perspective on life. I had been living in L.A. my whole life and I had never lived anywhere else, so being away from family and really making a name for myself was huge for me.
The man realized that what counted was not where a person lived, but how a person lived.
We've lived in our Victorian house for 20 years and the kitchen is the centre of family life - we don't just eat here, we live here.
there is still an overwhelming social compulsion-an insanity of consensus, if you will-to get rich from life rather than live richly, to “do well” in the world instead of living well.
When I lived in New York, never in my life had I been more mistaken for another than David Chang.
Don't you ever get the feeling that all your life is going by and you're not taking advantage of it? Do you realize you've lived nearly half the time you have to live already?
A true life lived amongst the people is in itself an object-lesson that must produce its own effect upon immediate surroundings.
I don’t claim to know an over-arching ‘Meaning of Life,’ but I do operate under the understanding that life should not be lived under the pretense that it is simply a test propagated by an invisible, intangible, Creator-God. And it should not be spent identifying with religious traditions and organized groups that, historically, have been at the root of a tremendous amount of oppression and violence.
When you're someone who's lived a life where certain resources were scarce, you always feel like abundance is forbidden fruit.
When we acknowledge that all of life is sacred and that each act is an act of choice and therefore sacred, then life is a sacred dance lived consciously each moment. When we live at this level, we participate in the creation of a better world.
I get weary of reading about rebirths because we're all growing all the time and it diminishes the life you've lived if you say 'I'm a new person.'
How I hated schools, and what a life of anxiety I lived there. I counted the hours to the end of every term, when I should return home.
I've lived my life in a way that I feel would be an example to young women and I've always given my best in everything I've tried. — © Cindy Margolis
I've lived my life in a way that I feel would be an example to young women and I've always given my best in everything I've tried.
Everyone's the hero in their own story. You've lived your life. You're the good guy of your life, the protagonist of your own movie. Everyone knows that they have more in them to offer than they sometimes show.
The cricket's gone, we only hear machines In erg and atom they exact their pay. And life is largely lived on silver screens.
I get weary of reading about rebirths because we're all growing all the time and it diminishes the life you've lived if you say 'I'm a new person.
The purpose of life is to matter, to be productive, to have it make a difference that you lived at all-using the talents that God has given you for the betterment of others.
On the eve of World War I, an estimated two million Armenians lived in the Ottoman Empire. Well over a million were deported and hundreds of thousands were simply killed.
All I want out of life is that when I walk down the street, folks will say, "There goes the greatest hitter who ever lived."
[A young adult novel] ends not with happily ever after, but at a new beginning, with the sense of a lot of life yet to be lived.
My birth mom has certainly not lived a life of means in any stretch of the imagination, nor does she want to.
I've lived my whole life trying to prove that I'm worthy of being a part of something because I never really felt that.
As I get older the stars have gone from my eyes more, and I see that life is just something that has to be lived with, that it's better not to struggle.
The tribal community lived in the totality of circular time; the farmers of God's universe understood before and after; workers of the clockwork universe lived by the tick; and we creatures of the digital era must relate to the pulse.
What reading does, ultimately, is keep alive the dangerous and exhilarating idea that life is not a sequence of lived moments, but a destiny.
One is not allowed a grief for a life never lived. Yet one has buried the fruit of love, and a great deal of hope and many dreams.
Here's how I've lived my life: I've never been late to a set. I make films I believe in. I feel privileged to be able to do what I love.
Maybe in my personal life, but as far as my career, I've been offered some humongous things in my career and didn't take them. I look back and think, oh man, well I'd have been well off monetarily wise, but artistic wise I don't know. I'd have to say, personally, in my personal life, yeah, but in my musical life, on twenty-twenty hindsight I would say just take the good with the bad.
Texas is so big, and the place where I grew up was so little, and I was such a little thing growing up in the middle of it. I had two choices: I could either spend my life feeling insignificant, or I could look on the life I lived as a microcosm of the universe.
Only a life lived for others is a life worth while . I have no special gift. I am only passionately curious . I want to know God's thoughts... all the rest are details. Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift. It's not that I'm so smart , it's just that I stay with problems longer.
Sometimes my whole life seems like a dream; occasionally I think that someone else has lived it for me. The events and the sensations, the stories and the things that make me what I am in the eyes of other people, the list of facts that make my life ... They could be mine, they might be yours.
Why hope to live a long life if we're only going to fill it with self-absorption, body maintenance and image repair? When we die, do we want people to exclaim 'She looked ten years younger,' or do we want them to say 'She lived a great life'?
I've lived my life the way I wanted to, whether scaling the mountains, partying long into the night or having fun playing soccer.
Well I am from Annapolis Maryland. I went to High school in Baltimore, but I grew up in Annapolis. It was a cute town. We lived on a waterfront community. It was good, even though I don't really fit the preppy boater kind of style.
I've been such a gypsy in my life because I was born in northern England and grew up there until I was 16. But I'm 31 now, so I've lived almost half my life in so many other countries that I don't really know what nationality I am. I mean, I've got a British passport and an American green card, but I don't know where I'm from anymore.
I look down the farthest side of the mountain, fulfilled and understanding all, and truly content that I lived a full life and one that was my own choice
I'm a very private person. Very private. You know, I've lived my entire life in a fishbowl, so it was important for me to keep my personal life private because people can't talk about what they don't know.
The Christian church has set up a religion of pomp and revenue in pretended imitation of a person (Jesus) who lived a life of poverty. — © Thomas Paine
The Christian church has set up a religion of pomp and revenue in pretended imitation of a person (Jesus) who lived a life of poverty.
I was impossible. I don't know how anyone could have lived with me. For the first time in my life, I was on the scrap heap, an unemployed worker.
I'm glad I lived such a full life before I settled down into a family because I got to enjoy it and get it out of my system.
I guess I've always lived the glamorous life of a star. It 's nothing new - I used to spend down to the last dime.
I owe my life to my father. I remember that my first Christmas present was a ball. In the district where we lived, there weren't many kids who had one.
Dad lived such a hectic, hard life on the road, and I didn't get to spend as much time with him as I would have liked.
The book is called 'A House in the Sky' because during the very, very darkest times, that was how I survived. I had to find a safe place to go in my mind where there was no violence being done to my body and where I could reflect on the life I had lived and the life that I still wanted to live.
I grew up outside of Seattle and have lived here my whole life, and I think that there is a culture of questioning and guilt. Almost an 'anti-ambition.'
I soared above the song birds And never heard them sing I lived my life in winter And then you brought the spring
I don't know how I ever lived before You are my life, my destiny Oh my darling, I love you so You mean everything to me
My life was made easy - I lived in a village, and by writing for some newspapers and magazines, had enough to live on. I was happy to be there and write. — © Pankaj Mishra
My life was made easy - I lived in a village, and by writing for some newspapers and magazines, had enough to live on. I was happy to be there and write.
Well, I think that it's clear that the Republican Party is a pro-life party. And we do value life. And we do believe that the unborn have a right to life.
I never shied away from the challenge. I dared to be great and lived the dream, but hats off to Canelo. He's an elite fighter, does everything well. He's strong. He kept going forward. The body shots caught me and took my wind.
I have lived a long life, and I am proud that I spend the whole of my life in the service of my people. I am only proud of this and nothing else. I shall continue to serve until my last breath, and when I die, I can say, that every drop of my blood will invigorate India and strengthen it.
I started when I was 39 as a cabinet secretary, and so I feel like I have lived an experience in my life where I can relate to families that struggle, and are scraping by and scrounging.
Our lives can only be lived forward and understood backwards. Living a life and understanding it occupy different dimensions.
My childhood ended in 1942. I was 12, and for the next three years, I lived under incessant bombings. It was a life of constant fear.
Everyone is lonely, we have to remember that life is to be lived one day at a time. You cannot worry about the past or future. Happiness is in the now.
That which is lived becomes divine and that which is not lived bcms devil.
There is the silence of age, too full of wisdom for the tongue to utter it in words intelligible to those who have not lived the great range of life.
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