Top 1200 Limited Perspective Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Limited Perspective quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
I don't see things from a worm's perspective but a bird's perspective. I smile at problems.
If someone believes they are limited by their gender, race or background, they will become more limited.
Perspective should never influence punishment. Too often in our society, we practice selective perspective. We're willing to see all the angles only when it suits us. When perspective becomes inconvenient, we can be unflinching, even cruel.
Never be limited by other people's limited imaginations. — © Mae Jemison
Never be limited by other people's limited imaginations.
God has given us only a limited sphere of action and a limited vision.
Human beings, from a mathematical perspective, are fairly limited. Two and three dimensions, maybe five, and we're OK.
The world is not limited by IQ. We are all limited by bravery and creativity.
The mind and the soul must work together if you are to experience true bliss. Try not to spend too much time exclusively in your mind. It is a magnificent tool, but it has a limited perspective.
What space brings to you is that global perspective, that planetary perspective, that we're all in this together, and no matter where you're living on Earth, we're all part of this amazing journey.
Motherhood puts everything into perspective, changes the way you look at life, and your perspective of what's actually important.
Maybe it's good to put things in perspective, but sometimes, I think that the only perspective is to really be there.
But every day I go to work I'm making a bet that the universe is simple, symmetric, and aesthetically pleasing — a universe that we humans, with our limited perspective, will someday understand.
If you got a disability or a handicap, that means you're limited to certain things. And I don't feel like I'm limited to nothing. I can do anything anybody else can do.
Most people who go into business for themselves and, therefore, believe they are entrepreneurs, are doomed to struggle because they don't have a true Entrepreneurial Perspective. They have a Technician's Perspective.
Shakespeare set a lot of his dramas in a historical perspective or war perspective, or he would study what was going on at that time.
From my perspective, what I'm really focused on, is making sure that, for the broadest number of Americans possible, limited government and free enterprise, the principles that have truly helped build our country into an exceptional one, is one that is being sold to and appeals to the broadest number of Americans.
It's never really easy to be successful as a writer when you're trying to write literary fiction. You've already limited your readership limited by that choice.
Indian cinema is no more limited to audiences in India. We have viewers all around the world, and hence, understanding the global perspective is a must. Cinema Beyond Boundaries would get the viewers and the filmmakers together and would help us in serving them with good quality cinema.
I've got a lot of military kids who are not in on-base child care, and they should be. So it's things like that I'm going to change, either from a funding perspective or a policy perspective.
My perspective is hard because I look at wardrobe from very much a guy's perspective. You look at my closet and I have pairs of black jeans and five button-downs, but one's silk, one's cotton. They all are slightly different, so that's my perspective.
You can move beyond the ego's perspective and see reality from the perspective of a higher consciousness. — © Steve Pavlina
You can move beyond the ego's perspective and see reality from the perspective of a higher consciousness.
When I recite poems onstage, I put myself into the very personal struggle and it grants tremendous perspective. At the same time you get another perspective on the poem you're reciting.
Vocabulary enables us to interpret and to express. If you have a limited vocabulary, you will also have a limited vision and a limited future.
That is the beauty of cancer, it tells you that your days are limited, that you could die at any point. It is that perspective that allows you to live a better life while you're here.
Your perspective is always limited by how much you know. Expand your knowledge and you will transform your mind.
The sun never sets. It is only an appearance due to the observer's limited perspective. And yet, what a sublime illusion it is.
I think my perspective is unique, and I want to make sure that perspective is memorialized and preserved.
Seen from a monocultural perspective, manipulating objects is very, very clever. But seen from a multidimensional perspective, from a perspective of diversity, this is extremely crude because what we have lost out on is a cow that serves as a source of sustainable energy.
All that happens in our lives which we find painful, physically or emotionally, is for a purpose. Unfortunately, from our very limited perspective it is often not possible to see the good in it. The divine plan is not available to our eyes.
Perspective should be learned - and then forgotten. The residue - a sensitivity to perspective - helps perception, varying with each individual and determined by his responsive needs.
Comedians have a tendency to have a limited range, they tend to do one thing and do it very well, but it's limited.
There are no limits, you are only limited by however far you want to be limited
Particularly from a German perspective, from a European perspective, I can only say again, Russia is our neighbor.
I expressed skepticism, in the first chapter, about the utility of time machines in historical research. I especially advised against graduate students relying on them, because of the limited perspective you tend to get from being plunked down in some particular part of the past, and the danger of not getting back in time for your orals.
I've been living this extraordinary life with a new enlightened perspective, to see things from a higher perspective. I feel like I'm able to see things from that higher perspective at Impact Wrestling right now where there are unlimited opportunities and room for growth and to make some work I can really be proud of.
I like any and all of my associations with music: writing, playing, and listening. We write and play from our perspective, and the audience listens from its perspective. If and when we agree, I am lucky.
My perspective is cultural and world-based. It's always been a global perspective.
I'd like to shapeshift into any person, to understand a new perspective, and hope that that changes my perspective.
I have tried using spaces indoors in 'Thondimuthal'... In my view, 'Joji' is more limited in terms of the number of characters - in that sense the canvas could be considered limited.
I recognize that virtually every company that comes in here has a perspective. It's often not difficult to understand why they have the perspective that they have.
In some small field each child should attain, within the limited range of its experience and observation, the power to draw a justly limited inference from observed facts.
When I'm writing in my bedroom, in a bar, at my kitchen table or wherever, I'm conjuring it all up on the page. That's all well and good, but it is going to be a limited perspective at that point and time. Occasionally, what I write might read really well initially, but then you change your mind while hunting for locations when you discover settings which offer even better opportunities for drama or dramatic staging.
In desperate times, much more than anything else, folks need perspective. For perspective brings calm. Calm leads to clear thinking. Clear thinking yields new ideas. And ideas produce the bloom...of an answer. Keep your head and heart clear. Perspective can just as easily be lost as it can be found.
Each person does see the world in a different way. There is not a single, unifying, objective truth. We're all limited by our perspective. — © Siri Hustvedt
Each person does see the world in a different way. There is not a single, unifying, objective truth. We're all limited by our perspective.
Seeing life from an eternal perspective helps us focus our limited mortal energies on the things that matter most.
What is missing in a lot of urban music is perspective. You hear a lot of regurgitated perspective. It's a lot of: out at the club. Had drinks. Patrón. Big booties. It's this regurgitated idea of living in this, I don't know, one-night-stand moment that always starts at the club and Patrón. And so perspective, perspective, perspective is what I'm an advocate of.
As soon as you believe that a label you've put on yourself is true, you've limited something that is literally limitless, you've limited who you are into nothing but a thought.
From a genre perspective and a character perspective, you know, sky's the limit.
If it works for the piece of music, I'm going to use it. I don't want to be limited any more than [Bob] Dylan wanted to be limited by not using an electric guitar.
It's my belief that by demonizing Saddam, by raising the stakes in this war to the point where we're talking about a great moral crusade, that Bush in fact planted the seeds of discontent in the country, because this was fundamentally a limited war with limited objectives and with limited gains.
I would rather we limited - for the sake of transparency - we limited the number of taxes that we had and we were right up front about what they are, how much they are, and so forth.
We are all one Energy Stream, but what makes the separations or distinguishes the differences is perspective. You are a unique and individual perspective.
The Coyote is limited, as Bugs is limited, by his anatomy.
That is a cosmic perspective, that's correct. And in tandem with that, you will never find people who truly grasp the cosmic perspective such as the entire community of astrophysicists leading nations into battle. No, that doesn't happen. When you have a cosmic perspective, there's this little speck called Earth and you say you're going to do what? You're on this side of a line in the sand and you want to kill people for what?
Every opera, because every opera is a unique slice of a particular perspective, historical perspective and psychological perspective if not musical style, and so forth, they all present different challenges. Some can be musically very challenging, some can be psychologically more challenging. There is always something that requires a pretty specific amount of energy and attention.
Satisfying as that 'Cabaret' role was, it is not the only thing I do. But Hollywood is somewhat limited in its perspective about what it is you do or don't do. — © Joel Grey
Satisfying as that 'Cabaret' role was, it is not the only thing I do. But Hollywood is somewhat limited in its perspective about what it is you do or don't do.
I remind myself that the universe is 15 billion years old, and I'm only 46 years old, so my perspective is sort of limited and fear-based and skewed.
Women bring a different perspective to the table, and lawmaking is a compilation of diverse ideas and views and perspective. And when you don't have that, you end up making bad laws.
Everyone has a unique perspective and that's valid. Everyone's perspective is valid. That doesn't mean that everyone has the same degree of skill level as an entertainer, but skill isn't the only important thing. It's also what kind of perspective and feelings you're bringing to it.
Whenever I'm in a film that's from a perspective that is dominant within western culture... I'm always trying to prove myself. When it's from a black perspective, I don't have to - they get it.
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