Top 1200 Literature Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Literature quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
If a comparative-literature major had existed at Harvard College for undergraduates I would have surely gone in that direction.
Never measure literature by accounting statistics. A quarter of working authors earn less than $1,000.
There isn't a lot of poverty literature in the young-adult world. And I don't know why that is, but I think certainly I felt a gap. — © Sherman Alexie
There isn't a lot of poverty literature in the young-adult world. And I don't know why that is, but I think certainly I felt a gap.
The unusual is only found in a very small percentage, except in literary creations, and that is exactly what makes literature.
Literature is one of those realms in which giving out prizes can seem not merely dubious but positively obtuse.
In the world of literature, I see prizes as more of a duty to the craft itself, rather than as something for the individual.
Be not merely a man of letters! Let literature be an honorable augmentations to your arms, not constitute the coat or fill the escutcheon!
Being a student of Wuxia literature, I was aware 'Crouching Tiger' was book four in the 'Crane Iron Pentalogy.'
Literature, fiction, poetry, whatever, makes justice in the world. That's why it almost always has to be on the side of the underdog.
There must always be some pretentiousness about literature, or else no one would take its pains or endure its disappointments.
Literature sucks you into another psyche. So the creation of empathy necessarily influences how you'll behave to other people.
I think one of the saddest things that's happening to literature is that it's getting over-simplified by this diet of simple political ideas.
I have always been fascinated by the supernatural elements in stories, whether fairy tales, myths, film or literature. — © Trudi Canavan
I have always been fascinated by the supernatural elements in stories, whether fairy tales, myths, film or literature.
I don't really need to be inspired by literature though. At the end of the day it's colour and imagery moved around until it works.
I'm drawn to the figure of the ungrateful subaltern as a trope in literature. In real life, it is often dangerous to demand more.
I think that literature quite often emerges from areas where there has been a lack of articulation, like women's writing.
A taste for literature and a turn for business, united in the same person, never fails to make a great man.
When a man can observe himself suffering and is able, later, to describe what he's gone through, it means he was born for literature.
I'm very much a word-centric writer, and that comes from the literature and the reading that I did as kid and also the films and mythology and stories.
People who love literature have at least part of their minds immune from indoctrination. If you read, you can learn to think for yourself.
No one has the right to enter literature without fresh new ideas. We’ve got too many dexterous drudges as it is.
Every man's work, whether it be literature, or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself.
To me the truth comes first and then the literature. We in China are dealing with a dictatorial system and we writers have to take a stance on it.
I hold that a writer who does not passionately believe in the perfectibility of man has no dedication nor any membership in literature.
Literature is the human activity that make the fullest and most precise account of variousness, possibility, complexity, and difficulty.
Character is the aim of true education; and science, history, and literature are but means used to accomplish this desired end.
In Talmudic literature, certainly in the beginning, he was like a human being - except he was a serpent. But he was talking and walking and probably dreaming.
People like to complain about the state of contemporary literature, but I can only assume they don't read it very widely.
A movie is painting, it's photography, it's literature - because you have to have the screenplay - it's music. Put a different soundtrack to a comedy and it's a tragedy.
It is good to be well connected with English language, literature and history, but the knowledge of our culture and roots is equally important.
The only link between Literature and the Drama left to us in England at the present moment is the bill of the play.
I feel the written word, poetry and literature is just one of the most beautiful things that human beings do. So we have to fight for it.
I am especially indebted to a 10th grade English teacher who encouraged me to read great works of literature.
I suffer from the curse of being multi-talented. There's no doubt about it. Politics and literature have gotten in the way of songwriting.
What makes literature interesting is that it does not survive its translation. The characters in a novel are made out of the sentences. That's what their substance is.
Typography is to literature as musical performance is to composition: an essential act of interpretation, full of endless opportunities for insight or obtuseness.
Aphorisms are literature's hand luggage. Light and compact, they fit easily into the overhead compartment of your brain.
"Literature" is written material that, 100 years after the death of the author, is forced upon high school students. — © Tom Clancy
"Literature" is written material that, 100 years after the death of the author, is forced upon high school students.
Everything is becoming science fiction. From the margins of an almost invisible literature has sprung the intact reality of the 20th century.
The culture of a civilization is the art and literature through which it rises to consciousness of itself and defines its vision of the world.
You're meant to think somehow that literature, in espousing eternal values, is kind of normal and balanced and reasonable. When it fact it's anything but.
I can't imagine not being able to read and write, or make these connections from literature and philosophy that have helped inform my understanding of evolution.
Since the last decades of the nineteenth century, revolt against the objectified world has determined the character of art and literature.
Children's literature - the product of adult guesswork - often fails to account for its audience's slippery grasp on the world.
Great literature is like moral leadership; everyone deplores the lack of it, but there is a tendency to prefer it from the safely dead.
I love the idea of literature as a room or series of rooms that allow you to be present as it slowly unfolds itself in all its capacities.
My family pleaded with me to forget literature and do something sensible, such as find some sort of useful work.
I'm sorry to say that far worse things have happened and the literature of the Holocaust is a witness to the capacity of the novel as a form. — © Ian Mcewan
I'm sorry to say that far worse things have happened and the literature of the Holocaust is a witness to the capacity of the novel as a form.
I did study Shakespeare, that was sort of my thing; I got a Literature A-level, which is my only claim to academic fame.
I still believe nonfiction is the most important literature to come out of the second half of the 20th century.
Nothing could be more inappropriate to American literature than its English source since the Americans are not British in sensibility.
It is essential to naturalist doctrine that literature, to be good, must, finally, be the author's experience worked out literally.
Hopefully, reading and being around great literature inspires me to write songs, but I'm not sure about that.
All bad Literature rests upon imperfect insight, or upon imitation, which may be defined as seeing at second-hand.
I am happy that I could contribute my bit and enable the use of colloquial Telugu words in mainstream films and literature.
It's a real skill to take a piece of literature and make it in cinema. It's quite a different form, and I think I have to respect that.
Anybody can write a three-volume novel. It merely requires a complete ignorance of both life and literature.
Cut quarrels out of literature, and you will have very little history or drama or fiction or epic poetry left.
I create doubt in the reader's mind. That is what literature is for: to provoke, to raise doubts, to talk about things that are not obvious.
In literature and art memory is a synonym for invention. It is the life-blood of imagination, which faints and dies when the veins are empty.
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