Top 1200 Live For Yourself Quotes & Sayings - Page 6

Explore popular Live For Yourself quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
You can take pride in yourself without comparing yourself to anybody else. If you run your race and be the best that you can be, then you can feel good about yourself.
Do not let people put you down. Believe in yourself and stand for yourself and trust yourself.
Don't let your negative self beliefs haunt you out of taking action. You owe it to yourself to live the life that you desire. — © Joel Brown
Don't let your negative self beliefs haunt you out of taking action. You owe it to yourself to live the life that you desire.
Live more than your neighbor. Unleash yourself upon the world and go places. Go now. Giggle, no, laugh. And bark at the moon like the wild dog that you are. Understand that this in not a dress rehearsal. This is it. Your life. Face your fears and live your dreams. Take it all in. Yes, every chance you get. Come close. And by all means, whatever you do, get it on film.
One of the basic laws of human existence is: find yourself, know yourself, be yourself.
Take time to play! Ask for what you want. Laugh. Live loudly. Be avid. Learn a new thing. Be Yourself!
The really important thing is not to live, but to live well. And to live well meant, along with more enjoyable things in life, to live according to your principles.
As you live your life and accumulate friends, both IRL and on social media, ask yourself, are you a bully too?
Love yourself, appreciate yourself, see the good in you... and respect yourself.
So now live for real, Craig. Live. Live. Live. Live.
I try to live in the moment and not overthink things because then you start putting yourself in situations that you don't want to be in pressure-wise.
Genre-spanning is the effort to make the live show interesting. It's also a great way to challenge yourself as a writer.
Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. — © Tony Robbins
Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird.
Husbands and wives, recognize that in marriage you have become one flesh. If you live for your private pleasure at the expense of your spouse, you are living against yourself and destroying your joy. But if you devote yourself with all your heart to the holy joy of your spouse, you will also be living for your joy and making a marriage after the image of Christ and His church.
There are always going to be things you don’t like about yourself or reasons to compare yourself to others, but once you realize that you only get one you, it’s best to just love yourself.
If you love yourself, you love everybody else as you do yourself. As long as you love another person less than you love yourself, you will not really succeed in loving yourself but if you love all alike, including yourself, you will love them as one person and that person is both God and man.
Feel not as though it is a sphere we live on. Rather, an infinite plane which has the illusion of leading yourself back to the point of origin.
Doing your best, you are going to live your life intensely. You are going to be productive, you are going to be good to yourself, because you will be giving yourself to your family, to your community, to everything. But it is the action that is going to make you feel intensely happy. When you always do your best, you take action.
What would it mean to live in a city whose people were changing each other's despair into hope?-- You yourself must change it.
It's like, you can know you want to live your life by being yourself, but how do you actually do that? That can be a whole lifelong journey.
I live my life based on 2 principles. One, I live as if today was my last day on earth. Two, I live today as if I am going to live forever.
Knowing that I'm not a model and I'm never going to be has relieved me of the pressure of looking good. If you don't establish yourself as McDreamy then you don't have to live up to it.
Live in the moment and be present in all that you do. Don't worry yourself with what happened yesterday or what's going to happen tomorrow. Stay focused with what's in front of you.
Live as though only God and yourself were in this world, so that your heart may not be detained by anything human.
We live in a fun time with so many ways to express yourself, you would be crazy to be a comedian and not check them all out.
Stop worrying about what others think. At the end of the day, you have to live with you. Trust yourself. No one has to tell you when it's right. Do what you need to do.
Create each day anew by clothing yourself with heaven and earth, bathing yourself with wisdom and love, and placing yourself in the heart of Mother Nature.
If you do not for give you actually are tying yourself to the perpetrator, that you are going to live your life as a victim. And you won't experience a liberation that comes from forgiving.
If you sit in a box all the time and don't do anything fun and don't live life, you're probably not going to do yourself any good. I refuse to be that way.
Take advantage of every opportunity; where there is none, make it for yourself, and let history record that as we toiled laboriously and courageously, we worked to live gloriously.
You do not see clearly the evil in yourself, else you would hate yourself with all your soul. Like the lion who sprang at his image in the water, you are only hurting yourself, O foolish man. When you reach the bottom of the well of your own nature, then you will know that the vileness was from yourself.
Follow your passion. Be yourself, but check yourself before you wreck yourself.
We have this one life, let's enjoy it, let's live it to the full and don't get so worked up about don't identify yourself so passionately with this business called religion.
I've never meditated for a moment in my life. I don't know how it works. But one of the things you have to do to put yourself in the meditating mode is stop narrating yourself to yourself.
You are not here to please other people or to live your lives their way. You can only live it your own way and walk your own pathway. You have come [here] to fulfill yourself and express love on the deepest level. You are here to learn and grow... When you leave the planet... the only thing you take is your capacity to love!
You become acutely aware, if you're touring a lot, that you need new songs to invigorate the live show. And make it interesting for yourself, too.
Writing is about hypnotizing yourself into believing in yourself, getting some work done, then unhypnotizing yourself and going over the material coldly.
Miami's not anybody's poor cousin. It's an aspiration to live in this town, not something you have to do to promote yourself like some of the larger cities. — © Iggy Pop
Miami's not anybody's poor cousin. It's an aspiration to live in this town, not something you have to do to promote yourself like some of the larger cities.
The most important relationship we can all have is the one you have with yourself, the most important journey you can take is one of self-discovery. To know yourself, you must spend time with yourself, you must not be afraid to be alone. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
Just in general, no matter what you're doing, be true to yourself. Never let anyone else dictate how you live your life.
Live and let live is not enough; live and help live is not too much.
It is all a question of weeding out what you yourself like best to do, so that you can live most agreeably in a world full of an increasing number of disagreeable surprises.
I think books are just a great ticket to get you outside of yourself. You can not be you for a second and live in the shoes of a character, which is a special thing.
I just think fashion is about enjoying yourself and being comfortable in your skin and allowing you to be you - all the way live.
Enjoy yourself, drink, call the life you live today your own; but only that, the rest belongs to chance.
Choose to fully and graciously live life as it comes. The richest rewards by far are the ones to which you most sincerely give of yourself.
When you live in the present moment, time stands still. Accept your circumstances and live them. If there is an experience ahead of you, have it! But if worries stand in your way, put them off until tomorrow. Give yourself a day off from worry. You deserve it. Some people live with a low-grade anxiety tugging at their spirit all day long. They go to sleep with it, wake up with it, carry it around at home, in town, to church, and with friends. Here's a remedy: Take the present moment and find something to laugh at. People who laugh, last.
We live in a world where art is always looked upon as the perfect medium. We live in a society where we can alter our body parts, we can act in the most perfect or right way. A lot of that is dangerous because, especially in the world of art, the chief enemy of creativity is being safe. If you're safe, you can't fall and hurt yourself. The older you are, the further down the crash is going to be. But if it works out, the higher the high.
But perhaps this is all to the good. Perhaps it’s best to live with the possibility that around any corner, at any time, may come the person who reminds you of your own capacity to surprise yourself, to put at risk everything that’s dear to you. Who reminds you of the distances we have to bridge to begin to know anything about one another. Who reminds you that what seems to be—even about yourself—may not be. That like him, you need to be forgiven.
The only the way that you can live and function without seeing the facts in front of you is to put yourself in a constant state of denial. — © Bassem Youssef
The only the way that you can live and function without seeing the facts in front of you is to put yourself in a constant state of denial.
If you want to live in Tennessee, God bless you, I wish for you a long life and starry evenings. But that is not where I want to live my life. I want to live my life in Carthage, in Athens. I want to live my life in Rome. I want to live my life in the center of the world. I want to live my life in Los Angeles.
I hope, if you should live to grow up, you will endeavour to be very useful and not spend all your time in pleasing yourself.
Your life is yours to live, no matter how you choose to live it. When you do not think about how you intend to live it, it lives you. When you occupy it, step into it consciously, you live it.
You can be the most beautiful woman in the world and see yourself as hideous. You must love yourself. To look in the mirror and tell yourself that you're a rock star.
Speak your truth. Listen when others speak theirs, too. When you let go of fear, you will learn to love others, and you will let them love you. Do not be afraid of dying. But do not be afraid to live. Ask yourself what that means. Open your heart to love, for that is why you are here. And know that you are, and always have been One with Me and all who live.
Sit Rest Work. Alone with yourself, Never weary. On the edge of the forest Live joyfully, Without desire.
It's certainly possible to live on a SNAP budget, but it's impossible to feed yourself or your family healthy, nutritious food.
I AM (your true self) is not interested in man’s opinion. All its interest lies in your conviction of yourself. What do you say of the I AM within you? Can you answer and say, “I AM Christ”? Your answer or degree of understanding will determine the place you will occupy in life. Do you say or believe yourself to be a man of a certain family, race, nation, etc.? Do you honestly believe this of yourself? Then life, your true self, will cause these conceptions to appear in your world and you will live with them as though they are real.
Enjoy being with yourself, hanging out with yourself, doing things by yourself.
As far as you can, get into the habit of asking yourself in relation to any action taken by another: "What is his point of reference here?" But begin with yourself: examine yourself first.
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