Top 1200 Live Passionately Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Live Passionately quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
The Nigerian storyteller Ben Okri says that ‘In a fractured age, when cynicism is god, here is a possible heresy: we live by stories, we also live in them. One way or another we are living the stories planted in us early or along the way, or we are also living the stories we planted — knowingly or unknowingly — in ourselves. We live stories that either give our lives meaning or negate it with meaninglessness. If we change the stories we live by, quite possibly we change our lives.’
Americans can live with the fact that good people sometimes give their lives for this country, but what they can't take, what they can't live with is when their government is not square with them.
I brag on the Democratic Party. We're libertarian on social issues, it's live and let live. Fiscally, we're conservative and responsible, and were environmentally conscious. — © Mark Udall
I brag on the Democratic Party. We're libertarian on social issues, it's live and let live. Fiscally, we're conservative and responsible, and were environmentally conscious.
I want to live as long as I can do good; but not an hour longer than I can live in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, with my Father in heaven, my Savior, and with the faithful Latter-day Saints. To live any longer than this would be torment and misery to me. When my work is done I am ready to go; but I want to do what is required of me.
Be culturally literate, because if you don't have any understanding of the world you live in and the culture you live in, you're not going to express anything to anybody else.
We live in a sensual world, and at the same time we live beyond it - billions of dimensions that are nonphysical, we experience them when we stop thought.
Politicians, real-estate agents, used-car salesmen, and advertising copy-writers are expected to stretch facts in self-serving directions, but scientists who falsify their results are regarded by their peers as committing an inexcusable crime. Yet the sad fact is that the history of science swarms with cases of outright fakery and instances of scientists who unconsciously distorted their work by seeing it through lenses of passionately held beliefs.
It takes some intelligence and insight to figure out you're gay and then a tremendous amount of balls to live it and live it proudly.
Recording an album and doing it live are like two different animals. There are some people that are great singers live, horrible in the studio.
A land ethic for tomorrow should...stress the oneness of our resources and the live-and-help-live logic of the great chain of life.
If, therefore, a man will so live as to show that he feels and believes the most fundamental doctrines of Christianity, he must live above the world.
I try to allow the spirit of the character to live through me. That's the only way I know how to approach acting. I have to live it.
When you live the virtues - when you live in that place of God-consciousness - all these rules we have about cause and effect, beginnings and ends, don't have any impact or relevance.
It's a terrible way to live, to be closeted, to always be worried about being found out. To live this double life is really trying. — © Sean Maher
It's a terrible way to live, to be closeted, to always be worried about being found out. To live this double life is really trying.
Success is the ability to live your life, the way you want to live it, doing what you enjoy most, surrounded by people you admire and respect.
What you can plan is too small for you to live. What you can live wholeheartedly will make plans enough for the vitality hidden in your sleep.
So I won't hang around in my hospital shift, repeating The Black Mass and all of it. I say Live, Live because of the sun, the dream, the excitable gift.
Were I to live my life over again, I should live it just as I have done. I neither complain of the past, nor do I fear the future.
My life can be so arranged that I can live on whatever I have. If I cannot live as I have lived in the past, I shall live differently, and living differently does not mean living with less attention to the things that make life gracious and pleasant or with less enjoyment of things of the mind.
Any one who wants to live in peace and freedom will be to live by toil, demonstration of high levels of discipline and tolerance for one another.
When in our minds we pre-live our marriage, we help to determine the kind of person that we would like to be when that event arrives. As we pre-live our success, we develop the abilities necessary to bring it about. And with the information and direction given us in the Holy Scriptures we can even pre-live that important period that lies beyond the boundaries of this life.
When I write my novels, I'm not writing them to make political points. I'm writing them because I passionately love monsters and the weird and horror stories and strange situations and surrealism, and what I want to do is communicate that. But, because I come at this with a political perspective, the world that I'm creating is embedded with many of the concerns that I have. But I never let them get in the way of the monsters.
I put cocoa butter all over my face and my iconic belly and my arms and legs. Why live rough? Live smooth.
What I increasingly felt, in marriage and in motherhood, was that to live as a woman and to live as a feminist were two different and possibly irreconcilable things.
Treat people like you want to be treated; live and let live; and also give the other person a break now and then.
What an age do we live in, when 'tis a miracle if in ten couples that are married, two of them live so as not to publish to the world that they cannot agree.
You can love a person deeply and sincerely whom you do not like. You can like a person passionately whom you do not love.
France may one day exist no more, but the Dordogne will live on just as dreams live on and nourish the souls of men.
We have to continue to empower each other... we do not have to live in this marginalisation, we do not have to live in oppression, but our fight to get out of it is not going to be an easy one.
It is so much easier to live placidly and complacently. Of course, to live placidly and complacently is not to live at all.
You have these magical moments in these live events that are never captured on film and that only live on in your memory. Those are always my favorite.
I'm always in the right headspace! I live pretty much in isolation, so there are really no distractions. That's not a manufactured thing; it's just the way I live.
Even if you live in a big city, everybody lives in a small town. We identify ourselves by our neighborhoods - 'I live in the Village, or in Chelsea.'
I'm not an activist; I don't look for controversy. I'm not a political person, but I'm a person with compassion. I care passionately about equal rights. I care about human rights. I care about animal rights.
People see me, and they see the suit, and they go: "you're not fooling anyone", they know I'm rock and roll through and through. But you know that old thing, live fast, die young? Not my way. Live fast, sure, live too bloody fast sometimes, but die young? Die old. That's the way- not orthodox, I don't live by "the rules" you know.
It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might has well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.
This time we live in is saying, 'Live for yourself, and whatever makes you happy' and all this kind of stuff, and it's so contrary. And we so don't want to go and be reckless for the Lord.
I hope that you know in your heart how you feel about things, and you don't let the people that live on fear and hate govern the way you live. — © Melissa Etheridge
I hope that you know in your heart how you feel about things, and you don't let the people that live on fear and hate govern the way you live.
The old forms of entertainment are not extinct. Live performances are the pinnacle. If you can something that people want to see live, then you have a great career.
You can't live like a Bushman or an Aborigine anymore, so they've got to rethink the whole basis of how they're going to live. Permaculture helps you do that easily.
It's very claustrophobic to live a life which is not really how you wanted to live. You are forcing yourself to be quiet and behave like someone you are not.
Totally without hope, one cannot live. To live without hope is to cease to live.
If we in Spain had fans like in England, it would be the best League without doubt. And the live football, in the stadiums, the people live for it.
You live more in five minutes on a bike like this going flat out than some people live in a lifetime.
Some people just can't understand or relate. So why would I care about someone's opinion who doesn't do what I do and live the life I live?
A live concert to me is exciting because of all the electricity that is generated in the crowd and on stage. It's my favorite part of the business, live concerts.
you can't live life without consequences. They occur regardless of the decision. A consequence is an outcome, good or bad. You can live life without regrets and thats what makes it worth it. Or you could live with regret and end up hanging yourself but thats still good. You paid for the rope so your feeding someones family. Something to be proud of before you kick the bucket
Journalists are quite surprised outside their dinner parties when they hear where I live. 'Van Nuys? You still live there?' It is like saying you're from Alabama.
We live in America. We live in a free society where we are able to make choices. It's about giving individuals freedoms and holding them accountable. — © Gary Johnson
We live in America. We live in a free society where we are able to make choices. It's about giving individuals freedoms and holding them accountable.
You have to live in these moments, not for them. If you look too hard, they blow right by you. If you do not live enough, you will regret every breath.
It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.
Feminist politics aims to end domination, to free us to be who we are - to live lives where we love justice, where we can live in peace. Feminism is for everybody.
One of the overriding points of Liberal Fascism is that all of the totalitarian "isms" of the left commit the fallacy of the category error. They all want the state to be something it cannot be. They passionately believe the government can love you, that the state can be your God or your church or your tribe or your parent or your village or all of these things at once. Conservatives occasionally make this mistake, libertarians never do, liberals almost always do.
Companies, as they grow to become multi-billion-dollar entities, somehow lose their vision. They insert lots of layers of middle management between the people running the company and the people doing the work. They no longer have an inherent feel or a passion about the products. The creative people, who are the ones who care passionately, have to persuade five layers of management to do what they know is the right thing to do.
Because of the world we live in, we lock the doors in our house when we go to sleep. If you live in an apartment, if you can, you get a building that has a doorman or security.
We're born, we live, we die. The most important thing out of those three is to live your life the way you want to.
Performing in a live theater is absolutely unbeatable. It is something I have done my entire life and have a gift, it seems, for sharing thoughts live.
I told John Kerry and General Allen, the Americans’ expert, ‘We live here, I live here, I know what we need to ensure the security of Israel’s people.’
Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect -and I don't live to be- but before you start pointing fingers... make sure you hands are clean!
The football world needs to live by its promises and live by the diversity codes. They need to be promoting opportunities for the less privileged. That's what I want to see.
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