Top 1200 Living A Lie Quotes & Sayings - Page 13

Explore popular Living A Lie quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Yes, I sold buttons to earn living. But I took pictures to keep on living. Pictures are my life – as necessary as eating or breathing.
I'm used to living alone, and I like it that way. You become so selfish living alone...I'd make a terrible husband anyway.
The world does not owe men a living, but business, if it is to fulfill its ideal, owes men an opportunity to earn a living. — © Owen D. Young
The world does not owe men a living, but business, if it is to fulfill its ideal, owes men an opportunity to earn a living.
More than 10 million Americans are living with cancer, and they demonstrate the ever-increasing possibility of living beyond cancer.
We never broke up. As long as I'm living and as long as Chuck D is living, Public Enemy is always going to be alive.
It’s as if your kind needs adversity in order to achieve. (Leta) No, we don’t. That’s just a lie people tell themselves to feel better about all the people who kick them in their teeth when it’s just as easy to help a man up as it is to knock him to the ground. That’s why I’ve withdrawn from this world. I don’t want to have to watch my back all the time and I’m tired of trying to figure out if the loyalty someone professes is real and true, or just another lie that will crumble the instant they taste jealousy. (Aiden)
I feel like, for me as an artist, it takes me a while of living with the tracks and living with the body of work to realize what it's all about.
The acceptance of death gives you more of a stake in life, in living life happily, as it should be lived. Living for the moment.
We're living or dying. We're already dead, the living dead. So do what you gotta do. Take care of your family, of yourself as a whole, and everything will be alright.
Today . . . we know that all living beings who strive to maintain life and who long to be spared pain - all living beings on earth - are our neighbors.
Am I incapable of living with the one sole guarantee, that I'm still here? Am I afraid of living because I fear death?
Did you think that rats do not have hearts? Wrong. All living things have a heart. And the heart of any living thing can be broken.
Your distress about life might mean you have been living for the wrong reason, not that you have no reason for living. — © Tom O'Connor
Your distress about life might mean you have been living for the wrong reason, not that you have no reason for living.
I think hip hop should be a living word. And what I mean by the living word is like yo, you gotta have the words that provide life.
Life owes me a living worth living. Yes, Eden regarded life as her debtor, she its relentless paymaster.
Heaven is living in your hopes and Hell is living in your fears. It's up to each individual which one he chooses.
Sin regardless of how you get there is a vulnerable and a dangerous place to be. Living in unforgiveness is living in an unsafe place.
We're so sure of what our unlived lives would have been like that we feel guilty for not living them - for not living up to our potential.
I say that virtue is really all about enjoying yourself, living fully; but of course it is far from obvious what living fully actually means.
He who harms living beings is, for that reason, not an ariya (a Noble One); he who does not harm any living being is called an ariya.
Before you get a dog, you can't quite imagine what living with one might be like; afterward, you can't imagine living any other way.
A culture is not an abstract thing. It is a living, evolving process. The aim is to push beyond standard-setting and asserting human rights to make those standards a living reality for people everywhere.
I did a lot of commercials starting in about '75, yeah. Well, not 'a lot'; I never was a big old commercial gal, but I made a good living. I didn't immediately make 'a living' at commercials; the first year I made maybe a living was about '80. I had a great year in '85. I had a nice little supplement.
Each man, therefore, is the entire world, bearing within his genes a memory of all mankind. Or as Leibniz put it: ‘Every living substance is a perpetual living mirror of the universe’
Being on the run wasn't fun, but it was something I had to do. I was actually working in legitimate jobs. I wasn't living on people's credit cards. I was living like a character out of a movie. It was performance art.
Living among society's outcasts and experiencing the brutality of America's prison system did more to set (or confirm) the direction of my adult life than living at Yale.
I think living things can recognize the movement of other living things, and all the best animators in the world can't quite capture that something.
I think having a good yoga practice and a spiritual practice is a recipe for living well and, hopefully, living longer.
Living entity is food for another living entity, it does not mean that I shall eat my children also. There is discretion.
I'm living in Los Angeles, I'm in films and I'm on television, and I'm working with actors and telling stories. I'm living the fantasy. My worst day is a great day.
I'm living with every step. I can't live with regret. The past is the past. I'm not worried about it. I can't change it. I can't fix it. It is what it is. I'm just living.
Television brought the brutality of war into the comfort of the living room. Vietnam was lost in the living rooms of America - not on the battlefields of Vietnam.
I am confident that there truly is such a thing as living again, that the living spring from the dead, and that the souls of the dead are in existence.
A life worth living might be measured in many ways, but the one way that stands above all others is living a life of no regrets.
We must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living.
I was about 26 or 27 and it was imperative that I make a living right away and it's hard to make a living on stage, so I started in television and film.
Oh the wild joys of living! The leaping from rock to rock ... the cool silver shock of the plunge in a pool's living waters.
What the artist must render is a living moment somehow, a living moment actually in action or an inward experience. — © Joseph Campbell
What the artist must render is a living moment somehow, a living moment actually in action or an inward experience.
That’s the thing about living vicariously; it’s so much faster than actual living. In a few minutes we’ll be worrying about names for the children.
I know we live in a materialistic world. I am not living on Cloud Nine; I am not living in Disneyland. I understand all that.
Being fearless doesn't mean living a life devoid of fear, but living a life in which our fears don't hold us back
It's the only way that YOUR life is gonna have any value to you. If you're just living the same life that everybody else is living what's the point?
It is possible to make a living thing, not a diagram of what I have been thinking: to posit with paint something living, something that changes each day.
Don't lie to anyone, but particularly don't lie to millennials. They just know. They can smell it. Be yourself: if you're old, be old. If you don't know anything about pop culture, don't pretend to know anything about pop culture. When you credit teenagers with intelligence and emotional sophistication, they respond intelligently and with emotional sophistication.
For those of us who got into good colleges or the professions, did we stand up to that high school history teacher who told us some ridiculous lie about American history and say, "That's a ridiculous lie. You're an idiot"? No. We said, "All right, I'll keep quiet, and I'll write it in the exam and I'll think, yes, he's an idiot." And it's easy to say and believe things that improve your self-image and your career and that are in other ways beneficial to yourselves.
Times before you, when even the living men were Antiquities; when the living might exceed the dead, and to depart this world, could not be properly said, to go unto the greater number.
We're not living in a society that science actually dominates the conversation. We're living in a situation where some science is allowed and a lot of it's about policy.
It takes some living to discover that the living itself is one's life, that life is not a goal to attain but a possession to relish. — © Dale Rex Coman
It takes some living to discover that the living itself is one's life, that life is not a goal to attain but a possession to relish.
They were not half living, or quarter living. They were simply so many bags of bones in which sparks of life fluttered faintly.
We can't really make a living doing comic books, despite the fact that would be an awfully fun way to make a living.
We are never aware of the present; each instant of living becomes perceptible only when it is past, so that in a sense we do not live at all, but only remember living.
The art of living easily as to money is to pitch your scale of living one degree below your means.
If you're living strictly for the future or living in the past, it can make your partner feel neglected. Make yourself focus on the moment you're in.
You have to grow. If not you're then living in regret and you're living in the past and you're not progressing forward. And I learned the mistakes that I made and they made me stronger.
I just find that you can become a very boring person living in L.A. I tell you, living there on a day-to-day basis is vacuous: terribly fake.
When I was living on the street I would be standing out in front of Grauman's Chinese Theater, leaning against my car and signing autographs and nobody had any idea that I was living in it.
The living are soft and yielding; the dead are rigid and stiff. Living plants are flexible and tender; the dead are brittle and dry.
If you say, I'm living in America and I have freedom of speech but I choose not to use it because it's going to cost me, well, you're not living in freedom. You're not free.
If you want to put far more living in your life, start living every day as if it was your last.
A lot of people play single to work some angle. I'm always about keeping it real. If that's how I'm living, that's how I'm living.
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