Top 1200 Lock Stock Quotes & Sayings - Page 12

Explore popular Lock Stock quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
I think every stock in the world is going to end up being a security token.
It is wise to remember that too much success in the stock market is in itself an excellent warning.
I wanted to play in New York when I was in my prime and I was young, fierce, lock-down [defender]. Madison Square Garden, that would have been sick. But right now, China is way more adventurous for me.
Anybody who plays the stock market not as an insider is like a man buying cows in the moonlight. — © Daniel Drew
Anybody who plays the stock market not as an insider is like a man buying cows in the moonlight.
Buying stock is exactly the same thing as going to a casino, only with no cocktail service.
I'm so blessed to have such enlightened parents. It must have been very hard to watch their able-bodied son lock himself up in his old room for most of his 20s.
The stock market is the story of cycles and of the human behavior that is responsible for overreactions in both directions.
Thanks to iCloud and other services, the choice of a phone or tablet today may lock a consumer into a branded silo, making it hard for him or her to do what Apple long importuned potential customers to do: switch.
When you get to stock racing, you have to be a little more patient and 'save your stuff' to be there at the end.
I had some airline stock, but the airlines tanked. I didn't have a lot of money in them, though.
Diplomacy is really far less important than the stock movements within Russia.
John Edgar Park introduced me to the gentle art of recreational lock-picking. It's fun and potentially useful to know how to tickle tumblers in the right way to open door locks and padlocks.
Fame is but a fruit tree- so very unsound. It can never flourish 'till its stock is in the ground.
The techniques I developed for studying turbulence, like weather, also apply to the stock market. — © Benoit Mandelbrot
The techniques I developed for studying turbulence, like weather, also apply to the stock market.
The techniques I developed for studying turbulence, like weather, also apply to the stock market
You can't lock away a problem and throw away the key. I don't know if it's an unpopular view or a popular view, but it's the truth.
The guy that just arranges things so that the stock market holds up is nobody in my - in my estimation.
There is no country in the world where it's as easy to find venture capital in the stock market as the United States.
Local teenagers killed in a car crash is a suburban legend, a stock plot line.
Just lock myself in a room, stop answering emails, stop answering the phone and I come out with something.
As we take stock of this century of achievement, Ulster Unionists have every reason to feel proud.
God loves to show mercy . . . His anger must be released by a stiff safety lock, but His mercy has a hair trigger.
Most of my interests in terms of writing are dark, so it's discordant how much I try to lock into the vibe of wherever I'm at. Inhabiting the life of the imagination is the nature of survival strategy - you build yourself little worlds to enjoy.
In my own studio, I can just lock the door and record myself, do layers of vocals not knowing how they are going to turn out, and just scrap it if it doesn't work. It's my space. I'm running everything.
This is love, I think. A place where people who have been alone may lock together like hawks and spin in the air, dizzy with surprise at the connection. A place you go willingly, and with wonder
If you buy your husband or boyfriend a video camera, for the first few weeks he has it, lock the door when you go to the bathroom. Most of my husband's early films end with a scream and a flush.
His death eclipsed the gayety of nations, and impoverished the public stock of harmless pleasure.
Everyone can lock into the rhythm on a tune. It's organic in nature. It connects the band as a whole and connects the band to the audience.
You're living with these characters for years and years, you need to have a lock on who they are as people, what they like, what they don't like, what they experience, and what they go through.
The good news is, the stock market is closed and it can't hurt us again until tomorrow.
When I meet people on airplanes and they find out I'm an economist, they usually ask about stock tips.
Too often, the public can fall into the trap of investing when stock prices are rising, not dropping.
I'm an absolute sucker for a bargain. If I go into a shop and there's a sale on, I always head for the discounted stock.
Everybody is telling me Donald Trump is going to destroy the stock market if he's elected.
The calendar is intolerable to all wisdom, the horror of all astronomy, and a laughing stock from a mathematician's point of view.
A nation, like a tree, does not thrive well till it is engraffed with a foreign stock.
I was in Graham's office the day he bought GEICO. Warren owns one-third of the stock today.
Those old credulities, to Nature dear, Shall they no longer bloom upon the stock Of history?
I will never be in the stock market. It's just gambling. I'm a gambler, but I'll gamble on the practicality of things. — © Jeremy Renner
I will never be in the stock market. It's just gambling. I'm a gambler, but I'll gamble on the practicality of things.
When it comes to valuation, there's only one thing stock investors really care about, which is earnings.
We were like a stock company at Warners. We didn't know any of the stars from the other studios.
If you've got more ambiguous characters or stock stereotypes, the plastic comes through and they don't work as well.
It's a fact: stock investors sometimes lose money on their way to wealth. Get over it.
Every time I lock my people in a spacecraft or land them on an asteroid, the blood wells up again, and I'm writing horror. Horror's my default setting. It's also where I prefer to write.
Today the United States has the highest prison population in the world, over 2.1 million people. ... We lock people up at a rate that is seven to ten times that of any other democracy.
A lot of actors, they know the camera's there, and if somebody moves around or makes noise or whatever then they get all distracted, but I pretty much lock in. You can't distract me too much.
It may be that the U.S. stock market starts to rise if people think it's gone far enough.
Mutual fund manager performance does not persist and the return of stock picking is zero.
The stock market is a no-called-strike game. You don’t have to swing at everything – you can wait for your pitch. — © Warren Buffett
The stock market is a no-called-strike game. You don’t have to swing at everything – you can wait for your pitch.
For the choke, there are no "tough guys". With an arm lock he can be tough and resist the pain. With the choke he just passes out, goes to sleep.
Making money from enforcing patents is no more wrong than investing in preferred stock.
Your mind is a treasure house that you should stock well and it's the one part of you the world can't interfere with.
Many follow a rule of thumb - no more than 5% in one stock. But that's not the entrepreneurial road to riches.
Everyone has the brainpower to follow the stock market. If you made it through fifth-grade math, you can do it.
Promoting a stock is like making a movie. You've got to have stars, props, and a good script.
I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three.
ACT and SAT each have their own parts of the country. The GRE has its lock on graduate admissions. And so, one could blame the companies, but really, economically, they have no incentive to change things very much because they're getting the business.
The guy that just arranges things so that the stock market holds up is nobody in my - in my estimation
If you want me to do things only for ROI reasons, you should get out of this stock.
When Berkshire buys common stock, we approach the transaction as if we were buying into a private business.
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