Top 1200 Lonely Man Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Lonely Man quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
Warmth, kindness, and friendship are the most yearned for commodities in the world. The person who can provide them will never be lonely.
That's been hard being away from the family, because Washington can be lonely. When you tune out of all the activity, that's like, you're alone.
In the center lay the exploded carcass of a lonely sperm whale that hadn't lived long enough to be disappointed with its lot. — © Douglas Adams
In the center lay the exploded carcass of a lonely sperm whale that hadn't lived long enough to be disappointed with its lot.
For in the end, freedom is a personal and lonely battle; and one faces down fears of today so that those of tomorrow might be engaged.
In Utopia, where every man has a right to everything, they all know that if care is taken to keep the public stores full, no private man can want anything; for among them there is no unequal distribution, so that no man is poor, none in necessity; and though no man has anything, yet they are all rich; for what can make a man so rich as to lead a serene and cheerful life, free from anxieties.
If anything, he seemed a little lonely, all too ready to open his heart at the slightest sign of interst.
I think I've been good at getting into lonely and troubled characters because, not to brag, but I'm the complete opposite in real life.
I've put in as many as 40 weeks a year on stage. It is lonely and restricted, as all artistic life must necessarily be.
Why would you stick someone you love down in a lonely hole in the dirt? Where it's cold, and dirty, and full of bugs?
Feeling sad or lonely isn't a bad thing. But those emotions increase the risk that you'll cross the line into self-pity.
It is in lonely solitude that God delivers His best thoughts, and the mind needs to be still and quiet to receive them.
Let us pray that the Church be holier and more humble, loving God by serving the poor, the lonely and the sick.
The most reliable predictor of not being lonely is the amount of contact with women. Time spent with men doesn't make a difference. — © Gretchen Rubin
The most reliable predictor of not being lonely is the amount of contact with women. Time spent with men doesn't make a difference.
I am a drifter, and as lonely as that can be, it is also remarkably freeing. I will never define myself in terms of anyone else.
Working on 'Lonely, I'm Not' - I love the material so much, and it's spring in New York, so I'm walking home whistling every day.
I hope that five years and ten years from now, I'll be a better man, a more mature man, a wiser man, a more humble man and a more spirited man to serve the good of my people and the good of humanity.
I spend so much time living by myself - mostly in hotels - and I pick up cats when I'm feeling particularly lonely.
I leapt eagerly into books. The characters’ lives were so much more interesting than the lonely heartbeat of my own.
The gods should certainly be revered, but kept at a distance... . The way is not beyond man; he who creates a way outside of man cannot make it a true way. A good man is content with changing man, and that is enough for him.
We are all pioneers in the Age of Aquarius. No man can give a man anything other than love. No man can give a man anything other than hope. No man can give a man anything but service. The only thing you can do is act like a forklift-go into the dirt and lift the other person and put him on track, so he can proceed.
Did you ever walk through a room that's packed with people, and feel so lonely you can hardly take the next step?
I love my husband, and I wanted to support him, but the transition to Washington has been my hardest experience. I felt very lonely and isolated.
arouse in the other person an eager want. He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot walks a lonely way.
It can be tough and lonely on the road, but at the end of the day we get to play professional tennis for a living, and I wouldn't change it for the world.
I'm very social, and in a place like New York, even if you're alone on the subway, you never feel lonely.
People know who I am, but I'm feeling so lonely in the middle area, because I feel like I should be at the top.
When you're away, I'm restless, lonely, Wretched, bored, dejected; only here's the rub, my darling dear, I feel the same when you're near.
By a lie a man throws away and, as it were, annihilates his dignity as a man. A man who himself does not believe what he tells another ... has even less worth than if he were a mere thing. ... makes himself a mere deceptive appearance of man, not man himself.
I am convinced that any photographic attempt to show the complete man is nonsense. We can only show, as best we can, what the outer man reveals. The inner man is seldom revealed to anyone, sometimes not even the man himself.
Christianity is the gayest religion, you know. Its core commandment to men is to form a deep lifelong partnership with ANOTHER MAN. It demands real man-on-man, man-on-Jesus love action, no holds barred. It's the most homophilic religion in the universe.
And I hope that five years and 10 years from now, I'll be a better man, a more mature man, a wiser man, a more humble man and a more spirited man to serve the good of my people and the good of humanity.
It's only lonely at the top if you forget all the people you met along the way and fail to acknowledge their contributions to your success.
That process by which you become a writer is a pretty lonely one. We don't have a group apprenticeship like a violinist might training for an orchestra.
It sounds cliched, but superheroes can be lonely, vain, arrogant and proud. Often they overcome these human frailties for the greater good.
Most artists probably feel lonely or set apart in childhood. But they grow up and find people who share their interests.
Until the image of the black man in the mind of the black man has been changed, there will always be delinquency, parental and juvenile. The idea is not to change the attitude of the white man to the black man but to change the attitude of the black man to himself.
'Cunnamulla' is a beautifully bleak portrait of a lonely town in which people are leading lives of sort of quiet desperation.
As an only child, I may have been alone a lot, but I was never lonely. My invisible friends were my constant companions. — © Teresa Medeiros
As an only child, I may have been alone a lot, but I was never lonely. My invisible friends were my constant companions.
To share is precious, pure and fair. Don't play with something you should cherish for life. Don't you wanna care, ain't it lonely out there?
I have a fall-back fund for the quiet months. I am a single working parent and it gets lonely when things are insecure.
Women who have been with man after man after man after man choose to become a lesbian later in life. Gay men, it doesn't work so much that way.
On the road, as a 'rock star,' there's superficial attention and adulation is thrown at you for a couple of hours - then you're alone in your room and it's lonely.
The most popular man under a democracy is not the most democratic man, but the most despotic man. The common folk delight in the exactions of such a man. They like him to boss them. Their natural gait is the goose step.
I'm still amazed at how my mother emerged from her lonely early life as such an affectionate and levelheaded woman.
It is the first experience you ever had of reading a decent poem: 'Oh, somebody else is lonely, too!
I'm complicated, sentimental, lovable, honest, loyal, decent, generous, likable, and lonely. My personality is not split; it's shredded.
No amount of rationalisation, reform, or Freudian analysis can quite annul the thrill of the chimney-corner whisper or the lonely wood.
I wound up studying art and design, got a job at Lonely Planet Publications as a designer, cartographer and illustrator. — © Trudi Canavan
I wound up studying art and design, got a job at Lonely Planet Publications as a designer, cartographer and illustrator.
I love stand-up, but the process of writing is a little more lonely. I want to keep doing both, though.
In me there is darkness, But with You there is light; I am lonely, but You do not leave me; I am feeble in heart, but with You there is help; I am restless, but with You there is peace. In me there is bitterness, but with You there is patience; I do not understand Your ways, But You know the way for me.” “Lord Jesus Christ, You were poor And in distress, a captive and forsaken as I am. You know all man’s troubles; You abide with me When all men fail me; You remember and seek me; It is Your will that I should know You And turn to You. Lord, I hear Your call and follow; Help me.
I'm solitary as a pulled tooth, Lonely as an unwelcome truth, Lost as a minnow out of school, A genius in a crop of fools.
What a damnably lonely profession writing is! In order to do it, one must banish the world, and having banished it, one feels cosmically alone.
It's a lonely position and those are the margins you play in as a goalkeeper - you simply cannot make mistakes because you will be punished.
It can be a lonely place when you are injured. You miss being out there with your team-mates and just experiencing the highs and the lows.
A thrush, because I'd been wrong, Burst rightly into song In a world not vague, not lonely, Not governed by me only.
You will always have a tough fight when you are expressing yourself and not impressing people. The path of truth is a lonely journey.
A man is a man, until that man finds a plan, a plan that makes that man, a new man
Any business or enterprise that shaves away loneliness is going to last forever. And like it or not but we've got a lonely society.
The man-worshipers, in my sense of the term, are those who see man's highest potential and strive to actualize it. The man-haters are those who regard man as a helpless, depraved, contemptible creature-and struggle never to let him discover otherwise.
Turn, gentle Hermit of the Dale, And guide my lonely way To where yon taper cheers the vale With hospitable ray.
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