Top 1200 Lonely Path Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Lonely Path quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
You should not feel that your path is the only right path and that other paths are wrong. You mustn't bear malice toward others.
I believe that there is no path other than the path of peace.
I feel that one thing that a businessman can learn is do not follow a path that has already been successful. You will never be a path-breaker then. — © Shankar Mahadevan
I feel that one thing that a businessman can learn is do not follow a path that has already been successful. You will never be a path-breaker then.
Allow for many paths to your goal. Do not fixate on one path, because then you are likely to give up when that path is blocked.
The path of spiritual growth is a path of lifelong learning.
Shri Krishna says: "Better die in your own path than attempt the path of another."
These tears I'm wailing, I spill not without reason. Remove them, my dearest love. Take me to the place I've been dreaming of, where the grotesquely lonely meet the grotesquely lonely and they whisper, just very softly, Please be mine, Dearest Love.
We embark unhesitatingly on the path, in a direction that is absolutely right and urgent, supported by everyone, in the knowledge that this path is but a learning process
When we speak of the Path we mean much more than a course of study. The Path is a way of life and on it the whole being must co-operate if the heights are to be won.
I have not always chosen the safest path. I've made my mistakes, plenty of them. I sometimes jump too soon and fail to appreciate the consequences. But I've learned something important along the way: I've learned to heed the call of my heart. I've learned that the safest path is not always the best path and I've learned that the voice of fear is not always to be trusted.
Choosing one path means abandoning others - if you try to follow every possible path you will end up following none.
Sometimes I'll go down a path, and I'll just pray that something's going to come to get me out of this path that I'm on.
Solitude is part of my life, and I don't mind that. I like it. I love it. I don't allow loneliness to be part of my life, let's put it that way. I really won't allow it. If I feel lonely, I phone somebody or I go for a walk or a swim, get the endorphins going, because I hate feeling lonely.
A path is something you create as you walk it. The ground you've trodden hardens, and that's what forms your path. You're the only one who can create your own path. Walk on your own. If you haven't given up yet, that is.
The path of descent is the path of transformation. Darkness, failure, relapse, death, and woundedness are our primary teachers, rather than ideas or doctrines. — © Richard Rohr
The path of descent is the path of transformation. Darkness, failure, relapse, death, and woundedness are our primary teachers, rather than ideas or doctrines.
The path of knowledge is said to be difficult in that it is the path of Samadhi.
The wind blows out of the gates of the day, The wind blows over the lonely of heart, And the lonely of heart is withered away.
When I get lonely these days, I think: So BE lonely, Liz. Learn your way around loneliness. Make a map of it. Sit with it, for once in your life. Welcome to the human experience. But never again use another person's body or emotions as a scratching post for your own unfulfilled yearnings.
By following "the path of reverie"-a constantly downhill path-consciousness relaxes and wanders-and consequently becomes clouded. So it is never the right time, when one is dreaming, to "do phenomenology."
My favorite definition of the mindful path is the one the reveals itself as you walk down it. You cannot find the path until you step on to it.
Path presupposes distance; If He be near, no path needest thou at all. Verily it maketh me smile To hear of a fish in water athirst!
If you have made the good profession, if you claimed to have passed through the gate, if you have received baptism in a public declaration of your faith, and you begin to walk-it doesn't matter how long it appears you're walking in that path-if you step off that path and there's no discipline and you continue on that path, you can have no assurance whatsoever of your salvation. And it is not that you lost your salvation, it's that you're showing now that you never had it. If we would only preach these truths
One door shuts, and another one opens, and you just kind of follow that path. My path has been a little curvy, but it is what it is. It's all good.
The Heart is a lonely hunter with only one desire! To find some lasting comfort in the arms of anothers fire...driven by a desperate hunger to the arms of a neon light, the heart is a lonely hunter when there's no sign of love in sight!
The best path to power combines two things: 1) a path that not many are taking and 2) something that you are capable and comfortable with doing.
As I read the New Testament, I find only one path to salvation - the path of an informed faith in Jesus Christ.
The only roads of enquiry there are to think of: one, that it is and that it is not possible for it not to be, this is the path of persuasion (for truth is its companion); the other, that it is not and that it must not be - this I say to you is a path wholly unknowable.
Traveler, there is no path, the path must be forged as you walk.
I'd rather be single, happy, and lonely sometimes than married, lonely, and happy sometimes.
Our uniqueness makes us special, makes perception valuable - but it can also make us lonely. This loneliness is different from being 'alone': You can be lonely even surrounded by people. The feeling I'm talking about stems from the sense that we can never fully share the truth of who we are. I experienced this acutely at an early age.
Courage in the path is what makes the path manifest itself.
There will always be a easy path and a right path.
Mom told me, “It probably gets pretty lonely to be Grandma, don’t you think?” I told her, “It probably gets pretty lonely to be anyone
Destiny doesn't control your life, but it does place you on a path. It's how you walk down that path that determines stories I tell.
All of us have a path to follow and the path begins on earth.
I have always stuck to my guns about what I want from the work and what interests me. I've never been seduced down the evil path. The path of taking the money.
Before you embark on it you ask the question: Does this path have a heart? If the answer is no, you will know it, and then you must choose another path.
Path does not spam users. Invites on Path are never sent without a user's consent - any allegations to the contrary are false. — © Dave Morin
Path does not spam users. Invites on Path are never sent without a user's consent - any allegations to the contrary are false.
Addiction is a tough illness, and recovery from it is a hard but noble path. Men and women who walk that path deserve our support, encouragement, and admiration.
Writing a story is like going down a path in the woods. You follow the path. You don't worry about getting lost. You just go.
Power is lonely. Power stands apart. I have power. Therefore, I'm lonely.
First you must find... another shrubbery! Then, when you have found the shrubbery, you must place it here, beside this shrubbery, only slightly higher so you get a two layer effect with a little path running down the middle. ("A path! A path!") Then, you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forrest... with... a herring!
I realized that the ignorance was profound. I don't mean that in a pejorative sense, it's just that people didn't know what the Shari'a was, as such. They knew that it was something good. I should say perhaps that the Shari'a, etymologically in Arabic, means a desert path to water. It means a path towards salvation, in the seventh-century context, to the desert people. If you have a path to water, that's the path you want to take to get you where you want to get to; where you should get to. And that much was clear but beyond that people didn't know what the rules were.
The path of violence has not yielded anything. Shed guns and adopt the path of peace, unity, goodwill and brotherhood.
I think because I can be sad, and I can be lonely, my gift would be trying to help other people feel less lonely and less sad. Because that's what I understand.
I think God leaves me alone to let me find my own strength because no one else can give it to me. Sometimes it is very lonely. But I know the lonely times teach me the most. I must let go in order to let anything in. No one can love me, for me.
Democracy cannot be imposed on any nation from the outside. Each society must search for its own path, and no path is perfect.
Let's face it songs are about love, which is, I love you, I don't love you, come here, go away, I miss you, I don't miss you. I'm lonely. I'm not lonely. It's, it's all about affairs of the heart. And we can all relate to those.
The spiritual path is easy. It's the only path that is.
Ultimately, you must forget about technique. The further you progress, the fewer teachings there are. The Great Path is really NO PATH. — © Morihei Ueshiba
Ultimately, you must forget about technique. The further you progress, the fewer teachings there are. The Great Path is really NO PATH.
The path of least resistance is the path of the loser.
There's something really sweet about the way he's playing the part and he's kind of irresistible in a way. They're both really lonely. That's kind of established from the very beginning in the movie. The way they meet is just classic, lonely losers.
It is a lesson we all need - to let alone the things that do not concern us. He has other ways for others to follow Him; all do not go by the same path. It is for each of us to learn the path by which He requires us to follow Him, and to follow Him in that path.
African-Americans assume I'm named after the notorious Soledad prison or Mount Soledad in California. Latinos want to know if I'm lonely. That doesn't fit, because I grew up with five siblings, and I have four kids of my own, so I'm not lonely at all, though I do often seek solitude, the actual meaning of my name.
There are many goals but one path - the path of compassion.
To find a mountain path all by oneself gives a greater feeling of strength than to take a path that is shown.
The Christ path is the path I've walked all my life, so it's normal and natural. And I have no reason to abandon it because it leads to where I want to go.
The other reason I didn't want to fictionalize it is because one of the main points of publishing a memoir in nonfiction was that I wanted to write about what had been a very lonely experience. The books that most saved my life as a kid were the ones that articulated lonely experiences that I had thought were mine alone.
With no surroundings there can be no path, and with no path one cannot become free.
It shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks. Life is not easy. The road to happiness is not a path well trotted. You have to find your own path to enlightenment.
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