Top 1200 Lonely Person Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Lonely Person quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
Join me? Patting the spot beside him, he inclined his head. “Pretty please? I’m lonely all by myself over here.
I don't consider myself a fashion person, I consider myself a shopping person. As a person who has girlie interests and a little bit of disposable income.
I'm so into making music and being behind the scenes. I'm such a visionary person that I don't see myself being the person in front of the camera or the person in front of the mic.
Won't someone please answer my prayers before I'm old and gray. I've been lonely too long and all my family thinks I'm gay. — © Rod Stewart
Won't someone please answer my prayers before I'm old and gray. I've been lonely too long and all my family thinks I'm gay.
Even when a person is frightened by threats into doing something, the threats work only because the person has an instinct of fear. If he has not, or if, though having it, it is under his own control, the threat has no more influence upon him than light has in causing a person to see who has no eyes.
Feeling sad or lonely isn't a bad thing. But those emotions increase the risk that you'll cross the line into self-pity.
Messenger of sympathy and love, Servant of parted friends, Consoler of the lonely, Bond of the scattered family, Enlarger of the common life.
When a person partners with God in delivering a miracle to another person, they have done what they were supposed to do; God can then deliver the miracle to the other person.
I listen to a lot of 80s stuff, like Owner of a Lonely Heart, by the group Yes. And Mr. Misters Broken Wings.
Thats been hard being away from the family, because Washington can be lonely. When you tune out of all the activity, thats like, youre alone.
You shy, Francesca?” Javier asks me later on. I shake my head. “Not really.” I’m just sad, I want to say. And I’m lonely.
I don't believe in that term 'self-made' - not to be offensive, but I believe everything happens for a reason, every single person you meet. Even if it's one single person giving you advice, that person helped you get to where you're at today.
Writing a book is a very lonely business. You are totally cut off from the rest of the world, submerged in your obsessions and memories.
Maintaining the illusion that I am in control is futile, lonely, and in the long run more always costly than the effort is worth. — © Sheldon B. Kopp
Maintaining the illusion that I am in control is futile, lonely, and in the long run more always costly than the effort is worth.
Since my baby left me, I've found a new place to dwell, down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.
I always wanted to be the person to whom people looked forward to give opportunities. As opposed to always being the person who wants to work with others and who is always the backup: where it's like, 'If nothing works out then OK, let's get this person.'
All summer long we spent dancin' in the sand, and the jukebox kept on playing Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
Seldom can the heart be lonely, If it seek a lonelier still; Self-forgetting, seeking only Emptier cups of love to fill.
I turned my head and saw the wind, Not far from where I stood, Dragging the corn by her golden hair, Into a dark and lonely wood.
Every person with whom you interact is a part of the person you are becoming. Not a single interaction with a single person is left out of the process of your becoming.
Being a solo artist in general can be incredibly lonely. It's funny how often the bigger you get sometimes, the lonelier you feel.
And it feels strange, almost sad, to walk through ther empty halls. Each step I take sounds so lonely.
A person with 'oppositional conversational style' is a person who, in conversation, disagrees with and corrects whatever you say. He or she may do this in a friendly way, or a belligerent way, but this person frames remarks in opposition to whatever you venture.
Turn, gentle Hermit of the Dale, And guide my lonely way To where yon taper cheers the vale With hospitable ray.
Annis had never been a people person, unless ‘people person’ was defined as a person who ate people.
No amount of rationalisation, reform, or Freudian analysis can quite annul the thrill of the chimney-corner whisper or the lonely wood.
Most of the characters I'm drawn to, as an actor, are ones that are quite intensely lonely and a bit lost and are looking for some kind of redemptive answer.
The sadistic person is as dependent on the submissive person as the latter is on the former; neither can live without the other. The difference is only that the sadistic person commands, exploits, hurts, humiliates, and that the masochistic person is commanded, exploited, hurt, humiliated. This is a considerable difference in a realistic sense; in a deeper emotional sense, the difference is not so great as that which they both have in common: fusion without integrity .
No doubt very few people understand the purely subjective nature of the phenomenon that we call love, or how it creates, so to speak, a supplementary person, distinct from the person whom the world knows by the same name, a person most of whose constituent elements are derived from ourselves.
I know some lonely houses off the road A robber'd like the look of,-- Wooden barred, And windows hanging low
In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person will still think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with.
You may not remember what a person said to you, you may not remember what a person did to you, but you will never forget how a person made you feel!
Whenever you are blue or lonely or stricken by some humiliating thing you did, the cure and the hope is in caring about other people.
I would say the producer is the person who is there from the beginning to the end of the project. Either the person who creates, generates, or discovers the project, the person who performs many of the functions that are necessary to getting that project to the point where it is financed and then where it is in production, finished, marketed and released.
I want to make sure that any young person or anyone, really, who is looking up to me - who sees a glimpse of who I am as a person - that they see no shame, that they see pride, and that I'm truly unabashed about the person that I am.
I love my husband, and I wanted to support him, but the transition to Washington has been my hardest experience. I felt very lonely and isolated.
If I'm such a legend, then why am I so lonely? Let me tell you, legends are all very well if you've got somebody around who loves you.
Happy are the painters, for they shall not be lonely. Light and colour, peace and hope, will keep them company to the end of the day.
I listen to a lot of '80s stuff, like 'Owner of a Lonely Heart,' by the group Yes. And Mr. Mister's 'Broken Wings.' — © Timbaland
I listen to a lot of '80s stuff, like 'Owner of a Lonely Heart,' by the group Yes. And Mr. Mister's 'Broken Wings.'
A lonely Autumn leaf on the road by sticking to another one becomes more resistant to harsh winds. Unity is the midwife of security!
The act of creation, as you very well know, is a lonely and private matter and has nothing to do with the public area... the performance of the work one creates.
By rights, satire is a lonely and introspective occupation, for nobody can describe a fool to the life without much patient self-inspection.
On the road, as a 'rock star,' there's superficial attention and adulation is thrown at you for a couple of hours - then you're alone in your room and it's lonely.
I spend so much time living by myself - mostly in hotels - and I pick up cats when I'm feeling particularly lonely.
As an only child, I may have been alone a lot, but I was never lonely. My invisible friends were my constant companions.
I have a fall-back fund for the quiet months. I am a single working parent and it gets lonely when things are insecure.
Remember that there is only one important time and it is Now. The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion. The most important person is always the person with whom you are, who is right before you, for who knows if you will have dealings with any other person in the future? The most important pursuit is making that person, the one standing at you side, happy, for that alone is the pursuit of life.
In his lonely solitude, the solitary man feeds upon himself; in the thronging multitude, the many feed upon him. Now choose.
The stars, that nature hung in heaven, and filled their lamps with everlasting oil, give due light to the misled and lonely traveller. — © John Milton
The stars, that nature hung in heaven, and filled their lamps with everlasting oil, give due light to the misled and lonely traveller.
Jesus was a storyteller with amazing messages wrapped around them. What we want to do is get back to that. I'm not a preacher. I'm not the person on Sunday. I am the person that is trying to figure out life and wants to be pushed to be a better person. The first one that we're in production with right now is called Nouvelle Vie.
No one has it easy, and to some degree, everyone feels lonely and powerless, which may cause them to make hurtful decisions.
One strain could call up the quivering expectancy of Christmas Eve, childhood, joy and sadness, the lonely wonder of a star
Everyone is lonely, we have to remember that life is to be lived one day at a time. You cannot worry about the past or future. Happiness is in the now.
I’ve noticed that the people who started on film still have the ability to see the person in front of them. Whereas for a lot of photographers who have only ever worked in digital, the relationship between the photographer and the person who they’re taking a picture of sort of doesn’t exist anymore. They’re looking at a computer screen as opposed to the person.
I have the best roommates in the world! It creates a fun sense of family... and that's really important to me. Things can get so lonely without it.
It's a lonely position and those are the margins you play in as a goalkeeper - you simply cannot make mistakes because you will be punished.
A person is not learned nor wise because he talks much; the person who is patient, free from hatred and fear, that person is called learned and wise.
I used to travel a lot as a kid and when I first moved to England I felt lonely and my parents were splitting up at the time.
I ask myself what is a dictator? I don't understand. It is some kind of terrible person, a bad person. But I am not frightening. I am not a bad person at all.
The remarkable thing about television is that it permits several million people to laugh at the same joke and still feel lonely.
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