Top 1200 Looking For A Man Quotes & Sayings - Page 10

Explore popular Looking For A Man quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
I think what - I think what the American people is looking for is they are looking for moral and intellectual courage and clarity, and not a sense of passivity or confusion.
The skilful employer of men will employ the wise man, the brave man, the covetous man, and the stupid man.
Stephanie could see the greed seep into the watery eyes of her father’s other brother, a horrible little man called Fergus, as he nodded sadly and spoke sombrely and pocketed the silverware when he thought no one was looking
My friends, look to Christ, and not to yourselves. That is what is the matter with a great many sinners; instead of looking to Christ, they are looking at the bite of sin. — © Dwight L. Moody
My friends, look to Christ, and not to yourselves. That is what is the matter with a great many sinners; instead of looking to Christ, they are looking at the bite of sin.
Our young people are out on the streets looking for parties, a place to dance, looking for a scene. No institutions are providing them with alternatives, fun things to do that don't necessarily have alcohol at the center.
Surely you know that if a man can't be cured of churchgoing, the next best thing is to send him all over the neighbourhood looking for the church that "suits" him until he becomes a taster or connoisseur of churches.
Does anybody have a cigarette? I'm looking forward to that first smoke. I've been looking forward to [it] for about 30 years.
Looking for the meaning of life, one man can discover the order of the universe. To discover the truth, to achieve. a higher spiritual state, that is the true meaning of ninja.
If I were to say I'm looking for treasure, people would come up with the money. When I say I'm looking for a historic wreck, they're not interested.
When you look at the startling ruins of Nuremberg, you are looking at a result of the war. When you look at the prisoners on view in the courthouse, you are looking at 22 of the causes.
Consumers are looking for experiences, whether that's travel, whether that's entertainment. They're looking for differentiated products, things that are going to have meaning.
I think that the scienti?c way of looking at the world, and the humanistic way of looking at the world are complementary. There are important differences which should be preserved, and in trying to do away with those differences we would lose something the same way as if we tried to make all religions one religion or all races one race. There is a cultural diversity that's very valuable, and it's valuable to have different ways of looking at the world.
I pretty much isolated myself away from drums. I stopped looking at Modern Drummer, I stopped looking at websites.
God is not looking for extraordinary characters as His instruments, but He is looking for humble instruments through whom He can be honored throughout the ages. — © A. B. Simpson
God is not looking for extraordinary characters as His instruments, but He is looking for humble instruments through whom He can be honored throughout the ages.
When you cut pieces out of the truth to avoid looking like a fool you end up looking like a moron instead.
I always thought that for me the unassuming, friendly looking guy next door is certainly scarier as a monster than the monsterish looking predator, because he can lure people in, it's easier.
Sometimes I photograph without looking through the viewfinder. I have mastered that well enough, it is almost as if I were looking through it.
Becka was almost good looking enough to be on a reality dating show, but not funny looking or sad enough to be on one of the makeover shows.
Record labels and producers are not looking to change you: they are looking to make a star. And what they might think is a star may not be you.
There is only one way in which one can endure man's inhumanity to man and that is to try, in one's own life, to exemplify man's humanity to man.
I tramped. When I was on the freight trains, I wasn't looking for work. I was looking to go from place to place without paying any money.
Basically I'm always looking for things. Any good photographer should always be looking for something, you know.
Another source of conviction in the existence of God, connected with the reason and not with the feelings, impresses me as having much more weight. This follows from the extreme difficulty or rather impossibility of conceiving this immense and wonderful universe, including man with his capacity of looking far backwards and far into futurity, as the result of blind chance or necessity. When thus reflecting I feel compelled to look to a First Cause having an intelligent mind in some degree analogous to that of man; and I deserve to be called a Theist.
I think I was always interested in animals. If a man likes a woman, you know, he might discuss business, but there's a part of his brain that is looking at the girl coming in and checking the girls. I do the same with animals.
Unless a man has pity he is not truly a man. If a man has not wept at the worlds pain he is only half a man, and there will always be pain in the world, knowing this does not mean that a man shall dispair. A good man will seek to take pain out of things. A foolish man will not even notice it, except in himself, and the poor unfortunate evil man will drive pain deeper into things and spread it about wherever he goes.
Honestly, if I was looking at myself and I cheated, then I'd just think, 'Wow, how disappointing, I actually thought you were better than that.' It's about me and about the kind of man I want to be.
Is that it?” “No. That’s a wall.” “It could be disguised.” “You’re not very good at looking for things, are you?” “I’m good at looking for walls. Look, I found another one.
I think there's something about going on a hike and looking at a city view or looking at the ocean that brings you back to earth and kind of reminds you that your problems are quite small in retrospect.
I'm looking back to a period of my life when I was badly hurt and then looking at another time when I felt I had things going for me again, so I suppose there is a theme [of the Faith album].
When the eyes of the soul looking out meet the eyes of God looking in, heaven has begun right here on earth.
Remember the Three Princes of Serendip who went out looking for treasure? They didn't find what they were looking for, but they kept finding things just as valuable. That's serendipity, and our business [drugs] is full of it.
I enjoy looking at your face... Whenever I look at your face, a question always comes to my mind... Will man ever succeed in reaching the moon?
When you are in the midst of suffering you are looking for someone to be Jesus to you. You are looking for someone to love you and help take care of you, and reach out to you.
A man's delight in looking forward to and hoping for some particular satisfaction is a part of the pleasure flowing out of it, enjoyed in advance. But this is afterward deducted, for the more we look forward to anything the less we enjoy it when it comes.
I saw a muskrat come out of a hole in the ice ... While I am looking at him, I am thinking what he is thinking of me. He is a different sort of man, that's all.
Brad Pitt is so good-looking there's a lightbulb inside of him shooting good-looking-ness in all directions.
I didn't go out looking for negative characters; I went out looking for people who have a struggle and a fight to tackle. That's what interests me.
Looking back to data, we can see if the consequences are plausible; looking forward to theory, we can see if general principles are suggested.
I'll put it this way: I couldn't just go out the practice without looking at the playbook, without looking at notes. I wouldn't be able to do much. — © Kirk Cousins
I'll put it this way: I couldn't just go out the practice without looking at the playbook, without looking at notes. I wouldn't be able to do much.
The biggest problem about looking at a problem is looking at it. When we finally find or face it, it becomes harmless and easy to solve.
Promise Keepers was looking for a movement that can actualize the hope of Jesus, the hope that we see. And 'Uprising' was what they were looking for.
Looking out of a hospital window is different from looking out of any other. Somehow you do not see outside.
I prefer someone who is not overly good-looking. If he's too good-looking, I would feel that he doesn't belong to me.
All the time that I'm acting with an animated character, I'm looking at a tennis ball or sticky tape or an eyeline or a man in a green suit. There's no real environment, just this electric green that's blaring into your brain.
Here was this man Tom Guthrie in Holt standing at the back window in the kitchen of his house smoking cigarettes and looking out over the back lot where the sun was just coming up.
It is a peculiarity of man that he can only live by looking to the future...And this is his salvation in the most difficult moments of his existence, although he sometimes has to force his mind to the task.
In my experience, there is a very good reason why a good-looking young woman of around 20 is willing to go out with a man over 15 years her senior - she's nuts.
It's always nice to have people say you're good-looking. But I do get told I'm not right for parts because I'm too good-looking.
If you're looking at people like Patrice Lumumba, you are looking at people who had a very definite plan, and events overran them. — © Chiwetel Ejiofor
If you're looking at people like Patrice Lumumba, you are looking at people who had a very definite plan, and events overran them.
I'm incredibly restless. I read a lot of poetry. I also find myself reading the first 20 pages of everything, looking for something. And you know what? I'm usually looking for the book I'm writing. And it's not out there!
People often called us perfectionists, but we were not looking for perfection. We were looking for some kind of magic in the music.
They're all good-looking men - I can't think of a male presenter who isn't a good-looking bloke - but, you know, they're not judged by their suits and ties.
When they get a 50-inch waist and a gorilla butt, it's ugly looking - and I think bodybuilding has become ugly looking.
I'd never switch to man-to-man unless we were able to play good man-to-man. Ever.
When we are looking for validation, that will never satisfy us. When we are looking for affection, for love, a little bit of that will be enough to be complete.
So when you're sat there and you're looking at a platinum disc on your wall, for a song you wrote on your own, it's like this is getting crazy, man. It's all crazy.
The world is a looking-glass, and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face. Frown at it, and it will in turn look sourly upon you; laugh at it and with it, and it is a jolly kind companion; and so let all young persons take their choice.
We`re looking forward to getting our monitor appointed and we`re looking forward to all of the reforms that will take place under this consent decree.
Women tell me they won't date a guy with bad shoes. There are good-looking guys with good-looking outfits, and then really bad-looking square toe I-don't-even-want-to-mention-the-label kind of shoes. There is no reason for that. Again, invest in something that looks proper. A great pair of shoes can make your old outfit look great, too.
I think that most art is asking a question or is looking for something, looking for answers and that is what life seems to be about for most people.
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