Top 1200 Looking To The Future Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Looking To The Future quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
To dwell in the here and now does not mean you never think about the past or responsibly plan for the future. The idea is simply not to allow yourself to get lost in regrets about the past or worries about the future. If you are firmly grounded in the present moment, the past can be an object of inquiry, the object of your mindfulness and concentration. You can attain many insights by looking into the past. But you are still grounded in the present moment.
I'm just very keen to have a family and both Catherine and I, you know, are looking forward to having a family in the future.
Fun drunks make a nice addition to any party. Not looking to fight. Not looking to score. Just looking to get drunk and laugh. — © Jay Asher
Fun drunks make a nice addition to any party. Not looking to fight. Not looking to score. Just looking to get drunk and laugh.
Currently poaching threatens the very existence of the African Elephant, and my worry is that if we do not act NOW, we could be looking at a future in which this iconic species is wiped out.
Looking at the past must only be a means of understanding more clearly what and who they are so that they can more wisely build the future.
Look at every situation as if you were in the future and you were looking back on it.
Youku Tudou gives us the reach into China that we've been looking for, and we look forward to sharing even more content with international audiences in the near future.
Heroes, classical heroes have the look of eagles, too. They're looking beyond the immediate problem and into the future.
The U.S. is looking to India as more then just a marketplace for our defense products, but as a technology, aerospace and strategic partner for our future endeavors.
Trying to predict the future is like trying to drive down a country road at night with no lights while looking out the back window.
Looking to the future I see in the further acceleration of science continuous jobs for our workers. Science will cure unemployment.
I believe that Renault can provide me with a competitive car in the future, and that's what a driver needs and what a driver is looking for.
If you're planning on dropping out of high school, prepare yourself for the future by repeating aloud each day: 'I'm looking forward to low-paying jobs for the rest of my life.'
Similarly, knowledge of the future was incompatible with free will. What made it possible for me to exercise freedom of choice also made it impossible for me to know the future. Conversely, now that I know the future, I would never act contrary to that future, including telling others what I know: those who know the future don't talk about it. Those who've read the Book of Ages never admit to it.
Greatness will come by looking forward - untethered from the politics of the past and anchored by our shared values - and by changing our nation's future. — © Pete Buttigieg
Greatness will come by looking forward - untethered from the politics of the past and anchored by our shared values - and by changing our nation's future.
Befriending Pro Bowlers and future Hall of Famers is pretty cool, but I'm just enjoying the ride, looking at every day in the NFL as a memorable moment.
I've always been called a professional opportunist, and in the future I'm open to anything. We've spent a lot of time offshore, looking at opportunities in real estate outside the United States.
There is a new hunger in the air for automotive design and looking to where automobiles are going in the future. Tesla will capture this through good design and engineering.
I happen to be a Parkinson's patient. I'm not fearful of my condition or my future - but if someone is looking in my eyes for fear, then they see their own fear reflected back at them.
The great problem with the future is that we die there. This is why it is so hard to take the future personally, especially the longer future, because that world is suffused with our absence.
People prone to joyful anticipation, skilled at obtaining pleasure from looking forward and imagining future happy events, are especially likely to be optimistic and to experience intense emotions.
You don't cover the federal government or policy-making or legislating, or you shouldn't, I should say, because you are looking for a scandal or you're looking for a personality-driven story, or you're looking for stories about people's love lives. That's not really what we do here.
There is a future that makes itself and a future we make. The real future is composed of both.
Our future is in our hands and we must stop looking to politicians to fix matters - they can't.
I think that the present is worth attention, one shouldn't sacrifice it to future conceptions of, of this future or that future.
It is vain to be always looking toward the future and never acting toward it.
I was always at the gymnasium every day at six o'clock after school. In the mornings I would run, looking forward to future golden gloves and Olympic tournaments.
I think there will always be need of trusted voices in the investment community, but what the ICO markets are showing is that the world has incredible demand for future-looking projects!
I learned from my past, and I now employ those lessons going forward, looking to the future - don't you think it's about time our government did, too?
Looking ahead, we're doubling down on our commitment to building the most advanced tools and technology to take our creators and players into the metaverse of the future.
Miss Celia stares down into the pot like she's looking for her future. "Are you happy, Minny?" "Why you ask me funny questions like that?" "But are you?" "Course I's happy. You happy too. Big house, big yard, husband looking after you." I frown at Miss Celia and I make sure she can see it. Because ain't that white people for you, wondering if they are happy ENOUGH.
The Eyes of the Future are looking back at us and they are praying for us to see beyond our own time.
Looking, Walking, Being, I look and look. Looking's a way of being: one becomes, sometimes, a pair of eyes walking. Walking wherever looking takes one. The eyes dig and burrow into the world. They touch, fanfare, howl, madrigal, clamor. World and the past of it, not only visible present, solid and shadow that looks at one looking. And language? Rhythms of echo and interruption? That's a way of breathing. breathing to sustain looking, walking and looking, through the world, in it.
I don't like looking back. I'm always constantly looking forward. I'm not the one to sort of sit and cry over spilt milk. I'm too busy looking for the next cow.
There are many in the AIDS community who have said we won't find a cure in the foreseeable future. Well, you certainly won't find it if you're not looking.
Most of us prefer to walk backward into the future, a posture that may be uncomfortable but which at least allows us to keep on looking at familiar things as long as we can.
I think the future stopped looking American when you think back to Blade Runner and Neuromancer, when it started to look more Japanese.
Faith gave me the belief that there was somebody looking out for me, that there was a hopeful future on the other side of all the things I was going through. — © J. D. Vance
Faith gave me the belief that there was somebody looking out for me, that there was a hopeful future on the other side of all the things I was going through.
If you're looking where everybody else is looking, you're looking in the wrong spot.
Maybe it's the spy novelist in me looking for a future plot, but I hope the U.S. and its allies are thinking how to operate 'unconventionally' in Iraq and Syria in ways that undermine the Islamic State.
It was like sawdust, the unhappiness: it infiltrated everything, everything was a problem, everything made her cry - school, homework, boyfriends, the future, the lack of future, the uncertainty of future, fear of future, fear in general - but it was so hard to say exactly what the problem was in the first place.
Keep looking up! I learn from the past, dream about the future and look up. There's nothing like a beautiful sunset to end a healthy day.
We're not even thinking about (the postseason) right now. We've been in a slump, so we're taking things day by day. We aren't looking to the future because we haven't addressed the present.
Our present era, to my mind, is characterized by a profound forgetting of the past. "The future, the future, the future." The 21st century, all the technology obsession.
The future is flying home. That's the immediate future. But long-distance future, I plan on being back. I'm not going to end my time here with that loss.
It is not the present which unfluences the future, thou fool, but the future which forms the present. You have it all backward. Since the future is set, an unfolding of events which will assure that future is fixed and inevitable.
When you are looking to meet someone, you are looking to settle. Becaue you are not looking for someone, you are looking for anyone
Asset management CEOs globally are looking at their business models. They're looking at costs, they're looking at making their businesses more efficient, because they're seeing revenues under pressure all over the world.
You’re not looking at Morris Cerullo; you’re looking at God; you’re looking at Jesus.
Brian Auger is a superb technician on his instrument, but he also plays with feeling that is a rarity. I am looking forward in recording with him in the near future.
The Very Big Stupid is a thing which breeds by eating The Future. Have you seen it? It sometimes disguises itself as a good-looking quarterly bottom line, derived by closing the R&D department.
Looking at the world through a sustainability lens not only helps us 'future proof' our supply chain, it also fuels innovation and drives brand growth. — © Paul Polman
Looking at the world through a sustainability lens not only helps us 'future proof' our supply chain, it also fuels innovation and drives brand growth.
We have to forget the past. History is something that even today we are paying the consequences, and the future is integration. We all as a people, as citizens, as the leadership of both countries should be looking in that direction.
One must plan for the future and anticipate the future without fearing the future.
The future works out great men's destinies; The present is enough for common souls, Who, never looking forward, are indeed Mere clay wherein the footprints of their age Are petrified forever.
I'll never stop dreaming that one day we can be a real family, together, all of us laughing and talking, loving and understanding, not looking at the past but only to the future.
As time goes on we become old, the future contracts, the past expands...But by future we don't just mean the years ahead; we always mean as well the plenitude of possibilities which challenge our creativity...In confrontation with the future we can become young if we accept the future's challenges.
We are quite open, however, to looking at acquisitions and there are opportunities that we periodically consider. and I think that may be something we do in the future, but I must say that there is no commitment to that at the present time in any form or size.
When I left, after my divorce, when I left Oklahoma, I never looked back. It was the future. It was looking forward from then on.
We've gone from, in the '50s and '60s, being very optimistic about the future, where the future is all spaceships and The Jetsons and flying cars, to where we were just sure the future was going to be a massive pile of rubble.
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