Top 1200 Looks Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Looks quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Whether you watch 'Law and Order' all the time or not, everyone knows what it looks like. Everyone knows what the courtroom looks like, what the police precinct looks like.
I just think it looks so cool when a woman has a dirty martini. She looks so powerful.
Sunrise looks spectacular in the nature; sunrise looks spectacular in the photos; sunrise looks spectacular in our dreams; sunrise looks spectacular in the paintings, because it really is spectacular!
The bashful virgin's sidelong looks of love,
The matron's glance that would those looks reprove. — © William Shakespeare
The bashful virgin's sidelong looks of love, The matron's glance that would those looks reprove.
This isn't the end, and a beginning looks different. This is the moment in between, when everything still looks possible.
Sometimes, when you go to airport and look at the people, you see the worst looks - but the worst looks can give you more ideas than the best looks.
When a man meets catastrophe on the road, he looks in his purse, but a woman looks in her mirror.
I think that's why Meryl Streep is working so much, because she looks like a woman we can all relate to. I look at her and I think, 'I'm chasing my kids, I've moved my parents in with me, I'm coping with food spills - that looks like me in real life'. Meryl looks like an unmade bed, and that's what I look like. To me, that looks true.
He who looks without, dreams; he who looks within, awakes.
The hypocrite looks for faults; the believer looks for excuses.
With goalkeepers, when a team looks for a keeper, it looks for someone with experience.
This is not going away. At this point of unimaginable threats on the horizon, this is what hope looks like. In these times of a morally bankrupt government that has sold out its principles, this is what patriotism looks like. With countless lives on the line, this is what love looks like, and it will only grow.
Before Jem looks at anyone else he looks at me, and I’ve tried to live so I can look squarely back at him.
I’m the one who looks at the infant, smiles nervously, and as my contribution to small talk, robotically announces to the parent, “Your child looks healthy and well cared for.
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. — © Carl Jung
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
My father has the most tremendous personality and wonderful looks - he looks like Fredric March.
One eye of the photographer looks wide open through the viewfinder, the other, the closed looks into his own soul.
Looks aren't the number one thing. They have to have class, intelligence, then looks. If I was the ugliest SOB in the world it would be a lot easier.
When you begin your work, nothing exists. When it is finished it looks as if it just happened, spontaneously, effortlessly, convincingly. It looks as though it had been there all along.
A pastry usually tastes better if it looks nice. A cream pastry, now that looks nice - in fact, there is nothing I mind as long as it looks nice.
Music looks very formidable to people outside of it and it looks like it's this realm of spooky genius.
A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin or when he sees silver he looks for the cloud it lines. A wise happy person does the exact opposite.
Yet it's true that looks matter in politics... It is also true that perfecting the outer shell has become an obsession in this country... Mitt Romney, Barack Obama and John Edwards almost always look good, and pretty much the same, in dark suits or casual wear. Fred Thompson always looks crepuscular and droopy. Often Hillary Clinton looks great, and sometimes she looks tired, heavier or puffier.
I like that Sarah Palin. She looks like the flight attendant who won't give you a second can of Pepsi ... She looks like the nurse who weighs you and then makes you sit alone in your underwear for 20 minutes ... She looks like a real estate agent whose picture you see on the bus stop bench ... She looks like the hygienist who makes you feel guilty about not flossing ... She looks like the relieved mom in a Tide commercial.
Have you noticed how nobody ever looks up? Nobody looks at chimneys, or trees against the sky, or the tops of buildings. Everybody just looks down at the pavement or their shoes. The whole world could pass them by and most people wouldn't notice.
Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up
Faith looks back and draws courage; hope looks ahead, and keeps desire alive.
This looks a good team on paper, let's see how it looks on grass.
Suppose we pick a name for him, eh?" Caius Pompeius stepped over and eyed the child. "He looks a little like my proconsul, Marcus. We could call him Marcus." Josiah Worthington said, "He looks more like my head gardener, Stebbins. Not that I'm suggesting Stebbins as a name. The man drank like a fish." "He looks like my nephew Harry," said Mother Slaughter... "He looks like nobody but himself," said Mrs.Owens, firmly. "He looks like nobody." "Then Nobody it is," said Silas. "Nobody Owens.
Even today, a lot of the CGI you see in movies is so clean and crisp that it just looks fake. It's weird: the more advanced they get, the faker it looks.
Are you one who looks on? or lends a hand? - or who looks away, sidles off?...Third question for the conscience.
Intelligence looks for what is known to solve problems. Creativity looks for what is unknown to discover possibilities.
Rudolf Valentino looks very much alive and he looks up ladies dresses as they sadly pass him by.
As an actor, you don't want to say, 'I'm going to be loud and big.' Because that looks awful; that looks fake.
Look into your own heart because who looks outside, dreams, but who looks inside awakes.
I think most entrepreneurs would refer to themselves as "accidental". No one looks for stress and pain. You stumble on to it. Also, no one looks for pots of gold, it just happens.
A poet looks at the world the way a man looks at a woman.
As a child, one looks for compliments. As an adult, one looks for evidence of effectiveness.
I have endorsed every hair product in my career. Looks have been my bread, butter, jam. Looks are important in our society. — © Sonali Bendre
I have endorsed every hair product in my career. Looks have been my bread, butter, jam. Looks are important in our society.
Don't decide on a dog based on looks either, much like with people, looks and first impressions can be deceiving.
The hippopotamus looks monogamous- he looks as if he would have to be.
Men are more visual creatures and rate women based on looks. We like to laugh and be shown a good time. I've never rated anyone on looks.
When I started out in 'Caravan,' I looked plump, but that looks fine when you are young. But as you age, you put on weight, it looks obnoxious, you slow down and carry a paunch.
If you have your own taste, you know what looks right and what looks good on you versus someone kind of telling you what looks good on you.
What looks like crazy on an ordinary day looks looks a lot like love if you catch it in the moonlight.
If a statesman is one who looks to the next generation and a politician one who looks to the next election, a political consultant must be one who looks to the next tracking poll.
Charm is the next best asset after looks and brains - and can almost make up for looks.
This particular consent decree not only looks at the police department, but it also looks at how we engage our community.
Pride looks back upon its past deeds, and calculating with nicety what it has done, it commits itself to rest; whereas humility looks to that which is before, and discovering how much ground remains to be trodden, it is active and vigilant. Having gained one height, pride looks down with complacency on that which is beneath it; humility looks up to a higher and yet higher elevation. The one keeps us on this earth, which is congenial to its nature; the other directs our eye, and tends to lift us up to heaven.
What's David's role? David looks good, that's what David does. David looks good, and I'm the funny one, that's what I hear constantly. But I keep telling him that looks fade. — © Victoria Beckham
What's David's role? David looks good, that's what David does. David looks good, and I'm the funny one, that's what I hear constantly. But I keep telling him that looks fade.
Vision looks inwards and becomes duty. Vision looks outwards and becomes aspiration. Vision looks upwards and becomes faith.
When I was growing up, I felt like I had to qualify it and say I'm British-Pakistani. But now I kind of feel like, in this day in age, this is what British looks like. It looks like me; it looks like Idris Elba, and hopefully through Nasir Khan, people will see that that's what an American can look like as well.
He looks sad. Or maybe that's just how he looks when he isn't doing something else with his face.
Memories and loneliness look backward, fear looks around, but faith always looks forward.
I've dyed my hair a million times and it looks terrible, always. It just looks fake. And it doesn't make me look that much younger.
Mitt Romney looks like a guy modeling briefs on a package of underwear ... He looks like a guy who goes to the restroom when the check comes ... He looks like a guy who would run a seminar on condo flipping ... He looks like he is the closer at a Cadillac dealership.... He looks like that guy on the golf course in the Levitra commercial.
When you look at the... atmosphere on the limb of the Earth, I wouldn't say it looks unhealthy, but it definitely looks very, very fragile and just kind of like this thin film, so it looks like something that we definitely need to take care of.
I was looking at the Trump hits on me, I have to confess, all of which made me laugh. And I thought, you know, he never goes after guys` looks. He only does the looks thing with women. And then I found this one. "Lawrence will soon be off TV, bad ratings, he has a face made for radio." So, he has gone after, at least one guy, on looks.
Love looks forward, hate looks back, anxiety has eyes all over its head.
He looks at one of the pictures for a long time. Then he looks at me. "I'll keep you up here." He taps his temple. "Where you can't get lost.
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