Top 1200 Loss Of A Child Quotes & Sayings - Page 13

Explore popular Loss Of A Child quotes.
Last updated on October 28, 2024.
The educator should do anything but advise the child to do what everybody does. He should rather rejoice when he sees in the child tendencies to deviation.
Education must be aimed at creating a wider imagination in the child, not at suppressing. The child's mind must be set free.
I know that many people disagree with the way I disciplined my child. I also understand after meeting with a psychologist that there are other alternative ways of disciplining a child that may be more appropriate.
I don't mean to be presumptuous that men don't feel this, I don't mean this, but I found that when my child was born, my first child, it felt like my heart broke. — © Tea Leoni
I don't mean to be presumptuous that men don't feel this, I don't mean this, but I found that when my child was born, my first child, it felt like my heart broke.
We managed to write chapter one. Chapter two, we will have a child a parent can take home and raise as a cloned child.
Princess Diana talking to Prince William about the loss of her title Her Royal Highness: She turned to William in her distress. She (Princess Diana) told me how he had sat with her one night when she was upset over the loss of HRH, put his arms around her and said: Don't worry, Mummy. I will give it back to you one day when I am king.
She wanted nothing more than someone to miss, to touch, with whom to speak like a child, with whom to be a child.
Let’s not mince words: the inside of the Sydney casino looks as if Vegas had an illegitimate child with Liberace’s underpants, and that child fell down a staircase and hit its head on the edge of a spade.
And so I write the way I myself would like the book to be – if I were a child. I write for the child within me.
In Taiwan there's a saying: Raising a child is more important than giving birth. Raising a child is greater.
I don't think we would be specifically remaking "Child's Play 2" and "Child's Play 3". I imagine we'd be dreaming up whole new stories.
That undeniable love for your child... that's something I totally get. And the bumps in the road, too. Like, any parent that thinks they have a perfect relationship with their child is a liar, or they're just not present.
As a child I was not allowed to express my feelings, so I had to go back through therapy and express the child's pain.
It's much more work for the mother of an autistic child to have a job, because working with an autistic child is such a hassle until they go to school. — © Temple Grandin
It's much more work for the mother of an autistic child to have a job, because working with an autistic child is such a hassle until they go to school.
If we are not fully ourselves, truly in the present moment, we miss everything. When a child presents himself to you with his smile, if you are not really there - thinking about the future or the past, or preoccupied with other problems - then the child is not really there for you. The technique of being alive is to go back to yourself in order for the child to appear like a marvellous reality. Then you can see him smile and you can embrace him in your arms.
It's a short step from the belief that every child should be wanted to the belief that a child exists to satisfy our wants.
When a child does bad things, the parents are always going to love their child even if they do something bad.
A book can change the world... Every book a child reads creates new neurons in that child's brain.
Keep the child within alive. A child never tires of hearing the birds sing, never gets bored looking at flowers.
I guess my whole life, as much as I might have wanted a child for the reason that everybody wants one, I always recognized that at no point until I was 50 was I old enough or up to the job. I thought, you know what, I not only really want a child, but at this point, finally in my life, I think I'm up to the job and I'm the type of person who could do the job well and I'm financially prepared to look after a child.
At the moment that we persuade a child, any child, to cross that threshold, that magic threshold into a library, we change their lives forever, for the better
A sense of duty - you only really get this feeling when you have a child. You always only used to be responsible for yourself and then there is also a child.
Homeless shelters, child hunger, and child suffering have become normalized in the richest nation on earth. It's time to reset our moral compass and redefine how we measure success.
The child is born speaking the languages of birds; the child has horns and scales and wings; it has a beak; it has a cloven hoof. He is the sum of all creatures: the ones that swim, the ones that soar, the ones that leap, the ones that maze the earth with burrows.
We have seen many child actors who have gone astray. They were particular that 'Zakhm' was going to be my last film as a child actor and after that I took a six year break for education.
When I was a child, I thought of my Delta town as the center of the universe, but now I realize how little I know about the universe. As a child, I thought I was immortal, but now I recognize how limited a time we all have. As a child, success meant scoring A on every exam, but now I take it to mean good health, close family and friends, achieve- ments in my work, and helping others.
I cry when I don't get food on time. I am not cranky but have the heart of a child. I cry and laugh at most times. I have the sensitivity of a child.
Because children grow up, we think a child's purpose is to grow up. But a child's purpose is to be a child
Instead of hoping he must fear and instead of fearing he must hope. He must fear that his loss may develop into a much bigger loss, and hope that his profit may become a big profit.
By empowering a woman, we empower a child. By educating a girl child, we make it possible for her to grow up to become an empowered woman.
Traditional television as we have known it will make love to the Internet and have a child. That child will be the future. It's already happening, and it's hot!
The principal agent is the object itself and not the instruction given by the teacher. It is the child who uses the objects; it is the child who is active, and not the teacher.
I think that for a child to be in a household... with a situation where the parents are not married, as in being one man and one woman, is not the best household for a child.
I truly do have the most amazing child on the face of the earth. I know all parents say that about their child, but Taylor truly is special.
It sometimes happens that the town child is more alive to the fresh beauty of the country than a child who is country born
Usually all lullabies are featured on a mother and child. But in 'Kalimannu,' it is picturised on a mother-to-be who is singing to her unborn child. I found the entire concept so beautiful.
We must choose. Be a child of the past with all its crudities and imperfections, its failures and defeats, or a child of the future, the future of symmetry and ultimate success.
I think my cat is adorable, and I probably give it too much fresh chicken. Maybe if I had a child, I'd be giving the chicken to the child.
On the one hand, loss implies gain; on the other hand, gain implies loss. — © Laozi
On the one hand, loss implies gain; on the other hand, gain implies loss.
Most mothers and fathers will shop more for a TV set than they will for a child care center for their child.
I'm 23 years old. I might just be my mother's child, but in all reality, I'm everybody's child. Nobody raised me; I was raised in this society.
Surrogacy used to be difficult, because the woman that was carrying the child was biologically related to the child. And sometimes you can still do it that way, but you do not have to do it that way anymore.
But I could not imagine having a child and the child not having a relationship with music that opens up their mind and their imagination and teaches them things.
Our feelings probably are not less strong at fifty than they were ten or fifteen years before; but they have changed their objects, and dwell on far different prospects. At five-and-thirty a man thinks of what his own existence is; when the maturity of age has grown into its autumn, he is wrapt up in that of others. The loss of wife or child then becomes more deplorable, as being impossible to repair; for no fresh connection can give us back the companion of our earlier years, nor a "new-sprung race" compensate for that, whose career we hoped to see run.
I can remember wondering as a child if I were a young Macaulay or Ruskin and secretly deciding that I was. My infant mind even was bitter with those who insisted on regarding me as a normal child and not as a prodigy.
Even after the child, the life of the black child was saved, but that same white man will have to toss him right back into the discriminate, into discrimination, segregation, and these other things.
That a little child will lead us back to the child we will always be, vulnerable and wanting and hurting for love and for beauty.
The facts of life are that a child who has seen war cannot be compared with a child who doesn't know what war is except from television.
If a serious statement is defined as one that may be made in terms of waking life, poetry will never rise to the level of seriousness. It lies beyond seriousness, on that more primitive and original level where the child, the animal, the savage, and the seer belong, in the region of dream, enchantment, ecstasy, laughter. To understand poetry we must be capable of donning the child's soul like a magic cloak and of forsaking man's wisdom for the child's.
The policy of letting the child 'do what he likes' is an insidious one, since the children are encouraged to continue always at their original superficial level, without receiving guidance in study. Furthermore, the 'three Rs,' the fundamental tools, are neglected as long as possible, with the result that the child's chance to develop his mind is greatly retarded. The policy of teaching words via pictures instead of by the alphabet tends to deprive the young child of the greatest reasoning tool of all.
I think if more women had been directing when I was a child, I probably would have gone for directing first. But, as a child, all I wanted to do was make movies. — © Sondra Locke
I think if more women had been directing when I was a child, I probably would have gone for directing first. But, as a child, all I wanted to do was make movies.
Parents should not agonize over anything a child does or fails to do if the child is perfectly capable of agonizing over it himself.
If I was madly in love with someone who offered the opportunity to spend our lives together, I would love to have a child or adopt a child.
I'm a single child. I wanted a little brother or a little sister growing up, but when I think about it, I'm happy I'm an only child.
Cooking ought to be, quite literally, child's play. And every child ought to have access to the game. Just don't tell them it's healthy.
I sat with five of the "Mothers of the Movement." Of course I'm hyping the show, but I keep telling everybody this part is not hype. After a while particularly in the case of Sybrina Fulton, they've become celebrities and people forget that they've become celebrities because of the death, the murder of their child. So I wanted people to see the burning desire for these women to live their child's legacy, to not let their child have died in vain, so they're fighting to stop the violence.
To be called a child of God - there is no greater distinction. I love the final sentence of that Scripture with that emphatic exclamation mark. What a powerful assurance. Right here, right now, in this very moment, no matter how good or bad you feel about yourself, you're a beloved child of God. Throughout Scripture, God is conveying this message. He made you, he loves you, he pursues you, he's not done with you, and he's called you his child.
The Maria, what I look like in real life and how I am, I'm a super flower child. I wear all flower child '60s dresses.
Bizarrely, I've been called selfish for not having children. Surely it's more selfish to have a child when you don't really want a child?
For a moment, off balance, was I annoyed? Anger is always fear, I thought, and fear is always fear of loss. Would I lose myself if he made those choices? It took a second to settle down: I'd lose nothing. They'd be his wishes, not mine, and he's free to live as he wants. The loss would come if I dared force him, tried to live for him and me as well. There'd be disaster worse than life on a bar stool.
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