Top 1200 Lost And Found Quotes & Sayings - Page 6

Explore popular Lost And Found quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
Suddenly it was gone. I'd lost more than my voice and my career. I'd lost my best friend.
I haven't lost a war. No one got killed. I just lost a tennis match.
I've lost a little bit of my fire... I don't want to say I've lost my passion. — © Roger Clemens
I've lost a little bit of my fire... I don't want to say I've lost my passion.
A lot of times, elections are lost, and the hope of the public is lost because they don't turn out.
Churches whose members fight with one another have lost their vision for the lost.
[Donald] Trump lost two electors, Hillary [Clinton] lost five.
We've lost 3,000 jobs in Beaufort County. We've lost half of our manufacturing workforce.
At Boston University, I motivated negatively, and I found that although it can work at first, by the end of the year everyone is dying for the year to end and you have lost them. The last two years at BU, I motivated positively and got much better results.
The devil is merely a fallen angel, and when God lost Satan he lost one of his best lieutenants.
How much modern civilization has lost, I think, when they lost the awareness of the billions of stars overhead.
In an ideal world, I'd love to work on something that is on par with 'Lost' or better than 'Lost.'
I lost as amateur, I lost a bunch of times as a wrestler, and you always come back.
Everybody in this business has lost. Undertaker's lost at WrestleMania, and that was never supposed to happen, but it did. — © Lance Archer
Everybody in this business has lost. Undertaker's lost at WrestleMania, and that was never supposed to happen, but it did.
Where else? I belong to a lost generation and am comfortable only in the company of others who are lost and lonely.
What was lost was lost. There was no retrieving it, however you schemed, no returning to how things were, no going back.
It's easier to get over a lost body than a lost soul.
Many people have already lost their health care, millions already lost their health care, because they have it and can't use it because of the explosive skyrocketing premiums, or they literally lost their doctors or insurance plans or their access to health care through Obamacare.
People say the 'Lost Generation' in a romantic sense, but I think it was tragic. They were really lost.
Nothing is lost by peace; everything may be lost by war.
Regret couldn't fix what he's broken. Apologies couldn't bring back what he's lost. What we'd lost.
Love is the same as being lost,' says Jacques to the dark. 'Except you don't care that you're lost.
Abode where lost bodies roam each searching for its lost one.
I never was lost. I was bewildered right bad once for as much as a week, but not lost.
You know what happens to girls who loves lost boys? They become lost themselves.
Boxing is a celebration of the lost religion of masculinity all the more trenchant for its being lost.
Once you've lost your privacy, you realize you've lost an extremely valuable thing.
When you play well, and you don't win, in the end, you get tired. You've lost something. You've lost time.
I've always had a weakness for lost causes once they're really lost.
I lost my hat while gazing at the moon, and then I lost my mind.
A shrinking economy means lost sales and lost jobs
When you're lost in those woods, it sometimes takes you a while to realize that you are lost.
Of course you always had that detached quality as if you were playing a game without much concern over whether you won or lost, and now that you've lost the game, not lost but just quit playing, you have that rare sort of charm that usually only happens in very old or hopelessly sick people, the charm of the defeated.
Major labels just lost their way. It's like the housing bubble. They lost a sense of the fundamentals.
Some very beautiful things get lost and forgotten. Just as I got lost.
As far as acting, I just went in and just started training. It was the first thing I did right when I retired. I just went in and found class, and found people, found the right coaches that could sort of just train me along.
I regard that man as lost, who has lost his sense of shame.
In an ideal world, I'd love to work on something that is on par with 'Lost' or better than 'Lost.
falling not flying one lost muddy shoe like the lost worlds between me and you — © Kami Garcia
falling not flying one lost muddy shoe like the lost worlds between me and you
It's senseless. I've lost several uncles, I've lost my best friend to gun violence in New Orleans.
Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being.
Nothing is really lost by a life of sacrifice; everything is lost by failure to obey God's call.
With God, nothing is lost; but without him, everything is lost.
We’ve lost something vital, I tell you. When we lost it, we lost the ability to make good decisions. We fall upon decisions these days the way we fall upon an enemy—or wait and wait, which is a form of giving up, and we allow the decisions of others to move us. Have we forgotten that we were the ones who set this current flowing?
The point is [...] that you never know whether you've lost until you've lost. Anything can happen.
There are a few things I lost which I shouldn't have lost. I know what I did wrong. I was lazy.
If Christ cannot supersede the Law, then I am lost, and lost forever.
If you find yourself lost in the woods, build a house. "Well, I was lost, but now I live here!"
When humanness is lost the radical difference between the bodies in the pit and people walking on the street is lost. — © Edward Bond
When humanness is lost the radical difference between the bodies in the pit and people walking on the street is lost.
We used to play marbles for keeps. If you lost, you lost. It is the same way with politics, but not everybody knows this.
When ego is lost, limit is lost. You become infinite, kind, beautiful.
I lost my spleen, I lost the hearing in my left ear, so I had a lot of internal organ damage.
It's the same old thing getting lost Day 'N' Nite young and lost in the pain.
In truth, 2007 was the hardest year of my life. I lost my best friend. I lost my father.
I've been at the bottom. I've lost loved ones, I've lost best friends, but that's part of life. I don't hide that.
The world has lost a legend, and I have lost a friend. Johnny Cash was the rare soul who could be both.
I have lost a brother and a best friend. The world has lost one of the greatest actors of all time.
The travel writer seeks the world we have lost - the lost valleys of the imagination.
A lot of people got lost in Hollywood while trying to become a star. They lost themselves.
The U.S. never lost a battle against North Vietnam, but it lost the war.
The nostalgia I have been cherishing all these years is a hypertrophied sense of lost childhood, not sorrow for lost banknotes.
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