Top 1200 Lost Dog Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Lost Dog quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
The last dog I had was an Irish wolfhound - now that is a dog. Rather spoils a person for a lesser canine, that is, anything under a hundredweight.
The dog doesn't know the difference between Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, so I have to walk the dog early those days too.
He who does not understand that a dead lion is more alive than a living dog will remain a dog. — © Maimonides
He who does not understand that a dead lion is more alive than a living dog will remain a dog.
I'm not saying take your dog wingsuit flying. But if we can take Whisper BASE jumping or climbing, maybe you can take your dog places you didn't consider. Just find better ways to take your dog with you. They just love to be with their people and their pack.
The Perfect Dog is an enticing fantasy pooch. It's the dog that instantly learns to pee outdoors, never menaces or frightens children, plays gently with other dogs, won't jump on the UPS guy, never rolls in gross things, eats only the appropriate food at the right time, and never chews anything not meant for him. This dog does not exist.
When a man's best friend is his dog, that dog has a problem.
I used to have seven dogs; now I have a more manageable four. I was in Cornwall, and one dog got swept away downstream, so my cousin dived in to get it, then her dog dived in. So I jumped in to rescue hers. Those dogs are my calm. That's how I cope with the business - I get the sanity on my woodland dog walks, being a tomboy.
I had a little dog and my dog was very small....Of all the treasures that were mine, I loved him most of all.
A dog, for me, it's not just getting a dog. I couldn't leave him at home. I'm looking for a life partner and I'm not ready. I'm not emotionally mature enough.
It's unreal. I mean, the dog backflips. It's amazing. Google Jumpy on YouTube - I had seen the dog first and I was like, "Y'all don't even know."
It's not just a world of dog-eat-dog and Trumps and all of this... there are people and there is hope and you can still get there and have a reasonable measure of success and appreciation.
When I read the 'Dick and Jane' stories, I thought they were afraid they might forget each other's names because they always said each other's names - a lot. So if Jane didn't see the dog, Dick would say, 'Look Jane, look. There is the dog next to Sally, Jane. The dog is also next to mother, Jane. The dog is next to father, Jane.'
I believe that I was a dog in a past life. That's the only thing that would explain why I like to snack on Purina Dog Chow. — © Dean Koontz
I believe that I was a dog in a past life. That's the only thing that would explain why I like to snack on Purina Dog Chow.
The Savior of all mankind left the ninety and nine to find the one lost. That one who was lost need not have become lost.
Yume is a no-nonsense dog. There are many people here, with camcorders running, lights shining and cameras clicking. She is being a guard dog.
No dog is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate dogs, I train people. I am the dog whisperer.
He is my dog, Toto," answered Dorothy. "Is he made of tin, or stuffed?" asked the Lion. "Neither. He's a-- a-- a meat dog," said the girl.
It didn't matter if I got bitten by a dog or I ripped my pants on the fence post or I poked myself in the eye with a tree branch that I was crawling over, it was all about the shortcut. My whole life I took the shortcut, and I ended up lost.
[My subjects] look lost because that is how I see life. I think we are all a bit lost, lost in a world we can't understand.
Man is troubled by what might be called the Dog Wish, a strange and involved compulsion to be as happy and carefree as a dog
The situation in this country is like a dog with worms. You bring the dog to the vet to be dewormed, but the vet is Dr. Obama, and he says you can't get the dog dewormed because the worms have a vote. And that's the problem, folks: the worms have a vote.
The opportunity to love a dog and to treat it with kindness is an opportunity for a lost and selfish heart to be redeemed. They are powerless and innocent, and it is how we treat the humblest among us that surely determines the fate of our souls
A dog reflects the family life. Whoever saw a frisky dog in a gloomy family, or a sad dog in a happy one? Snarling people have snarling dogs, dangerous people have dangerous ones.
I love my dog. Actually, the best portrait I did was of my dog.
Il y aura toujours un chien perdu quelque part qui m'empe" chera d'e" tre heureux. There will always be a lost dog somewhere that will prevent me being happy.
If it were a retarded baby and a bright dog, I'd save the dog.
We heard about people who went backstage at dog shows with scissors and cut parts of a poodle's hair off to sabotage the dog.
I would look at a dog and when our eyes met, I realized that the dog and all creatures are my family. They're like you and me.
I can do only one thing, like a little dog follow closely the Master's footsteps. Pray that I be a cheerful dog.
Why is it that my heart is so touched whenever I meet a dog lost in our noisy streets? Why do I feel such anguished pity when I see one of these creatures coming and going, sniffing everyone, frightened, despairing of even finding its master?
The social intuitionist model offers an explanation of why moral and political arguments are so frustrating: because moral reasons are the tail wagged by the intuitive dog. A dog’s tail wags to communicate. You can’t make a dog happy by forcibly wagging its tail. And you can’t change people’s minds by utterly refuting their arguments.
I wish my kid would act like my dog sometimes. My dog listens to me and does what I tell him to do.
I like dogs Big dogs Little dogs Fat dogs Doggy dogs Old dogs Puppy dogs I like dogs A dog that is barking over the hill A dog that is dreaming very still A dog that is running wherever he will I like dogs.
How come dog and dog owner are so alike?
I had such a close relationship with my dog, and my dog so filled the need in my life to have children that I just wanted Cathy to have that experience.
You get lost out of a desire to be lost. But in the place called lost strange things are found.
I don't have the luxury of having a dog myself because I travel too much, but I love walking and cuddling somebody else's dog.
I was a painting contractor for a while and then a dog trainer. I opened my own business dog training and had some success. — © Travis Browne
I was a painting contractor for a while and then a dog trainer. I opened my own business dog training and had some success.
I had a dog named Basil, and he's the hero of the book 'Animal Firm.' Oddly enough he's a dachshund, which is not really my kind of dog.
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man.
Well, I've lost my wife. I've lost my job. I've lost 20 MINUTES OF MY LIFE! Damn the decaf.
... in the future a typical factory will host three workers: a man, a computer and a dog. The computer will do all the work. The man will feed the dog. And the dog's job? To bite the man - if he touches the computer.
When we lost Glen Campbell, we lost an American original. We also lost a really good man.
In Washington, it's dog eat dog. In academia, it's exactly the opposite.
TV has always been a dog-eat-dog game.
The implication of AKC registration is that a dog who has it is better than a dog who hasn't.
In the dog-eat-dog economy, the Doberman is boss.
Lower your gaze because you become less of a human every time you stare at a woman and you stare at her like she's a piece of meat, like she's an animal. That just means you've lost respect for a fellow human being. You're looking at her like an ape looks at a female ape, like a dog looks at a female dog.That's all, you've turned into an animal. Regain your humanity. Lower your gaze.
Arnold was a dog's dog. Whenever he shuffled along walks and through alleyways, he always gave the impression of being on to something big. — © Martha Grimes
Arnold was a dog's dog. Whenever he shuffled along walks and through alleyways, he always gave the impression of being on to something big.
I attempted to fish in Scotland and I managed to hook a dog. It was a horrible moment but the dog turned out to be fine.
A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.
The truth I do not stretch or shove When I state the dog is full of love. I've also proved, by actual test, A wet dog is the lovingest.
And the lost heart stiffens and rejoices in the lost lilac and the lost sea voices and the weak spirit quickens to rebel for the bent golden-rod and the lost sea smell quickens to recover.
Dumb dog. I bought a dog whistle. He won't use it.
I remember when I was a teenager thinking my girlfriend was cheating on me, and going around riling myself up. Pretending to cry. It was totally illegitimate-I actually didn't feel anything. I went to some pub and then went crying all the way home. And I got into my dog's bed. I was crying and holding on to the dog. I woke up in the morning, and the dog was looking at me like, 'You're a fake.'
Why does watching a dog be a dog fill one with happiness?
A huge dog, tied by a chain, was painted on the wall and over it was written in capital letters 'Beware of the dog.'
O! lost to virtue, lost to manly thought, Lost to the noble sallies of the soul! Who think it solitude to be alone.
If you the owner of the dog, really showing not just food but real affection, then dog very much appreciate. Isn't it?
I don't believe in ever putting a dog down for behavior issues, because that's just punishing the dog for something wrong that humans did.
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