Top 1200 Lost Me Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Lost Me quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Were you always such a stubborn, blind, obtuse girl?" "Are you calling me stupid?" "Yes, but in a more poetic way!" "Well, here's a poem for you. Get lost!
There are enough people who lost faith in me that it's time to step aside and let there be a new voice for the 6th district in Washington, so I am not going to run for re-election.
They always lost but he didn't blame me because to a gambler, a bad tip is better than no tip at all. — © Phil Silvers
They always lost but he didn't blame me because to a gambler, a bad tip is better than no tip at all.
My own bandmembers wouldn't return my calls and I lost multiple tour managers, crew members. I can't tell you how many friends stopped talking to me.
I lost some weight, grew my hair and now every woman in America over 40 wants to date me. It's their daughters I want to convince.
The young man knows that he is irretrievably lost. This is no town of cats, he finally realizes. It is the place where he is meant to be lost. It is another world, which has been prepared especially for him. And never again, for all eternity, will the train stop at this station to take him back to the world he came from.
If you're purely derivative in what you do, then you could very easily get lost along the way. But for me, I might want to even do something else for a while.
For me, none of the albums after 'Tusk' quite had it. I think we lost something after that.
I watched 'Land of the Lost' as a kid, you know, incessantly. I loved it. Me and my brother watched it every Saturday.
When I think of the things I have, it makes me a little uneasy. I don't want people to think I've lost touch with reality.
I have not lost an awful lot in my life, but the defeats have taught me more than the victories. Whenever I lose, I focus on the ability of my opponent and on the mistakes I made.
For me honestly I think that fight was lost six weeks before the fight even began
Most of the time, with artists like me who go on to become superstars, you never see them when they are still lost and trying to figure life out.
I never think of the time I have lost. I just carry out a programme because it's there. It's mapped out for me. — © Nelson Mandela
I never think of the time I have lost. I just carry out a programme because it's there. It's mapped out for me.
My mom loves me a lot, and I think if I was taken from her, she would have lost her mind.
She was sad about what happened to Kostos. And someplace under that, she was sad that people like Bee and Kostos, who had lost everything, were still open to love, and she, who'd lost nothing, was not.
Jimmy Iovine signed me personally to a million-dollar contract, and I lost my identity for a long time. That system is so predicated on making a hit, or you're out of here.
Everything that we love will, at some point, be taken away from us. If I think about everyone I love eventually being taken away from me by death, or simply by getting lost from each other in the world, it makes me value them much more now.
Life is not lost by dying! Life is lost, Minute by minute, day by dragging day, In all the thousand, small, uncaring ways...
As we got more interested in time management and productivity, we lost the individual, and with that individual loss, we lost happiness as well. So I think the world has actually been malnourished as we've focused so much on productivity and ignored happiness and meaning to our own detriment.
I've lost a hand, a father, a son, a sister, and a lover, and soon enough I will lose a brother. And yet they keep telling me House Lannister won this war.
I used to wear my mom's Wayfarers. When the people of Ray Ban noticed that, they sent me a box full of sunglasses, two and a half years ago. Now they're all gone. They've disappeared during trips, many were also stolen from me, the rest I lost again and again. Now I have only one pair left.
It's lonely to say goodbye. Very lonely. Please. Cry with me. Maybe there's nothing we can do about this. But at least, for now...cry with me. Like your entire screaming at the sky. Like it's raging against the world. I lost something. And I don't have a single guarantee. The fear of living in this world again after that...I have only a shred of hope to sustain me. So I want you at cry. Cry. Cry with me. Like the day you were first born into this world.
According to the doctrine of chance, you ought to put yourself to the trouble of searching for the truth; for if you die without worshiping the True Cause, you are lost. "But," say you, "if He had wished me to worship Him, He would have left me signs of His will." He has done so; but you neglect them. Seek them, therefore; it is well worth it.
Me, I'm coming to work, I'm practicing hard every day, I'm eating right, I'm getting the proper sleep, I'm getting the proper rest, everything, I'm giving you all I have. I'm not going to pout if we lose. Yeah, I'm upset I lost, but it's not going to be to that degree like I'm cussing, get away from me, this and that.
I was thinking, as I watched her, how little it mattered –about her teeth for instance. I know so many women who have kept all the things she had lost, *but whose inner glow has faded*. Whatever else was gone, Antonia had not lost the fire of life.
I shudder to think of an eternity spend without books. I have hopes that every book that was ever lost is somewhere waiting for me when my life here finally ends.
There's something, I think, that gets lost when we write something - something gets lost in the translation. So I speak everything out, and it's more important how it sounds. And applying that to more formal aspects of writing.
Whoever's reading this, if anyone is reading it: does it matter that our old selves are lost to us as surely as the past is lost, or is it enough to know yes we lived then, and we are living now, and the connection must be there? Like a river hundreds of miles long exists both at its source and at its mouth, simultaneously?
Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways.
Then the actual count comes in and not only does that not happen, [Donald] Trump wins, Hillary [Clinton] loses, they don't get anywhere near the House. They've lost the Senate. They've lost 1,200 seats in the last three elections. They don't have a national party, just one election. And in this next bite, Kellyanne Conway is pointing this out to them.
Or maybe I’d lost my soul already. I doubted God let someone like me keep any gift from him. It was highly likely I’d been born without one.
I think I started out just loving the attention. But that's changed into a real love and passion for my profession. Acting has never lost that challenge and excitement for me.
Being Jewish and having lost relatives in the Holocaust, I've always been aware of the meaning of prejudice. These are things that have remained with me throughout my political career.
My poor sight gives me an advantage. I can't see the people in the audience who are scratching their heads while I am lost in my role and giving everything I have to the drama.
O poor New England! There is a deep laid plot against your civil and religious liberties, and they will be lost. Your golden days are at an end. You have nothing but trouble before you. . . . Your liberties will be lost.
There are a lot of ideas I've had that I originally was quite taken with, but over time, I lost steam. They stay on my list, but between me and you, I'm probably never going to do them.
I'm French. I have not become an Englishman. I have the impression of living on an island called Arsenal. If you fancy a sightseeing tour of London, don't ask me. You would get lost.
See, Independence means freedom, for me, more specifically, freedom of speech which we seem to have lost. — © Saswata Chatterjee
See, Independence means freedom, for me, more specifically, freedom of speech which we seem to have lost.
If dying, I yet live in a tender heart or two; nor am I lost and hopeless living, if a sainted departed soul still loves and prays for me.
The goal for me is to have one track just flow into the next one and you can just get lost in it. I try to find that fluidity.
What's given to dunya is lost forever. What's given to Allah is never lost. If you give what you love, for the sake of what He loves, you'll have what you love forever.
I'm not gonna change my way of dance because I lost and the judge tells me I should do it a certain way.
My playing had called to another human being at last. Surely, she could be no other than my own true love. Slowly, I got to my feet. Speak to me, I thought. And as if she'd heard me, the young woman's lips parted and she spoke thus: Have you lost your mind?
Greg Jackson gave me hope after four losses. After my last loss in the Strikeforce grand prix against Kharitonov, I gave him a call and asked him if he thought I should retire. Some of my trainers, some people told me I had lost it. He said, 'Absolutely not. Just come to Albuquerque,' and gave me that hope.
Bowie's death is a very emotional thing. My generation of working-class Britain, it feels like we lost our spiritual leader, our guru. I always thought that if I was to be a hundred, somehow Bowie would be a hundred and fifteen. He'd be there to still steer me and guide me.
I love my Shilpa a lot, but if you ask me how it feels, I can tell you it's not easy. Can't you see I have lost so much weight by running after her everyday?
My mother, Mary, has been a guiding force for as long as I can remember through the examples she's set as a single mother. She demonstrated her confidence and faith in me by investing everything in me and the business at a time when she had just lost everything.
What and how much had I lost by trying to do only what was expected of me instead of what I myself had wished to do? — © Ralph Ellison
What and how much had I lost by trying to do only what was expected of me instead of what I myself had wished to do?
They wouldn’t even lift a finger to save their own grandmothers from the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal without orders signed in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public inquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters.
I just want to have folks be comfortable and just share and have a good conversation. To me, that's kind of a lost art.
Have you and Nash both lost your minds? This is really a very simple concept--one that you taught me! Hellion equals evil. Period!" -Kaylee to Tod
I've lost fights before where I'm landing more punches and I'm moving away from the guy. So, the way that they score things at the end doesn't seem very consistent to me.
Life's a game made for everyone and love is the prize. So wake me up when it's all over - when I'm wiser and I'm older. All this time I was finding myself and I didn't know I was lost.
I lost my parents. I was totally alone and I had to manage everything all alone. It did put me in depression.
I've never lost a friend over work. I come from a small-town environment and I remember my childhood impressions that, if you were a conniver or a fink or whatever, everybody knew about it and you were a louse for the rest of your life. So I never lost those values in some way.
How can anyone lose who chooses to become a Christian? If, when he dies, there turns out to be no God and his faith was in vain, he has lost nothing...If, however, there is a God and a heaven and a hell. then he has gained heaven and his skeptical friends have lost everything.
The one thing that's broken inside of me is that I've lost the signal most people have to feel hungry or feel full.
Throwing on a hoodie and headphones and getting lost in a long run is pure freedom for me. I embrace the trance, the intense sweat and, of course, the endorphin release.
If I get run into again, I'm taking someone with me. I lost one knee. I'll take a head if it happens again.
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