Top 1200 Love Our Children Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Love Our Children quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Choosing leaf or flesh, factory farm or family farm, does not in itself change the world, but teaching ourselves, our children, our local communities, and our nation to choose conscience over ease can.
We tell our thoughts, like our children, to put on their hats and coats before they go out.
All of us basically want the same things: opportunity for our children, and prosperity for our families and communities. — © Christine Gregoire
All of us basically want the same things: opportunity for our children, and prosperity for our families and communities.
I made a terrible mistake. I got caught up in the excitement of the moment. I would never intentionally endanger the lives of my children. I love my children. I was holding my son tight. Why would I throw a baby off the balcony? That's the dumbest, stupidest story I ever heard.
Our ability to compete for the jobs of tomorrow depends, above all, on our capacity to educate children today.
We have obligations towards the innocent, the dead, towards the living, towards our children and their children.
Our schoolbooks glorify war and conceal its horrors. They indoctrinate children with hatred. I would teach peace rather than war, love rather than hate.
I am selfish. I reach for the world I want to live in. And I believe in leaving our best we can do to our children
I have a fantastic wife, and not only in terms of external beauty. Her priority and mine is our children. That is our choice.
Our children may learn about heroes of the past. Our task is to make ourselves architects of the future.
Weren't we all crazy in our sleep? What was sleep, after all, but the process by which we dumped our insanity into a dark subconscious pit and came out on the other side ready to eat cereal instead of our neighbor's children?
I have said that control of arms is a mission that we undertake particularly for our children and our grandchildren and that they have no lobby in Washington.
Through the Holy Spirit comes our restoration to paradise, our ascension into the kingdom of heaven, our return to the adoption of sons, our liberty to call God our Father, our being made partakers of the grace of Christ, our being called children of light, our sharing in eternal glory, and, in a word, our being brought into a state of all "fulness of blessing," both in this world and in the world to come, of all the good gifts that are in store for us, by promise hereof, through faith, beholding the reflection of their grace as though they were already present, we await the full enjoyment.
I think people who want to use genetic technologies to gain a competitive edge for their children are engaging in a kind of overreaching that could really undermine our appreciation of children as gifts for which we should be grateful and, instead, to view them as products or instruments that are there to be molded and directed.
We owe it to each other - and to our children and grandchildren - to leave our planet in a better state than when we found it. — © Christopher Dodd
We owe it to each other - and to our children and grandchildren - to leave our planet in a better state than when we found it.
Our journey is not complete until all our children... know that they are cared for and cherished and always safe from harm.
We all have families who are longing for peace in the world and an end to the suffering caused by poverty, disease, and hunger. Untold numbers of our friends, our neighbors, our parents, and our children, are hoping that there is more understanding, more generosity, more genuine friendship, and more caring among people of all faiths and cultures.
I reject the notion that supporting our dedicated classroom teachers is at odds with improving the education our children receive.
Children aren't just our future. They're our present.
Alas! how much there is in education, and in our social institutions, to prepare us and our children for insanity.
Every adult life could be said to be defined by two great love stories: the story of our quest for sexual love and the story of our quest for love from the world.
What is important, and I think celebrities should do, is show your children when they are young is that wealth is not important. I took my children when they where young to Brazil, to the shanty towns with children begging. Ever since that day, I have had no problems with my children, if I buy them anything they are grateful.
America is a nation fundamentally ambivalent about its children, often afraid of its children, and frequently punitive toward its children.
In India's distant past, when the population was low, the blessing given a woman was, 'May you have many children.' Most of our epics and literature stress this wish, and the idea that a woman should have many children hasn't declined.
I have never seen more Senators express discontent with their jobs....I think the major cause is that, deep down in our hearts, we have been accomplices in doing something terrible and unforgivable to our wonderful country. Deep down in our heart, we know that we have given our children a legacy of bankruptcy. We have defrauded our country to get ourselves elected.
I want to write about the great and powerful thing that listening is. And how we forget it. And how we don't listen to our children, or those we love. And least of all - which is so important, too - to those we do not love. But we should. Because listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force...When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand. Ideas actually begin to grow within us and come to life.
In our society, in our culture, we love to build people up. We love to build the pedestal, and we love to put 'em up there on it, and then we can't wait for the day they fall off of it.
Our fathers and ourselves sowed dragon's teeth. Our children know and suffer the armed men.
We are now at a point where we must educate our children in what no one knew yesterday, and prepare our schools for what no one knows yet.
Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.
We can lead this world and make it safer and more secure for our children and our grandchildren, for generations to come.
What I most hope is that Kelsey and I can improve our communications and truly co-parent our two wonderful children.
We are accustomed to repeating the cliché, and to believing, that 'our most precious resource is our children.' But we have plenty of children to go around, God knows, and as with Doritos, we can always make more. The true scarcity we face is practicing adults, of people who know how marginal, how fragile, how finite their lives and their stories and their ambitions really are but who find value in this knowledge, even a sense of strange comfort, because they know their condition is universal, is shared.
We have an epidemic of sexual predators following our children, whether it be on the computers, whether it be in our public parks, whether it be in the workplace, or even our schools.
The children and families seeking asylum at our border deserve our immediate attention and humanitarian aid.
Our children are for life our friends are here for the moment.
None of us knows how long he shall live or when his time will come. But soon, all that will be left of our brief lives is the pride our children feel when they speak our names.
It is in that spirit, the spirit of '76, that I ask you to rise and join me in a toast to Chairman Mao, to Premier Chou, to the people of our two countries, and to the hope of our children that peace and harmony can be the legacy of our generation to theirs.
We are in a struggle against the forces of radical Islam and terror, which must be defeated for our children and our grandchildren. — © Michael McCaul
We are in a struggle against the forces of radical Islam and terror, which must be defeated for our children and our grandchildren.
We cannot protect our children from life. Therefore, it is essential to prepare them for it. Feeling sorry for children is one of the most seriously damaging attitudes we can have. It so greatly demonstrates to them and to ourselves that we lack faith in them and their ability to cope with adversities.
To be shown love is to feel ourselves the object of concern: our presence is noted, our name is registered, our views are listened to, our failings are treated with indulgence and our needs are ministered to. And under such care, we flourish.
Who can describe the bond of God's love? Who is able to explain the majesty of its beauty? The height to which love leads is indescribable. ... In love the master received us, Jesus Christ our Lord, in accordance with God's will gave his blood for us, and his flesh for our flesh, and his life for our lives.
Our children are our most important assets.
I've got a pretty good idea what children are, and we're not children. Children can lose sometimes, and nobody cares.
How different things might be if, rather than saying "I think I'm in love," we were saying "I've connected with someone in a way that makes me think I'm on the way to knowing love." Or if instead of saying "I am in love" we say "I am loving" or "I will love." Our patterns around romantic love are unlikely to change if we do not change our language.
I've noticed that the children of other nations always seem precocious. That's because the strange manners of their elders have caught our attention most and the children echo those manners enough to seem like their parents.
It's now our responsibility to prove to ourselves, to other nations, and especially to our children and our grandchildren, that politics is full of fun; politics has some wisdom. Politics is freedom.
As you consider whether to move a child into formal academic training, remember that we want our children to do more than just learn how to read and write; we want them to learn in such a way that they become lifelong readers and writers. If we push our children to start learning these skills too far ahead of their own spontaneous interest and their capacity, we may sacrifice the long-range goal of having them enjoy such pursuits.
Our children are our greatest resource and Head Start grants help them reach their full potential.
Everyday, everywhere our children spread their dreams beneath our feet and we should tread softly. — © Ken Robinson
Everyday, everywhere our children spread their dreams beneath our feet and we should tread softly.
Our children take our level of vibration and raise it even higher. This is how we, as humans, continue evolution.
There is so much love in us all, but often we are too shy to express our love, and keep it bottled up inside us. We must learn to love, to love until it hurts, and we will know how to accept love.
You have to empathize with your children. If you love them, you never really get too angry with them when they make a mistake, because kids are expected to make mistakes. Having children, you start to see yourself through them.
What we each fall in love with individually is, I believe, our moral, mental, and physical complement. Not our like, not our counterpart; quite the contrary; within healthy limits, our unlike and our opposite.
We must conserve our environment and pass it on to our children in as good or better condition than it was passed to us.
Instead of just saying, "I love my baby and I pick him up because he's adorable and it's so nice to cuddle with him," we practice attachment parenting. We let our children play outside and have age-appropriate freedoms and are labeled free-range parents.
Our promise to our children should be this: if you do well in school, we will pay for you to obtain a college degree.
All of us should be involved in our own futures to create a world that our children will want to live in.
Having a loving relationship with our spouse or with our children is what leads to the long-term happiness we all seek.
All of us have moments in our lives that test our courage. Taking children into a house with a white carpet is one of them.
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