Top 1200 Loving Jesus Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Loving Jesus quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
Jesus took your punishment, and God gave you credit for Jesus' perfection.
I'm saying let's demonstrate what Jesus had done in us so the world may see a new way, God's way, Jesus' way the picture of redemption that Jesus has done in us. So Jesus redeems us and we desire to go to the world and demonstrate that so that others can see what redemption looks like.
I express my profound thanks to a loving Heavenly Father who gives to you, to me, and to all who sincerely seek, the knowledge that death is not the end, that His Son--even our Savior Jesus Christ--died that we might live. Temples of the Lord dot the lands of many countries. Sacred covenants are made. Celestial glory awaits the obedient. Families can be together forever.
It is a foolish woman who expects her husband to be to her that which only Jesus Christ Himself can be: always ready to forgive, totally understanding, unendingly patient, invariably tender and loving, unfailing in every area, anticipating every need, and making more than adequate provision. Such expectations put a man under an impossible strain
Because Jesus was strong for me, I am free to be weak; because Jesus won for me, I am free to lose; because Jesus was someone, I am free to be no one; because Jesus was extraordinary, I am free to be ordinary; because Jesus succeeded for me, I am free to fail.
There's a pleasure to loving someone even when you know there's no chance in them loving you back. The pain I felt let me know I was still alive. — © Gabrielle Zevin
There's a pleasure to loving someone even when you know there's no chance in them loving you back. The pain I felt let me know I was still alive.
To pray is to let Jesus come into our hearts. It is not our prayer which moves the Lord Jesus. It is Jesus who moves us to pray.
You'll never be happy if you can't figure out that loving people is all there is. And that it's more important to love than be loved. Because that is when you feel love, by loving somebody.
Jesus has paid for my healing. Disease has no right to be in my body. I am healed in Jesus’ name!
There is no use in loving things if you have to be torn from them, is there? And it's so hard to keep from loving things, isn't it?
Jesus was not the man he was as a result of making Jesus Christ his personal savior.
Loving the Om (AUM) is loving yourself, your own Self. Om chanting is a creative art, not just mechanical repetition of a word.
I shall spend every moment loving. One who loves does not notice her trials; or perhaps more accurately, she is able to love them. I shall do everything for Heaven, my true home. There I shall find my Mother in all the splendor of her glory. I shall delight with her in the joy of Jesus himself in perfect safety.
Jesus' death wasn't to free us from dying, but to free us from the fear of death. Jesus came to liberate us so that we could die up front and then live. Jesus Christ wants to take us to places where only dead men and women can go.
...if I do not introduce people to Jesus, then I don't believe Jesus is an important person. It doesn't matter what I say.
Everyone works in the service of man. We doctors work directly on man himself... The great mystery of man is Jesus: 'He who visits a sick person, helps me,' Jesus said... Just as the priest can touch Jesus, so do we touch Jesus in the bodies of our patients... We have opportunities to do good that the priest doesn't have. Our mission is not finished when medicines are no longer of use. We must bring the soul to God; our word has some authority... Catholic doctors are so necessary!
Suffering is seeing what Jesus sees, and joy is doing what Jesus does. — © Heidi Baker
Suffering is seeing what Jesus sees, and joy is doing what Jesus does.
I want you to walk out of here tonight not loving me more, but loving yourselves more.
Anyone who believes in a Jesus who condones abortion does not believe in the real Jesus, and therefore is not Christian.
I just want to say, that if Jesus were alive, what would he be doing? Well, he would probably be accepting and loving people how they're made. And I always say this and it's really the truth. If being 4'11 was a sin, what would I do? Well, I could wear heels and I could add a wig.
The question should not be 'What would Jesus do?' but rather, more dangerously, 'What would Jesus have me do?' The onus is not on Jesus but on us, for Jesus did not come to ask semidivine human beings to do impossible things. He came to ask human beings to live up to their full humanity; he wants us to live in the full implication of our human gifts, and that is far more demanding.
If Jesus is not enough to motivate you to godly living, you don't know Jesus.
My best relationship is the one I have with myself. I know I am always connected to a Universe that loves me. I draw loving people and loving experiences to me.
No writer can be the 'Master of the Words' without loving them! Loving is the way for Mastering! No Love, no Master!
Loving God more than anyone or anything else is the very foundation of being a disciple. If you want to live your Christian life to its fullest, then love Jesus more than anyone or anything else.
'Dev' is a love story but isn't about romance. It is also about loving friends as well as family and loving every moment of life.
I sing to Jesus for Jesus now. This gives me pure joy... worship!
I was talking to Jesus, and I said, Jesus, I feel like no one will ever accept me. And Jesus looked at me and said, You know what my theory is? Accept me or go to hell.
I do have a camp side to my personality, but I also have a 'Top Gear'-loving, football-loving side.
It is not enough that Jesus died. Someone must apply the blood of Jesus to the national sin of (the) USA.
Family councils, led by righteous, loving parents who are striving to teach their children to love and respect each other, can make a difference in creating a sense of discipline, order and loving cooperation in the home.
I have no patience with women who measure and weigh their love like a country doctor dispensing capsules. If a man is worth loving at all, he is worth loving generously, even recklessly.
The key question in order to change you is not 'What would Jesus do?' but "What has Jesus done for you?"
The reality of loving God is loving him like he's a Superhero who actually saved you from stuff rather than a Santa Claus who merely gave you some stuff.
Loving can cost a lot but not loving always costs more, and those who fear to love often find that want of love is an emptiness that robs the joy from life.
Jesus has very clearly said in the gospel. "Whatever you do, do to the least of my brethren." Clear? That was the work of Jesus.
Jesus was too smart to ever run for public office. That's what Jesus would do.
Easter is about Jesus: the Jesus who announced God's saving, sovereign kingdom.
If you're truly living the way Jesus lived, then you're going to get those people that disagree. But you're also going to get those people who, if you're loving them the right way and you're being a good teammate, are going to like you too.
As many have learned and later taught, you don't realize Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have.
Worship of Jesus is rather harmless and risk-free; actually following Jesus changes everything. — © Richard Rohr
Worship of Jesus is rather harmless and risk-free; actually following Jesus changes everything.
Following Jesus in faith is to walk with him in the communion of the Church. You cannot follow Jesus alone.
The mighty and supreme Jesus, who was to transfigure all humanity by his divine wit and grace-this Jesus has flown.
Something I'd like to be perfect at? ... Loving you,' I said. The words climbed from my mouth. 'I'd want to be perfect at loving you.
How can you stop people from loving each other? How can you get upset about loving?
Loving yourself, is loving the universe.
When I contrast the loving Jesus, comprehending all things in his ample and tender charity, with those who profess to bear his name, marking their zeal by what they do not love, it seems to me as though men, like the witches of old, had read the Bible backward, and had taken incantations out of it for evil, rather than inspiration for good.
If Jesus is on Tim Curran's side and Occy is Jesus, who gets to win?
Single parents, I testify that as you do your very best in the most difficult of human challenges, heaven will smile upon you. Truly you are not alone. Let the redemptive, loving power of Jesus Christ brighten your life now and fill you with the hope of eternal promise. Take courage. Have faith and hope. Consider the present with fortitude and look to the future with confidence.
There is no slave out of heaven like a loving woman; and of all loving women, there is no such slave as a mother.
If you look at the life of Jesus, that's an example of true worship. You know look at the stories, if you want to learn about real worship read Matthew through John. Seriously. You just read it and you will see the true level. You see when Jesus is in the boat and the storm comes when it comes and the winds are blowing and Jesus is sleeping in the boat and the disciples are freaking out. And Jesus wakes up and says "What you guys got is a problem, no?" and he commands the seas to be calm that's true worship.
I think there's a big difference between loving someone out of duty and dependency and loving someone because you really are able to sort of grow and be whole in the context of that relationship.
Whoever wishes to meet Jesus must meet him in places where brothers and sisters of Jesus are hungry, thirsty, naked, unwanted, sick or in prison. Whoever keeps himself distant from these places remains distant from Jesus.
Nowadays we don't think much of a man's love for an animal; we laugh at people who are attached to cats. But if we stop loving animals, aren't we bound to stop loving humans too?
So she had to satisfy herself with the idea of love - loving the loving of things whose existence she didn't care at all about. Love itself became the object of her love. She loved herself in love, she loved loving love, as love loves loving, and was able, in that way, to reconcile herself with a world that fell so short of what she would have hoped for. It was not the world that was the great and saving lie, but her willingness to make it beautiful and fair, to live a once-removed life, in a world once-removed from the one in which everyone else seemed to exist.
If loving God with all our heart and soul and might is the greatest commandment, then it follows that not loving Him that way is the greatest sin. — © R. A. Torrey
If loving God with all our heart and soul and might is the greatest commandment, then it follows that not loving Him that way is the greatest sin.
Loving someone has great benefits. There is admiration, learning, attraction and something which, for the want of a better word, we call happiness. In loving someone, we become inspired to better ourselves in every way. We learn the true worthlessness of material things. We celebrate being human. Loving is good for the soul... You will also find that it is no great tragedy if your love is not reciprocated. You are not doing it to be loved back. Its value is to inspire you.
Give other Christians permission to be different from you. You're not the only Christ-follower in the world, and neither are you the most committed. Your way of loving Jesus is neither the only way for the best. If you don't know that, your Christian world is way too small.
As we seek the Lord's help and in His strength, we can gradually reduce the disparity between what we say and what we do, between expressing love and consistently showing it, and between bearing testimony and steadfastly living it. We can become more diligent and concerned at home as we are more faithful in learning, living, and loving the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jesus represents a point of common ground an esteemed rabbi to the Jew, a god to the Hindu, an enlightened one to the Buddhist, a great prophet to the Muslim. Even to the New Age guru, Jesus is the pinnacle of God-consciousness. At the same time, Jesus is the divider. None but Christians see Him as a member of the Godhead on an exclusive mission to repair the broken world.
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